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The fallacy of 'Retreat' for Coastal Zone Management : Comments

By Roger Welch, published 29/6/2011

The climate change ideologues have with a ‘science’ best understood by them, seized an agenda, and forced through legislation, which now threatens the homes and lifestyles of many Australians.

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Agnostic of Mittagong,

Can you please explain to me how global waring has this year caused the coldest northertn hemisphere winter in 100 years?
Can you please explain to me why we in Australia are experiencing our coldest start to winter and our earliest snows since the 1980's?

Do you realise that these cold temperatures will lower the average world temperatures this year and for a few years to come.

Rising average temperatures have been the cornerstone of your scientists arguments for warming.

Do you realise that if the lower temperatures continue for a year or two global warming according to your and your scientists logic will be replaced by global cooling?

Oh and please don't insult my intelligence by saying the current cold spells are an extreme weather event, that emissions are warming the oceans which in turn are melting the ice caps and are in turn causing the gulf stream and other currents to re-locate and that that is causing the cold weather.

That has happened for thousands of years. It's a natural occurance and nobody has quite worked out why. But one thing is certain though. It has occured ... often... mant times before the recent increase in CO2 emissions.

Once people realise the gigantic con you and your ilk have been sucked into and are continuing to try to foist onto the rest of us there will be a backlash.

It's something many warming alarmists are starting to fear. Just take a look at how few of them now contribute their views.

You are putting yourself out on a limb, mate.
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 29 June 2011 7:27:54 PM
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Oh and please tell me one, any one will do, of the thousands of low-lying islands across the globe that has sunk under rising sea levels?
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 29 June 2011 7:29:53 PM
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imajulianutter, unfortunately there DOES appear to have been some Islands that have sunk. See the following links.
Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 29 June 2011 10:41:07 PM
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1. Suzie a quick google on line shows a number of possible reasons for the sinking of Ghoramara Islands. The warmist alarmist report you cited is also from 2006 and very little has been reported since.

And oh really! The same report claims,

'As the seas continue to swell, they will swallow whole island nations, from the Maldives to the Marshall Islands, inundate vast areas of countries from Bangladesh to Egypt, and submerge parts of scores of coastal cities.'

and as that was 6 years ago and the doom hasn't arrived don't you think any claims they make might just be a tad sus?

2 Suzie the second article you reference opens with the following

'India and Bangladesh have been trying to snatch from each other a tiny landmass that first surfaced in the 1970s in the Bay of Bengal. It has resubmerged, an apparent casualty of climate change.'

Seriously please tell me that climate change, in particular global cooling, caused that island to surface in the '70's in the first place!


3 Suzie I must quote two parts of your third reference.

'Fishermen had indiscriminately and illegally mined invaluable coral reefs around the islets of Poomarichan and Villanguchalli for many decades. Rising sea level as a result of global warming was also a factor behind the islands’ submergence.'


'...these islets were only 3-5m (10-15 ft) above sea level,...'

Please tell me why the rest of the earths land mass under 15ft above sea level hasn't submerged. Or is global warming only causing the sea to rise in the Bay of Bengal excluding of course most of Bangladesh of which 80% is below 15 feet above sea level?

Sheeesh when will you and people like you realise that you cannot con people who actually think about what they read.

But thanks for the amusement. I like a good chuckle.

Can you explain why this winter is so cold?
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 30 June 2011 3:26:45 AM
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It is not necessary to believe that AGW is happening in order to be prudent and conservative about coastal management. My personal belief is that no waterfront land should be held privately, for reasons of equity of access, environmental, recreational and aesthetic considerations.

However, since that's not the case and is never likely to be, I think that Pericles' approach is eminently sensible. If people insist on building and otherwise developing in areas that are flood-prone or too close to the tidal zone, then they should carry the entirety if the cost and risk. We have to wear the cost of public infrastructure, but that's fair because everybody benefits from it.

@ imajulianutter: you may well think about what you read, but there's little evidence of much reading at all in what you've posted here. If you still don't know the difference between weather and climate, nor that the extreme weather events (in both directions) the planet's been experiencing are consistent with AGW models, then you either haven't read very much, or what you've been reading is rubbish. My advice to you is to read more and comment less, until you have some idea of what you're talking about.
Posted by morganzola, Thursday, 30 June 2011 8:43:32 AM
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Morganzola it's nice to be able to agree with you about something.

My property is river front. It's a pain, & expensive, when a flood takes my back fence, again, but I can see no reason why anyone else should have to contribute to replacing that fence, it is mine after all.

That is however, provided someone in some high rise somewhere does not expect to restrict my access to the water in my river, so it is available to be pumped to the high rise for them to use. I wouldn't mind sharing a bit, but it appears the city wants it all.

However old mate, you then go off the rails with your reference to the AGW literature. From your post I must assume you believe all the twaddle from the IPCC.

This is a pity, as even those that wrote the rubbish have so little faith in it that they have run for help. They know what they have written won't hold water, or they would not drag so many red herrings across the trail.

They would not have needed all the academics from the fairy floss disciplines, waffling on to get their message across, & they would not have to refuse to release their working details, it would all be self explanatory.

So sorry mate, that's one area where imajulianutta has more credibility than you.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 30 June 2011 10:15:38 AM
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