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Adding more Salt to the wounds of Gen Y : Comments

By Fiona Heinrichs, published 3/8/2011

Debating the past and the future with Bernard Salt.

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I understand your points of view perfectly, I just don't accept them.
I don't see the quest for knowledge as having an end point, that's closed system thinking, think wide sky.
Fact:White people don't do scarcity, we don't run out of resources and we don't starve.
When the next energy source is rolled out it'll already be obsolete, when we get to hear about these things they're already over with.

Ditto the current closed system in which we live, the fact that all over the world people of all races are beginning to say that the petro oligarchy is done for means that it's well over with, they've had it, kaput, c'est fini.

We're heading toward endgame in somebody's world, but it's not ours, we're going to survive and we're going to get presents.
Maybe you'll wake up one morning and a big light bulb will have gone on over Africa and they'll start steaming ahead, or some Black Atilla will sweep across the continent and unify it into a superpower.
Always be ready to amazed.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 6 August 2011 11:50:55 AM
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Coorangreeny writes "Hydrogen, BTW, is not a fuel".

Well Coorangreeny, you'd better sit down because this might come as a bit of a surprise.

Try this little bit of text lifted out of the old Wikipedia - Hydrogen fuel is: "An ecologically-friendly fuel which uses electrochemical cells or combusts in internal engines to power vehicles and electric devices. It is also used in the propulsion of spacecraft and can potentially be mass produced and commercialized for passenger vehicles and aircraft".

Shocking, isn't it?

And BTW, the major by-product of combustion of this (not) fuel, is water vapour! Yep, everyday ordinary simple water vapour. But wait, that's not the end of the horror - water vapour is THE major predominant greenhouse gas! Ergo, if you're a true greeny - and you'd better listen up here too Gen Y - then naturally, that would make it a nasty pollutant along with that other horrid stuff, carbon dioxide.

Who would ever have thought that those lovely puffy white clouds in the sky were really filthy pollution like carbon dioxide?

What can you say?

So much for those scientific "the science is settled" brigade.

It really does makes you wonder.
Posted by voxUnius, Sunday, 7 August 2011 8:33:43 AM
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voxUnius yes it does make you wonder. It makes me wonder how the human race has ever got this far.
Yes water vapour is a greenhouse gas but unlike C02 and methane it does not hang around for centuries. It is also quite good at reflecting the sun's heat back into outer space so its impact as a green house gas is quite minimal.
As for hydrogen being a fuel yes it is a fuel but with our current technology to convert it into a safe usable fuel we need to use some rare earth's to act as a catalyst this in turn means that the idea of a switch to hydrogen technology is unlikely to get us out of the woods.
Until we face up to the reality that a business as usual approach is not going to work then all we have is doomsday scenarios - however, an approach that enables us to make the transition to a low energy zero carbon world does offer some hope for the future but perhaps too many of us have been conceived in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Posted by BAYGON, Sunday, 7 August 2011 5:05:27 PM
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There is also the unfortunate fact, that it takes more energy to produce hydrogen than you finish up with, so why bother?

It is a non-starter in the vehicle propulsion stakes, as everyone knows. Well maybe not quite everyone.
Stay in after school the slow learners.
Posted by sarnian, Sunday, 7 August 2011 7:59:38 PM
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Whilst hydrogen is a fuel, it is not an energy source. It is an energy carrier. On this planet it has to be produced rather than simply tapped and then consumed. That process consumes a significant proportion of the energy available from the resultant fuel. That's a serious problem very often underestimated by optimistic folk who think we'll just move onto a new energy platform as oil runs out.

Also hydrogen has all sorts of other practical, energy consuming problems like being enormously corrosive, needing incredible pressurisation to liquid form which creates really low storage temperatures and containment problems. As a gas it requires large storage volume per unit of energy. And its molecularly really small making it tend to leak out everywhere, a behavior that is further assisted by its corrosive effect.

And so on.
Don't hold your breath waiting for the hydrogen economy to arrive.
Posted by wallumi, Sunday, 7 August 2011 9:43:14 PM
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So basically you guys want to fail, you're investing in our failure.
This is where your White guilt and lack of self esteem have lead you.
I could throw out any number of alternatives, Zero Point Energy, Nuclear Fusion etc but you'd just say NO! WE MUST FAIL! WE HAVE TO FAIL OR ELSE WE"LL BE SEEN AS RACISTS!
Down on your knees self hating Whites! An Inferiority complex is not a soul and guilt is a useless emotion.

NB: This is a picture of a woman begging forgiveness for slavery and segregation, you guys might as well go and start begging for Africans forgiveness because you're "Hope deniers" and you're going to let them starve.... chop chop, you have a lot of hands to clasp.
BTW, Third worlders are the the world's premier White Supremacists, go and ask the kids sitting in the dust on the Kenyan border, waiting for the Hercules to land.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 7 August 2011 10:38:39 PM
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