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The Forum > Article Comments > Pornography: Who’s sleeping with whom? > Comments

Pornography: Who’s sleeping with whom? : Comments

By Helen Pringle, published 8/9/2011

Locating the political, civic and equity impact of recent pornography debate.

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Much porn DOES create unrealistic expectations of the viewer. For example, R0bert thinks most porn empowers women - either he doesn't watch very much or has his eyes closed ;D

However, what about the unrealistic expectations created by women's romance novels - you know the bodice rippers with bare chested men in ripped frilly shirts on the cover (on a horse of course)? Do these depict real men (or real women)? Don't think so. OK, at least men aren't depicted with their bums in the air in a group fvck - but should little girls be allowed to read Barbara Cartlandesque novels? I don't think so. But I don't like to think of my 14 year old nephew watching a woman being urinated on either.

I did check on your link to "Big Porn Inc" and who should be the editors? None other than Abigail Bray and Melinda Tankard-Reist who are, I believe, of the oooh sex, oooh "vapours" variety of anti-porn activist.

For you edification (please be aware of profane language before watching):


I have had lovers who have turned off the porn because they found it too OTT. Of course, what they do when not with a real woman is best left to themselves.

With the exceptions of nutters, who have already started posting here, most men can tell the difference between real sex and sexploitation.
Posted by Ammonite, Thursday, 8 September 2011 10:44:30 AM
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Sorry, can't be bothered clicking the link if it's more of what was in that article.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 8 September 2011 11:02:01 AM
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Well I can guarantee that there is plenty of Gay Porn out in the world, and I definitely do not feel 'victimized' or 'objectified' by men who like to look at images of other men in positions intended only to entertain the reader.

End of debate, really.
Posted by King Hazza, Thursday, 8 September 2011 11:03:51 AM
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Knee-jerk reaction? Much.

My link is to one that claims Romance Novels are worse than porn.

Cheers m'dear.


You're not offended by gay porn, so that means women aren't demeaned by straight porn? How sweet and simplistic.
Posted by Ammonite, Thursday, 8 September 2011 11:25:18 AM
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I'm not sure how we can have a truthful debate about pornography when it's framed as an exclusively heterosexual activity.

Framing it as such justifies the gender arguments, but these are undermined when gay porn is included in the discussion.

A similar thing happens when domestic violence is framed as an exclusively heterosexual event. Viewing these issues solely through the gender lens restricts our understanding, and therefore our ability to address the problems.

If we are to envision pornography as a civil rights matter then how can we justify excluding gay porn? Surely we aren't going to attempt to argue that gay porn doesn't hurt boys and men like heterosexual porn hurts girls and women?
Posted by briar rose, Thursday, 8 September 2011 11:26:05 AM
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The rights of adults to be perverts over ride the dignity of human being and the safety of kids. Its amazing how so many caught in their own lusts will deny reality in order to preserve their right to feed their lusts. Millions of woman are now subjected to perverted behaviour as men and woman feed and then what to act out their learned behaviour. No wonder the suicide rate among teenagers is so high. Then again don't expect an honest look at this. We would rather blame homophobia or climate change rather than face up to the obvious.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 8 September 2011 11:37:38 AM
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