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The Forum > Article Comments > Pornography: Who’s sleeping with whom? > Comments

Pornography: Who’s sleeping with whom? : Comments

By Helen Pringle, published 8/9/2011

Locating the political, civic and equity impact of recent pornography debate.

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'What would "good" porn look like? '

What does good food taste like? What does good music sound like? It depends on the individual. The point is there should be no arbiter of such.

I get the feeling the feminist authors who critique pornography have done their 'research' by going into some dodgy DVD shop and buying titles like The Penetrator with an actor with a Terminator eye. That kind of pulp.

It's akin to someone lamenting food, and saying it's all unhealthy and tastes like crap, but they do their research on this wide ranging topic of food, by going to Maccas and KFC.

Doesn't mean Maccas and KFC are all bad either, I sometimes eat them.

Everything has it's place, the point is why does the feminist assume to be the arbiter of what is suitable male fantasy. That very act is an attempt to define what should turn men on, which is basically an attemnpt to define male sexuality in their own narrow (and female) vision, aggressively controlling mens fantasy and turning into some kind of thought crime.

There is no corresponding innitiative to ensure womens sexual fantasy is acceptable to men. Many men find Mills and Boon as distasteful as women find aggressive domineering porn. SO they read other things. Men, in general, have decided women like overblown romantic cheezy crap, and they leave them to it. Women could do the same for men who like agressive gang bang porn.

Women in relationships could be said to act out this soap opera pulp at a similar rate to men attempting to immitate their favourite porno. But both men and women have equal opportunity to assert and express what they want from a sexual/romantic relationship. Why do we assume women are victims to mens sexual tastes (supposedly corrupted by porn) but men are not victims to womens romantic tastes (corrupted by Home and Away)

Anyway, as I said and as SilverInCanberra has alluded to, the x-rated DVD porn market is on the brink anyway.

PS: Degrading is also subjective and how many rom-coms are 'far-fetched'.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 2:43:17 PM
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By "good porn" I'm referring to pornography that people like Helen Pringle would find acceptable. As I think I remember saying earlier, I don't think the article puts up a convincing argument for why the concept of pornography is bad - only that some forms of it - ie those that depict women in unedifying situations - are toxic. But that doesn't necessarily have to be the case... and I wonder whether anti-porn activists might receive some level of frission from sexually explicit material that gets its eroticism from the emotional realm rather than the physical. Presumably these people have some sort of sex drive?

In any case, subtle, nuanced pornography strikes me as far more tasteful and powerful than what you normally get. Of course taste is subjective, but that doesn't mean the subject isn't capable of educating and improving their tastes.
Posted by Sam Jandwich, Wednesday, 14 September 2011 9:31:00 AM
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