The Forum > Article Comments > Measuring Australia's response to international climate change legislation > Comments
Measuring Australia's response to international climate change legislation : Comments
By Jo Coghlan, published 5/7/2011Most countries in the Anglosphere are moving on pricing carbon, whatever their electors think.
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I took the trouble to look at the policy she criticises, and found that:
- the policy does not so much as mention the idea of 'hate crime';
- the policy acknowledges that not all DV is perpetrated by women.
However, the policy states that 'domestic and family violence and sexual assault ... are gendered crimes – that is they have an unequal impact on women'. Does Ms Wilson deny this?
To deny that the great majority of DV crimes are committed against women is simply dishonest.To try to address violence against women without understanding the history of unequal gender relations in our society would be a complete waste of time.
None of this is to argue that there should not also be action against all forms of violence, in the home or elsewhere.