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Excess is followed by collapse - learning from history : Comments
By Valerie Yule, published 30/3/2012The history of empires and nations has been that excess is followed by collapse. How can we avoid the same fate?
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Why does Bonmot insist that:
<< “Anyone who thinks Australia’s carbon tax/ETS has something to do with controlling Earth’s temperature is just plain wrong, or stupid – take your pick.”>>
If this is an example of the best non-sceptical thinking (re AGW) there’s little wonder why they’re losing it (in every sensed of the word!).
Bonmot seems want us to believe that the carbon tax is simply about “transitioning” to alternate energy sources.
But why the mad rush towards transitioning?
Ah! maybe it’s because of peak oil: you know, we might run out and that would be reeeal bad. But ,no, we have enough coal to last for hundreds of years. Then we have shale oil for another hundred years. And the latest fad is natural gas which adds still hundred of years more. So it can’t be simply about transitioning to avoid peak oil, or peak coal, or peak anything else!
As I recall it, there used to be in consensusing non-sceptical circles a proposition that we needed to wean ourselves off fossil fuels because they produced prodigious amounts of greenhouse gasses and these greenhouse gasses were complicit in the warming of the Earth [ and if we didn’t act real soon –depending which non-sceptic you listened to-- the sea level would rise by six metres (at low tide) or, the dams would all dry-up] and the best way to mitigate temperature increases was to transition to alternative sources of energy.
And our present flopsies in Canberra share the non-sceptics faith. (they must, they’ve attended everyone of the non-sceptics hoedowns from Copenhagen to Durban) So you don’t have to be a Sherlock Holmes to work-out that they just might have thought far enough ahead to see our transitioning to non-fossil fuels as doing *something* about ameliorating the warming trend, however feeble & foolhardy.
But the real mystery is why would Bonmot not want us to see the connection? perhaps he just cannot connect the dots that far ahead -- yep it figures!