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The Forum > Article Comments > Gender equality in Australia – what are the issues? > Comments

Gender equality in Australia – what are the issues? : Comments

By Rose Espinola, published 1/7/2011

It is in our best interests to ensure that we continually make progress towards gender equality.

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What a Useless word "Equality" is when we are individuals each with unique DNA.

I think there must be a chromozone (or other biological gizmo) deficiency in some folk, which causes them to fixate on "Equality"

"Equality" is not only an "impossible dream", it is also a "Pointless Dream"

Be it

Gender Equality, Racial Equality or

Individual Equality - which is what it ultimately comes down to

Affirmative Action has been a failure across the USA

Margaret Thatcher rightly said

"When all the objectives of government include the achievement of equality - other than equality before the law - that government poses a threat to liberty."

and Margaret Thatcher is one Lady who is also on record for observing:

She owed nothing to Womens Lib

So we live, thirty years after the UK elected its first Female Prime Minister, longest serving UK Prime Minister in 150 years and we live with a female prime minister here in Australia (but hopefully not for long)

If a lady can achieve the highest of public office...

then whining about "Gender Equality" simply becomes all too silly for words.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 3 July 2011 11:28:01 AM
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Most men would agree with your' sentiments Col Rouge, because most men have nothing to whine about where equality is concerned.

Your comment on gender equality in politics, as represented by Margaret Thatcher and Julia Gillard, cannot go unchallenged though.

Democracy means equal influence (inclusive of the poor, rich, majority groups, minority groups, male, and female), yet most western democratic countries seem to continually vote in an all-male, all-white body of parliamentarians.

Doesn't sound very equal or democratic to me...
Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 4 July 2011 9:52:13 PM
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most western democratic countries seem to continually vote in an all-male, all-white body of parliamentarians.
surely many voters are feamle so why do they not vote for more females ? Is female intuition such that they know what's better for them ? You just have to look at Australia for the clearest example yet of what female dominated politics achieve. Just think back a little, Carmen Lawrence, Joan (in VIC), Cheryl Kernot, Bob Brown, Anna Bligh, Julia Gillard etc. Isn't that experience scary enough for you ? What more mismanagement do you need to happen before starting to think more sober ? May I suggest you consult the families in the beef industry & ask their opinion ? Or go back to WA under Lawrence & ask those pensioners who lost all of their Super ? But all fairness & due respect to the many sober thinking women who didn't vote for them.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 7:24:53 AM
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You appear to be making as many generalisations and assumptions around gender as those whom you criticise. But maybe I have misunderstood your last two posts.

Bottom line is people are individuals first and what happens to us is usually of our own making (barring the unforseen or unfortunate circumstances).

Why also need to take into consideration the needs of children when asking 'what are the issues?' Any parent will tell you their children are inviduals from birth and totally unique human beings. What works for some children won't for others, and we lose our humanity when policies are based around a one-size-fits-all mindset.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 4:56:53 PM
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children are inviduals from birth,
I agree but how can we get that fact across to those parents who lock their children into a religion before thy understand the concept of religion ?

we lose our humanity when policies are based around a one-size-fits-all mindset.

again pelican, this is where the notion of individual rights comes into play. We can't have individual rules for everyone but we can have rules for everyone to observe.
Just like the under-mentioned-much avoided rule of responsibility.
A well functioning society places the emphasis on society with respect for the individual & the other way round.
We don't presently have this mentality.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 5 July 2011 7:09:43 PM
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