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A tale of three missions : Comments

By Amanda Midlam, published 27/5/2011

Three separate but connected Aboriginal homes tell a more complex story about Australia's past.

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Lego:”Amanda even lets the word "genocide" drop, even hinting at "Concentration camps".”

Amanda said: “...this segregation was officially referred to as a Concentration Plan.”

That isn’t much of a hint. Where did you see “genocide”?

“The implication is clear. White Australians are Nazis. This hatred for their own race is an interesting sympton that afflicts people with Amandas mindset, and what environmental factors create this unfortunate condition is interesting to speculate upon.”

Lego that is just weird and then the insult. You really dislike anyone saying white people ever did anything wrong eh. So anyone who says that one race treated another race quite horribly is immediately labled racist – even if it is true? What if a race mostly thought it was for the other races good – this excuses all cruelties?

But then Spindoc agrees with you and then says we should all be deeply ashamed.

Lego:” The most significant aspect of Amandas tirade, is that nowhere does it concede that anything done by whites towards blacks was could have been done with good intentions.”

This was a tirade? She’s a bit crap at tirades then. And Spin wants a written out conclusion because without it information is meaningless but Amanda possibly has some hidden agenda... WEIRD.

Lego and Spin... please analyse this statement and tell me what emotion I am using, what my agenda is and please let me know if any word makes you think about Hitler:

“For a people, as for an individual, it is tragic to have ambitions and to lack both the means essential to their fulfillment and any hope of acquiring those means.”
Posted by Jewely, Saturday, 28 May 2011 5:47:19 PM
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FWIW Aka has also misrepresented LEGO's position.

As I read it, Lego was correcting the orthodoxy –which the articles writer uncritically panders to – that presents ALL white actions/policies as having malicious intent.

So what does Aka do? He spins it to make it sound that Lego is arguing there was NEVER ANY malicious deeds or intent .

Aka's effort might get five stars from ashes and sackcloth brigade -–but would hardly rate elsewhere.
Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 28 May 2011 6:18:55 PM
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…For those who doubt Australias has a history of genocide, why not try the enlightening path and google “genocide in Australia” and read with an open mind.

Below is a small extract: legal definition of genocide, namely Article II (a) to (e) of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948:

…In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

1. Killing members of the group;
2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

…Of course the biggest killer of the group was small pox. The fact is hugly interesting to me that the south coast and Monaro tribes were reduced in numbers from 11.000 to a mere 600 by this pathogen.

…The history, viewed from left right or centre, is, humanly speaking, one of immense sadness even to this day. To remain impassive and even hostile to their plight, as some here attest, is heartless at the least
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 28 May 2011 9:26:25 PM
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To Diver Dan.

Not only did Australia’s High Court rule that the removal of aboriginal children by the Federal government constituted a “humanitarian obligation”, it also ruled that this action did not fit any of the six definitions of the word “genocide” invented by the UNHCR. But I know that you don’t know that, because the sort of people who are putting anti white racist propaganda in your head were confident that you would never bother to check whether what they were saying was true.

If you ever got your brain to work properly, you might remember that there is only one definition of the word “genocide” in the English language. You could than ask yourself by what right the UNHCR (which includes such stalwarts of Human Rights as China, Cuba, Libya, Bolivia and Pakistan) have to change the English language so that the English word “genocide” better fits their anti western agendas.


Yes, I am vitriolic in denouncing the outright lies made by people who consider the denigration of my people, my country, my culture and my people’s allies to be some sort of national sport.

And if state and federal governments set up reservations in order to protect aboriginal girls from the sexual exploitation of whalers, isn’t that a humane objective? The biggest gap in your logic, is that if it was the intention of successive state and federal governments to “breed out the colour”, then why didn’t they let the white men continue to screw the aboriginal girls?

The most notable aspect of the sort of anti white tirades by writers like Amanda, is that whatever the situation, white people can always be damned if they do, or damned if they don’t. Nowhere in her article did she give even a hint that the intentions of white governments could be anything but genocidal Nazi evil.

If you consider yourself to be an educated person, how is it that you can not instantly recognise pure propaganda?
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 29 May 2011 5:49:42 AM
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“As I read it, Lego was correcting the orthodoxy –which the articles writer uncritically panders to – that presents ALL white actions/policies as having malicious intent.”

Maybe it wasn’t written with that intent or does this stuff only work one way?

So every time someone writes something about how the aboriginals have been handled there’s a group out there that would like it noted how SOME of it was done with the best of intentions and it was just this massive effort to help them that kept going all wrong because people just weren’t as smart back then as they are now.

What a bunch of silly duffers the indigenous must think to themselves.

Lego where is this word “Genocide” mentioned in the article?
Posted by Jewely, Sunday, 29 May 2011 8:21:15 AM
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@ Diver Dan,

For those who want to have FULL picture of genocide in Australia. I suggest you find some of the early accounts of aboriginal INTERTRIBAL WARS ---and read with an open mind.

Now you wont find much mention of such things on the myriad of websites ---most of whom are ultimately taxpayer funded and financially and emotionally committed to propagating the lie that only white men are capable of genocide and prior to white men arriving in OZ noble savages lived peacefully in a garden of Eden -- you will need do some research for yourself.

And a word of warning: it wont make you popular with many of those who consider themselves socially conscious. And you’re not likely to be invited to detail your findings on the ABC or SBS, and if your from academia you’d best make sure you have tenure before doing the research.

But I promise the exercise will be truly enlightening and worthwhile.

The history, viewed from a WIDE lens , is, humanly speaking, one of immense sadness even to this day. To remain
ignorant of the FULL picture or one eyed , as some here attest, is heartless at the least.

@ Jewely

/// So every time someone writes something about how the aboriginals have been handled there’s a group out there that would like it noted how SOME of it was done with the best of intentions ///

I seem recall that there was an proposition that was doing the rounds –and was bough big time by those left of centre – that by the continual portrayal of non-whites or women in negative ways we was damaging. And this was despite the predominance and positivity projected by such icons as Dame Edna , Nat King Cole & The West Indian Cricket Team .

In issues about black/white relations covered by OLO & ABC/SBS documentaries we are deluged by accounts that highlight the worst aspects of white behaviour .

Let’s have some balance, ay?
Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 29 May 2011 9:07:19 AM
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