The Forum > Article Comments > Pornography: Who’s sleeping with whom? > Comments
Pornography: Who’s sleeping with whom? : Comments
By Helen Pringle, published 8/9/2011Locating the political, civic and equity impact of recent pornography debate.
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Much porn DOES create unrealistic expectations of the viewer. For example, R0bert thinks most porn empowers women - either he doesn't watch very much or has his eyes closed ;D
However, what about the unrealistic expectations created by women's romance novels - you know the bodice rippers with bare chested men in ripped frilly shirts on the cover (on a horse of course)? Do these depict real men (or real women)? Don't think so. OK, at least men aren't depicted with their bums in the air in a group fvck - but should little girls be allowed to read Barbara Cartlandesque novels? I don't think so. But I don't like to think of my 14 year old nephew watching a woman being urinated on either.
I did check on your link to "Big Porn Inc" and who should be the editors? None other than Abigail Bray and Melinda Tankard-Reist who are, I believe, of the oooh sex, oooh "vapours" variety of anti-porn activist.
For you edification (please be aware of profane language before watching):
I have had lovers who have turned off the porn because they found it too OTT. Of course, what they do when not with a real woman is best left to themselves.
With the exceptions of nutters, who have already started posting here, most men can tell the difference between real sex and sexploitation.