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Adding more Salt to the wounds of Gen Y : Comments

By Fiona Heinrichs, published 3/8/2011

Debating the past and the future with Bernard Salt.

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The decision as to whether to have children or not may no longer be a personal decision before long. Latest news is that all natural resources are in such a state of decline that, in order to avert total disaster in the form of ecosystem collapse or famine, we may need to reduce population rapidly by means of a one-child policy everywhere. Some credible analysts say the only long-term population that the world can sustain is 100 million. That will require a one-child policy for a century at least. There are difficult times ahead - Fiona Heinrichs recognises this but Bernard Salt does not.
Posted by popnperish, Thursday, 4 August 2011 5:47:54 PM
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Jules Verne was dreaming of manned powered flight in the 1860's, 40 years later his dream came true.
In 1901 H.G Wells was dreaming of a flight to the moon, 60 years later his dream came true.
In 1983 William Gibson was fantasising about the internet and virtual reality, his fantasies have become reality.
There are a LOT of White people who want to help the people of the Third world, they dream big dreams about it all the time.
See we overcame scarcity about 10,000 years ago, now we are motivated solely by the desire to make the world a better place.
The people who look like us but have no loyalty to us run amok, turning things upside down wherever they go, that's unnatural, they're what we call "Pink Rabbits".
You have all your little Brown, Black, White,and Asian Rabbits...then these psycho Pink ones who are trying to wipe us all out...they're Pink because that's a really unnatural colour for a Rabbit.

Today I read an amusing article about a Swedish guy who was trying to build a little nuclear reactor in his kitchen, the amazing thing was he didn't contaminate his apartment with radioactive material.
If you've got White folks building aircraft in their bicycle workshops and trying to set off nuclear reactions in their kitchens....well you're not dealing with "normal" human beings, we're something special.
White people will find a way to provide a life of plenty for all.

To the people who seem so pleased about their lack of Grandchildren, that's a selfish stand to take...think of all the Africans those kids could support.
What the world needs is more White babies not less, who is going to pay taxes to support all those refugees in their old age?.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 4 August 2011 7:50:04 PM
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Are you sure they have said 100 million? If so, how long-term are we talking? According to estimates, our world has had a population of 100 million or more for over 2,500 years:

Now, to reduce our population to 100 million in a century seems like an optimistic timeframe (or a remarkably pessimistic one, alternatively). Playing with the following calculator:
the magic number (based on a current world population of 6.945 billion, close enough to the US government's estimate) is a population growth rate of -0.041520889. That is, an annual decline of 4.1520889%. Even then, we end up with 3 over quota, at 100,000,003 people on the planet.

I don't know that a one child policy could produce such results. Poorly implemented though it has been, China's one child policy only managed to reduce the fertility rate to about 1.5 children per woman ( We might have to do some culling.
Posted by Otokonoko, Thursday, 4 August 2011 8:22:39 PM
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White people treat self sufficiency and alternative energy as a hobby.
White people make bicycle powered televisons, composting toilets and permaculture gardens just for fun, or just to see if they can do it.
When there was a water "crisis" a few years ago White people were bragging to each other about how they were only showering every second day and only flushing their toilets when the pong became too much.
Only white people treat environmental sustainability as a hobby or a game, because we "don't do scarcity", we're the creative race who can turn sunlight into electricity and sand into glass.
If you're living amongst people who can turn sand into glass just for something to do, you're never going to go hungry.

Africans and Chinese and Indians don't need oil and get by on scant resources as it is, are they going to suffer?
Africans don't need Aircon and Landcruisers, if they did they'd have invented them.

So nobody is going to suffer from resource scarcity. Worst case scenario:White people will still have all their technology, we'll live in sustainable and selff sufficient communities while the others will still be living the way they do now or they'll go back to farming and herding.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 4 August 2011 11:32:52 PM
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Jay...... Africans may not need "Aircon and Landcruisers", but they sure as hell need FOOD! And your assertion that "Africans and Chinese and Indians don't need oil" is only half right, because the latter two sure use their share. China is now the world's second consumer of oil and the biggest consumer of coal. China is also now a nett importer of food. They are losing topsoil at such an alarming rate that they are securing farmland all over the world, even here in Australia.

As our ability to grow our own food becomes really hard (Australia is on target to be 100% out of oil by 2020, and I remind you that 90% of supermarket food calories come from fossil fools), exactly how will we send aid to Africa?

And I can tell you, we here do NOT treat sustainability as a hobby... it's a full time job.
Posted by Coorangreeny, Friday, 5 August 2011 8:59:33 AM
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Jay Of Melbourne:
You would have gone down well in 1930s Germany.
I wonder why there is wide spread starvation in parts of Africa right now when: “Africans and Chinese and Indians don't need oil and get by on scant resources as it is, are they going to suffer? Nope”

I think that as well as being a white racist; you are also a shade blind.

Fiona Heinrichs s a brilliant, insightful person who is telling it like it really is and not the way some Dinosaurs would like it to be.
Posted by sarnian, Friday, 5 August 2011 9:42:57 AM
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