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The great Australian survey : Comments
By Andrew Leigh, published 10/8/2011Why did the census ask about religion for 100 years, but only ask consistently about income from 1976?
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Macedonian advocacy: >> Bulgaria and Greece who do not recognise the ethnic Macedonians in their census statistics. This is something that Dr. Andrew Leigh can take up with PM Gillard and Australia's foreign minister.Posted by Macedonian advocacy,<<
Macad, I am not being combative.
Why should Australia take up the internal issues of two other nations that are not humanitarian issues of them self but identity issues primarily to attain status as a lobby group. Perhaps the Greeks and Bulgars want a society that melds rather than a fifth column holding an old identity into further generations.
Why as a resident and perhaps a citizen of Australia do you take up an "identity" campaign outside Australia, the Macedonians want a say in Bulgaria or Greece perhaps and you are their agent here. If you feel so strongly fly over and protest directly, I don't give a tinkers cuss if the Macos are or are not on the Greek and Bulgars census. My advice is to not be a measurable minority, ask a Jew or Jewess if they are comfortable stating they are Jews on a census form or other public document, from experience these folks know that anonymity is best in the long run.