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Christopher Hitchens: the epitome of atheism : Comments

By David Nicholls, published 18/12/2011

To die without illusions is to die a strong man.

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@Ammonite: Deleted for trying to discuss moderation decisions plus abuse.

That's a shame. I read your post this morning, but was busy. Now that I have time to respond I see it is gone.

I wasn't aware CJ has passed away, although now I look I see it was discussed at the time. Very sad news. CJ and I disagreed vehemently on some things, and CJ didn't hold back in putting his point of view. In my mind that made CJ one of the better sparring partners I had on OLO. It was a shock to see you say he has left us.

For me the weird thing about the feud between GY and and CJ wasn't the passion of the feud itself, it was that in the end despite CJ's endless railing at GY's moderation decisions he kept coming back, subjecting himself to it, suspension after suspension, ultimately sneaking back after being banned. I wonder how CJ rationalised this to himself? He hated the process, yet could not resist what it created.

To me, this makes CJ one of GY's most passionate fans. The poignant thing is that now, even after CJ's death, neither man seems to realise it.
Posted by rstuart, Friday, 30 December 2011 9:20:13 PM
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moderation...carries its own moderators...
if moderate....its perfect...[thats why cj came back]

but lets not distract from our ch
and hope no more leave

paul..quote..'''He also blames the Bible..
for inspiring homophobia,""

lol....sepperation of the sexes
where all nuns are married to god[or to jesus]
not the same thing...or woman not allowed at sacred cerimonies

or maybe sodd-um and gormora?
anyhow feel free to name
i will try to explain

""well then he missed some things

corporal punishment and environmental degradation.""

scape goating?

god dont punish[nor order/decree]
anyone to be punished...this is the perversion of man

the chirst saidc leave the wheat grow with the tares
[he didnt say kill them..he didnt say send them to jail for being poor...the guy mixes up his bias...into a fixated blind hate of the text's

tell us
what text[specificly]
validates..the error

""Literal believers in the Bible..have
*caused great human suffering""

im presuming thats used figorativly....

ignorannce of the bible [koran/magdavita...etc] excusable
but not ignorance of the good [god]..who sustains living

re environt-mental degradation
gen 1;20-25...founded the trust
gen 1;26...appointed the trustee serve
the common weal[wealth]..common *trust

noting 1;27..!
[note the absence of the rib?

he them says to THEM*
'subdue'...not destroy
not own..not exploite...

note specificly..29-30
[thats re the wikiseed/wikigeld..rev 22
based on the seed of exodust..31-40]

noting 40
[was found by the the 70's
in the hunter river...[that was joined to namoi river
[meaning in language 'river of life']..govt gave each of

we share in total...everything
for everyone...none to say you cant be here
so we are...and come back as soon as we can...can even change name

was hitckinds his real name
or just a quality i my bias?

its the vibe
yep its just the vibe
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 December 2011 8:35:40 AM
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Good people of OLO. This is my one and only post on this thread.

Thank you all for expressing your opinions concerning the death of Christopher Hitchens.

May I leave you with a New Year’s message and feel free to accept or reject it. After all, it is your life.

It would not be difficult to imagine that Hitch thought that the following was a reasonable way of thinking.

Happy New Year to the religious and irreligious alike.


What does it gain a person to believe a particular delusion for her or his whole life, when if not true, will never be known.

It is far better to put delusion aside and if wrong, face the alleged consequences and at least know this course was wrong instead of wasting the only life you will ever have, and never know.
Posted by Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc, Saturday, 31 December 2011 5:52:25 PM
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one could go on denying their Creator all their life hoping in vain they won't have to pay the price for their actions. Thankfully Christ has provided forgiveness for all those willing to turn from their self righteousness and receive eternal life. Who would you believe? Hitchens or Christ Himself. One will be shortley forgotton the other will reign forever and ever. Have a blessed new year!
Posted by runner, Saturday, 31 December 2011 6:11:50 PM
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Dear runner,

After life there is nothing. That's it. Finito. Kaput. The end. That's all for both of us. I face reality. You don't. However, it really doesn't matter. We will both be dead.

Happy New Year. I am glad to be alive and hope you are also glad to be alive.
Posted by david f, Saturday, 31 December 2011 7:42:47 PM
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i know its futile..epitone..meaning as it does
but lets egsamin the perfect egsemplars

the casual a-thiest..miss/quote..

""What does it gain a believe a particular delusion
for her or his whole life,..when if not true,..will never be known.""

yet if true the holder of the absurdity
must live eternity knowing they were too self obsessed
to notice..its truth..[hear its cautionings]

if im wrong..i will never know it
if your wrong you will well recall it..for eternity

""It is far put delusion aside
and if wrong,..face the alleged consequences""

why reject gods inherant goodness his grace his mercy
HE want nuthin...asks nuthin..expects nuthin

to reject the church/religeon...and insane calling
has nuthin to do with god[at least you so sure..should have valid proofs..of your denialist complicity..but sadly not..!

""and at least know..this course was wrong""

works both ways ol mate

""instead of wasting the only will ever have, never know.""....?

your not saying nuthin
so clearly you dont know

david..quote...""After life there is nothing.""

present the science proof ol mate...!

""That's it...Finito...Kaput...The end."""

lol...ok so you believe...but mate what PROOF?

""That's all..for both of us...""...?

""I face reality...You don't."""

shortage of fact noted

""However, really doesn't matter...We will both be dead.""

so you

based on what..a few quotes..
from a think pure lie?


""Happy New Year...I am glad to be alive
and hope you are also glad to be alive.""

i could take it or leave it
but cghose to live it,..[for now]
i wish there was an end..but know there is no end

[energy...[cant be created
nor destroyed] with the science fact's
not athiest hope/dreams/delusions...

fact free stupor
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 December 2011 10:22:24 PM
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