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The great Australian survey : Comments

By Andrew Leigh, published 10/8/2011

Why did the census ask about religion for 100 years, but only ask consistently about income from 1976?

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cont'd ...

An accurate Census count will help people
get the services they need. Sporting facilities,
education, health services are all planned
using Census information so we need everyone
in their households counted.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 11 August 2011 11:52:46 AM
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"electoral roles,banks, insurance companies, local councils,
service providers, postal services, credit companies,
Medicare, hospital records, and the list goes on".

Those sources do not have the information asked for in the census; if they did there would not be a need for a census.

The census collectors would have a great deal of trouble accessing the sources you list. The only way to ensure Ms/Mr Nosy Parker does not access one's private information is to not fill in the form.

The fact that truly does remain is the claim the census is "completely private and protected by law" is nonsense - the type of spin I'd expect from a politician or a bureaucrat.
Posted by L.B.Loveday, Thursday, 11 August 2011 12:57:22 PM
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Dear L.B. Loveday,

It actually isn't spin as you seem to think.

You should Google the ABS - Census 2011
- privacy and confidentiality section.

The facts are as follows:

1) The Census & Statistics Act (1905) guarantees
privacy and confidentiality and legally binds
all ABS staff (including temporary employees
working during the Census) never to release
personal information to any individual or organisation
outside of the ABS.

2) The Act provides heavy penalties (fines up to
$13,200 or imprisonment for 2 years or both) for
anybody breaching this obligation even if they're no
longer employed by the ABS.

BTW: The ABS destroys all name-identified Census
information after statistical processing has been completed.
The information you provide to the ABS remains confidential to
the ABS. No information is released in a way that would
enable users of the Census data to identify any particular
individual or household.

Organisations and government departments and direct
marketing companies cannot have access to personal
information from the Census.

Those are the facts. However, what you choose to believe Sir,
is out of my hands. I'm simply providing you with the facts.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 11 August 2011 2:38:11 PM
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The Census & Statistics Act (1905) guarantees.
there flies another herd of pink elephants.
Posted by individual, Friday, 12 August 2011 6:03:55 AM
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"You should Google the ABS - Census 2011 - privacy and confidentiality section".

I have a hard copy of the relevant legislation, so why you suggest I SHOULD Google is beyond me.

I defer to Individual - "there flies another herd of pink elephants".

My form has just been collected from under the door mat where it has been since being placed there 2+ weeks ago. My privacy has been maintained!
Posted by L.B.Loveday, Friday, 12 August 2011 4:29:11 PM
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Hats off to your wisdom.

BTW: I prefer donkeys to elephants.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 12 August 2011 7:55:54 PM
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