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On Spiritual Atheism : Comments

By Ben-Peter Terpstra, published 17/5/2011

To whom or what was Julia Gillard praying, since she tells us she has no god.

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At the foundation of Creation, God created "Man" (in His own image??)

Man-kind: Can this be the "Man" God created? This exceedingly fallible, weak, gullible, so easily led and misled creature? This creature subject to cancers, to neurological inconsistencies, delusions of grandeur and near-omnipotence, prone to greed, graft, corruption and inhumanity - to all of life, and not just towards mankind - and seemingly eager to risk all in pursuit of dubious improbable promises of global domination or of faith-based (religious) domination.

Might it be possible that God created not just one "Man" - as "Adam", as keeper, caretaker and maintainer of this unique paradise - but also a second, an "Invo-Man" - a counterbalance, a "Caine", determined to undermine, corrupt, demean and destroy - as possibly the supreme challenge, an ultimate test of survival of the fittest? Such an "unnatural" selection process would seem of course to undermine much of what most would understand of "Creation".

It would appear that "Invo-Man" may be winning the race, and may perhaps have used surreptitious cross-breeding and in-breeding to maximise advantage, and may not stop until Mankind is limited to a handful of "Masters of the Universe" surviving in an artificial environment, on artificially generated food, and in an artificially maintained atmosphere - surrounded only be a vast desolation of destruction and decay.

"Free-will" has been offered as an alternative justification for Man's abominable history, divisiveness and conflicted persona. May in fact the Theory of Evolution be a better fit, than any Hypothesis of Creation - to explain such broad inconsistencies? Why Hypothesis? Because the revealed nature of "Man" appears to deny compliance with any comprehensible Creational "plan".

Is Man to blame for inherent "weaknesses", or perhaps mere evolutionary "chance"?
Posted by Saltpetre, Wednesday, 22 June 2011 5:42:35 PM
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salty quote...""Is Man to blame for inherent "weaknesses", or perhaps mere evolutionary "chance"?""

can a child be blamed for falling
in simply trying to walk?

as jesus says
'let ye without sin...not cast stones'

none of us are expected to be perfect
only to try to be eachother

we dont have inherant 'weakness'
we have infinite oppertuinity
to get it right[or better],...*next time

"" His own image??""

god as spirit is spirit
man builds his 'flesh-body'
after the 'plan'[image]..of the spirit..
to which he was given[earned]...

think of it like this
mans spirit has evolved
from dumb finally 'man'
the highest living being...IN THESE REALMS

we each EARNED our 'man/image'
by developing[evolving]..our OWN spirit

so we began as a sperm/and egg..[materially]
but spiritually we began[physicly] a mere bacteria

look at the variaty of huh?-man nature
many of us STILL reflect the beast
we last were incarnated as

[pre this 'man'...incarnation..WE EARNED
by resisting our previous beastly nature's]

its known..[in spirit]...that man
can reincarnate back into a beast
[recall the 'king'..from the OT....
that became a beast in the field
for one life life sentance..[8 years?]

""Man-kind: Can this be the "Man" God created?""'

think of god[good]..including the ability to 'be kind'
kind..[like lief]..has its own meaning..[kind is ol germanic?,,,for kint[child]

also letrs not miss that other meaning
og being...'kind' to others
man kind...[we sure are trying to be as kind as we can be..[some by being childish..others by simply returning..'in kind'...or just trying to be kind

man...""This exceedingly fallible,
weak, gullible, so easily led and misled creature?""

we must first learn the possability
then try to realise [master its doing]
from then its simply practice practice

fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame..on you again
[turn the other cheek]

to whome much is given
the only shame is not learning
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 23 June 2011 8:43:22 AM
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we have eternity..*to get it right
look at saul/paul...

to stop our will to sin...
is as easy as.."going...'and sin no more'..."

will/ over come our beastly..'IN-STINK-T"..
subvert our will..need..
to want to hurt others..[sin]

""This creature subject/to cancers,to neurological inconsistencies, delusions of grandeur..and near-omnipotence""

there is not* now
who will live here*..for eternity..!

WE SHALL ALL DIE..just as we all were born,
who are those..*to think..the adulation of men..means anything

we all die
and we all instantly are reborn..again
in the body..we earned last time..[this time]

think of them*
...HERE..[in these realms]
to whom much was given.../by birth or 'chance'
much*..was to be expected..!

a next/life SENTANCE...[in sent-an-ance]
as a beast of the field..[or even as a tree]
but we got get it right

""prone to greed,graft corruption and inhumanity
to all of life,and not just towards mankind""

its not for blame or shame
our christ said..'let the tares*...GROW WITH THE WHEAT'
[ie cast no stones]..

we can warn..but each MUST live
THEIR own..*lifes *choices

""and seemingly eager to risk all
in pursuit of dubious improbable promises
of global domination or of faith-based (religious) domination.""

those seking the glories of the flesh
can only hold that they percieve as glory
by not dying...!

[and guess what..WE ALL physicly die
thus those poor decieved athiests..chosing to die..
and live no more

[those poor]
forgive them lord..they know not what they do

[even here..:that last sentance..*is useless]

GOD DOES FORGIVE...he dont need me[or anyone]..
BEGGING him to forgive

[he forgives because this is his nature/nurture
not kind nature...

forgiveness is what he is]

""Might it be possible
that God created..not just one "Man"
as "Adam",as keeper,caretaker and maintainer of this unique paradise""

god created adam..[first life of man]
adam is symbolic...[adam long ago 'evolved'..
beyond simply being..adam

think of adam..the formerb east/ till/gardener
watching his children..watching his decendants
but only spiritually watching...
growing but not..*evolving[lol]

[there comes the time..'he'...needs..
to come back test/proove..things/out

[to test his..'new'-theories..again]

just like we all have/are

[we are all..a
*work in progress]

wether involving..
or evolving..
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 23 June 2011 9:13:22 AM
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or just revolving
the adam..cast out of eden..isnt..the same
who went to heaven..[or hell]-we all change[evolve]

thats the only 'truth'..
under the THEORY of evolution

""Invo-Man" -a counterbalance,a "Caine", determined to undermine, corrupt, demean and destroy -as possibly the supreme challenge, an ultimate test of survival of the fittest?""

cain took after the beast
[within us all]

he is also a lesson in law
the law of fixtures and fungables

please see that GOD..was more pleased
by the GOOD sheppard..who's GOOD shepperding..PUT FAT ON THE LAMB

than one who took glory[cain]...for things ONLY GOD COULD BE SAID TO BE DOING..[rain/sun..making a dead seed grow..etc]

also cain..unthinkingly..MURDERD
[the seeds..LIVING seds..he used to make his shew bread]

think of it being much like cooking up mums kids
then saying look i baked a pie

""Such an "unnatural" selection process
would seem of course to undermine much
of what most would understand of "Creation".

truth is we dont know...HOW god done it
this is what should be taught to kids
[maybe they will learn how he did it]

first let the KIND..KNOW the problem
then trust them to find their right answer

""It would appear that "Invo-Man" may be winning the race,""

no idea what invro man means
the good guy allways wins
cause the bad guy cant get to heaven
they got hell..can chose whatever thery like

""may perhaps have used surreptitious cross-breeding
and in-breeding to maximise advantage,""

they have
but the fruit..isnt what they thought
mutation is a dregadation....[as for the tHEORY of evolution
the relity is only de-volution

surving..""in an artificial environment,
on artificially generated food,..and in an artificially maintained atmosphere -surrounded only be a vast desolation of destruction and decay.""

no thats hell
but yes thats what some hope to realise..right here on ear-th..

""Free-will"..May in fact the Theory of Evolution be a better fit, than any Hypothesis of Creation""

creation is hard to concieve
till we done it ourselves

evolution is impossable
till there is a reason..beyond reasoning
[there needs to be a...sure advantage
a possability beyond probability]
not an impossability
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 23 June 2011 9:27:42 AM
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anyhow the juliar lies topic
is over...athiests stand revealed
to have feet of clay

proof was asked for and not deliverd
even in being told im completly wrong
no science fact stands in rebuttal

so wrong depends on which side of faith you stand upon
tghose who deney god his right as creator...

yet have not one proof
that it wernt god what done it...
plus got no idea of how their 'theory' works

thus its taught to children
who are told you will know more when your older
[infuring only ignorants couldnt grasp 'the science']
thus we got ignorants parroting their faith[lessness] faith

only a faint FAITH..
[or rather faithlessness] a godless theory

not one proof
its both funny and sad
god did it by logic..within the bounds of physical 'being'

yet the bounds of genus stand absolute
fish cant bred with sheep...[even lessor gaps stand as absolute]

those who claim science...
havnt got a single fact..[relitive to the actual debate]

and just to clarify
none can look upon god..[as such]
he isnt a nipple..

or a sky of scudding clouds
in the shape of a golden hand
nor seen in death....

[he the living loving good
is only to be seen in life]...

let the dead
tend the dead theory

a dead brain
isnt equal to a
living interactive mind

by our physical works of love..may we know him all love
sustaining all life..[love logic sense*]
not imaginative nonsense
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 25 June 2011 9:45:44 AM
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One under god,

I do not deny God as Creator of all things,
and I do not deny Jesus Christ as the Son of God made Man;
However, I believe that God made the Beginning of all things,
and that God did not make a static world, but a dynamic world,
and part of that dynamism, that continuance, was great development,
from that Beginning;
and part of that continuance, that development, was Evolution.

Evolution of the land, of the oceans, of the atmosphere, of life on Earth.

Evolution can explain how development has taken place,
how so many species have been, and now have gone,
how subtle differences have occurred within very similar species,
but species which have been separated by barriers and great distance,
but have almost identical features and almost identical lifestyles,
such as Arctic hare and European hare,
New World (South American) monkeys and Old World (African) monkeys,
Galapagos lemurs and Asian lemurs, African rhinos and Asiatic rhinos,
Mammoths, African elephants and Indian & Asian elephants,
South American jaguars, African leopards and North American cougars,
African wild dogs, European and North American wolves and American coyotes.

There are parallels in so very many species, so indicative of a common beginning followed by geographical separation and then branching over time into separate sub-species and then separate species.

None of this denies God as Creator - in the Beginning, and therefore of All Things subsequent, including Man.
Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 25 June 2011 8:25:17 PM
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