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Measuring Australia's response to international climate change legislation : Comments
By Jo Coghlan, published 5/7/2011Most countries in the Anglosphere are moving on pricing carbon, whatever their electors think.
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Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 1:53:55 PM
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chris, that's just government picking winners again .. probably the worst people to be investors in technology.
They will do what they did here, waste money to appease the loudest minority, invest in rubbish but popular schemes, hot rocks springs to mind. Subsidize solar and wind .. instead of building truly carbon free power generators, Nuclear. They will waste the money since it is not truly the technology they are chasing it is popularity. Posted by rpg, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 3:27:34 PM
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rpg, you could be right.
My main opposition to the carbon tax is that it will be introduced without a popular mandate. It pisses me off that political parties can promise one thing, then do another. Labor should have the guts to make it the issue of the next election. Then, if they won, they could indeed claim some legitimate mandate. This is a view I put to some anti-carbon tax protestors in Canberra, and they agreed they would accept the umpire's decision (that being the democratic process). When I ask left-wing professors about this, one told me that it does not matter if their is or is not a people's mandate. Can you believe that from a lefty? I often wonder who is more in tune with the people; from this debate, I would argue it is the Coalition as the lefties and Labor appear to give little regard to the outcome of public debates. I will be amazed if Labor gets out of this mess. Even if it does, it has provided a shameful act that defies the democratic nature of public debate and democracy. Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 3:58:19 PM
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Herbert Stencil said: "They say that Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant. Not so. It is NOT a registered pollutant. And nor is Carbon. Why lie about it?"
Don't waste your breath, I've said as much many times on this Forum only to be howled down by a few ideologues who, bizarrely, are convinced that it is. One even claimed science qualifications. Its truly a sad state of affairs when a person who has studied science can believe that CO2 is a pollutant, yet its true. Then I found out that the AGW movement had redefined the meaning of the word pollutant to suit their own cause. Its quite scary, really. Posted by Atman, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 4:06:19 PM
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Joh you are dead wrong on this one.Carbon Dioxide is not increasing temperatures.Go outside tomorrow and look at the Sun.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 8:17:43 PM
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For all the supposed action by countries with ETS's and carbon taxes, the trend in CO2 is up and up: see . It seems that their efforts, like Gillard's and her Green coalition partners, are exercises in futility, even stupidity. A global problem requires an effective global solution.
With ozone depletion and CFC's we had a convincing cause and effect. Hence there was a global agreement to phase them out. Despite that there hasn't been much sign of the ozone hole recovering. With climate, our observational record is so miniscule that it takes decades, even centuries to be sure that there is any change. Is it any wonder there is reluctance by many to take any action. It is more likely CO2 emissions will only start declining when the fossil fuels are exhausted, or some catastrophe decimates human kind. Perhaps global warming, if indeed it is caused by humans, won't be so bad as some make out. Antarctica, for example, is a large continent that may become habitable. Posted by Robert__, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 9:25:25 PM
tax is low at $15 a tonne, and intended to generate a technology fund.
Here is an article on the Alberta situation, although Jan. 2010.