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Immigration: the political elephant in Canberra and Washington : Comments

By Jo Coghlan, published 13/6/2011

The US immigration story is different from Australia's but some political challenges are the same.

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Hey Jo, did you hear about the "Reconquistinada?"

There are now so many Hispanics in the USA, that the former Mexican president proposed that all US hispanics should be given dual citizenship with Mexico as a peacefull way for Mexico to "reconquer" the US. He only backed off when the US pointed out that such a scheme amounted to an act of war.

Multiculturalism is exctly like Socialism.. How many times does it need to fail before the "intelligent" Artz grad caste figure out that it is a bad idea? Like Socialism, multiculturalism is failing everywhere. It failed in France, Britain, Germany, Spain, Scandinavia, and even the super tolerant Dutch are starting to feel like Christian Scientists with appendicitus.

Just about every strife torn country in the world where they are all happily killing themselves is a multicultural sheetfight.

Importing poverty stricken people who hail from violent cultures is a recipe for disaster. Sydney today has become the Chicago of the Pacific, and most of the drug trafficking and handgun murders occur within the boundaries of the ghettoes noted for their high incidence of certain welfare dependent and crime prone immigrant groups.

It is not in the interests of the Australian people for this situation to continue.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 13 June 2011 12:56:33 PM
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Sadly much of what Lego says is correct.
I heard the current problems in Italy and Europe referred to as an invasion.
It is pretty difficult to deny that.

Next weeks ABC Landline has an item about food shortages and the risk
of millions of food refugees going in all directions.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 13 June 2011 2:47:10 PM
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I don't know if anyone else saw the excellent documentary on Louisiana based novelist James Lee Burke which was shown on the ABC recently.
Burke made some astute observations on Black/White relations in the American South.
Basically it's the psychological makeup of most White people to be accepting and trusting of people from other races on a one to one basis, but it's impossible to get them to accept the presence of others as a significant group within society.
He pointed out that Whites will hire Black or Mexican women as live in cooks and Nannies, they'll leave their precious Children in their care, even say that they regard. them as more trustworthy than Whites.
Yet, as soon as the proportion of non Whites in the community exceeded a certain number (30% seems usual) they began to be concerned , demand racial segregation and eventually relocate in what's termed "White Flight".
His ideas are borne out in countless examples in that country and across the traditionally White world, we're now seeing "White Flight" from "migrant" areas of Sydney and Melbourne.
Inner city White trendies, for all their "Free the refugees" posturing don't send their kids to Fitzroy primary or Debney Park secondary schools, they just don't.
Estimates vary but Australia is supposedly still around 85% White, when the numbers of my race drop below 70%(or rather if, there is no certainty in this scenario)then I'd expect to see White people of means emigrating to other parts of the world.
There will come a time, if things continue in this fashion where someone will send out the call for White settlers, just like they did in the past, and just as our ancestors did we'll embark in our millions to the next "New World".
The politicians have to decide whether they want a stable White majority population driving this country forward and maintaining a reasonable standard of living for all or a dwindling White economic elite overseeing a crumbling "Rainbow Nation" of sullen, disenfranchised people.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 13 June 2011 3:28:41 PM
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I think all races have an inbuilt tendency for racism.
The Japanese are a classic example, look at the way they treat Koreans.
Immigration is just not allowed in Japan.
The Chinese are much more racist, as they are from the "Central Kingdom".
Their history is much to blame for that.

What happens if you put a herd of Friesands and a herd of Jerseys in
the same paddock ?
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 13 June 2011 4:10:39 PM
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Bazz....what do you mean sadly?..LEGO is spot on with the evaluation. Its a bad investment in any one's language. To import damaged goods is asking for trouble. More of what i said, is on another thread, so I wont go any further.

"Importing poverty stricken people who hail from violent cultures is a recipe for disaster."

Posted by Quantumleap, Monday, 13 June 2011 4:18:27 PM
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Quantumleap said;
Bazz....what do you mean sadly?.
Well it is sad that we do have these problems but I believe it is the
nature of the beast and that we should take it into account.

My wife used to live in an area that is now a ghetto and we drove
through there recently and it now looks like a scungy Arab Quarter.

Sorry if that offends anyone, but thats it.
When police forces have to install "Middle Eastern Squads" that speaks
for itself. They catch the Middle Eastern car thiefs by parking on
the roads leading to the area and wait for them to pass with the
stolen to order cars on tow trucks. They are that predictable.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 13 June 2011 4:35:54 PM
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