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A tale of three missions : Comments

By Amanda Midlam, published 27/5/2011

Three separate but connected Aboriginal homes tell a more complex story about Australia's past.

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I had to wait 19 hrs to post again. Well, Aka is a term up north. Can you get that wise person to say a few more things ? It is very much on the nail. I suppose this is why we have difficulties in finding harmony because we all can & will exploit the underdog situation. Where I go frequently I only see Public Servants black & white doing zilch for very good conditions. The people have no say in anything except blaming everything on us even when their own leaders are known to be corrupt. The Public Servants can never do anything because of the system yet no-one has the jewels to recommend changing it. Years ago we made a very gradual progress but, as soon as Wayne Goss became Premier of Qld the graph started to tilt down & is still going down. Yes, beautiful infrastructure is provided but at what cost ? At both, financial & social & with every prospect for the future removed. It appears that Qld Labor wants indigenous communities to fail by removing all responsibility from them & making them utterly dependent. I recall Pat Killoran the Director of DAIA telling me that we must help the people in the communities to achieve self-management. He said that we're here to help them but no do things for them which they can do themselves. Well, Wayne Goss's policies put a stop to that & Beatty & Bligh are continuing this sad saga.
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 June 2011 8:13:48 AM
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Sorry individual,
when you mentioned Pat Killoran, you lost me. I met the man and know the word-on-the-ground about him. I could not repeat it on a forum such as this for legal reasons. Put simply Pat did not enjoy a good reputation on the ground - in fact his reputation was downright alarming. For your sake I hope you are not related to him.

If Pat Killoran told you what you state, he was playing make believe as he did the exact opposite.

The experience of the Joh Bjelke-Petersen era was paternalistic in the extreme, it undermined any illusion of people doing things for themselves. I could tell you tales from 1981 that simply should not have been happening, I could name names etc about how draconian Joh's reign was. I lived it, I saw family and friends being negatively affected by it. I will never be able to agree that this was some era of good times for Indigenous Queenslanders.

So, as you have evoked Pat Killoran and his colleages Joh and co as role models, I think we are destined to disagree
Posted by Aka, Friday, 3 June 2011 11:35:12 AM
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I ,as was Pat himself, am fully aware of his reputation. I, just as he did, could see the brainwashing of the remote communities by the then just emerging Labor hangers on. mind you, we didn't see them before DAIA put in airstrips & accommodation till they started to show up. I clearly recall Bob Scott promising the world but as soon as he realised he was going to be the new member he conveniently got too ill to continue thus not having to fulfill his promises. he then handed over to another incompetent who in turn handed over to the present incompetent. Bob however, wasn't too ill to be on the board of some energy outfit.
Under Killoran progress was very slow. This was due to the fact that he wanted the people to make progress at the pace that suited them & guess what, it actually worked. You'd be surprised how many of those who remember those days are saying how much more dignity they were afforded then. I recall standing at a school window when I heard the Principal say ,quote" tell your parents they must vote Labor" unquote. To prove to you that they're now sick of Labor & the lack of dignity just wait for the next election. Most of the communities now have no blue collar workers but plenty of bureaucrats. 99% of work done in communities is by outside contractors at huge cost to the taxpayer.
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 June 2011 2:40:48 PM
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Your timeline is somewhat out regarding Bob Scott, so it slurs your other accounts.

From your response I don't think you are aware of the word-on-the-ground as I was. Perhaps you are not aware of his reputation as I know it, because you don't sound like you are. I didn't hear it from labor stooges, as you suggest, but from first hand accounts.

Poor Pat was a legend only in his own mind - in others minds he was notorious, feared and loathed.
Posted by Aka, Friday, 3 June 2011 5:23:23 PM
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@ Aka
Re : “ I present an alternative view of history but only because it is not being heard”

Are you serious ?
What century are you living in ?

---Did you not read Amanda’s article—it’s all one-eyed . And that’s the standard fare at the Drum, Punch and Crikey.
--- Did you not see the distortions –highlighted by Lego -- in Rabbit Proof Fence? The film & book were a set study for high school students.
And you will find similar in most other dramatisations of European Aboriginal interactions.
---Have you not ever watched SBSs Living Black or listened to the ABCs Message Sticks or read the Koori Mail?

Now, tell me, again -- with a straight face-- that the your view of history is not being heard!

Sorry to break the news to you but you are NOT presenting an alternative view.
And despite all your nice sounding axioms about multiple points of view.
You are simply rehashing the official, state sanctioned & funded version.

@ Poirot
“Let’s face it” every group of humanity has exhibited similar “barbarism” –even (blasphemy, blasphemy !) indigenous groups.
But then, “Let’s face it” , there are far more brownie points to be had in harping on about European barbarism.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 3 June 2011 7:35:17 PM
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My point being that Europeans considered their conquests to be a civilising influence - the contradictory proposition, of course, is that they behaved barbarically in order to achieve it.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 3 June 2011 8:00:06 PM
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