The Forum > Article Comments > The Age's reporting of Christian Religious Education > Comments
The Age's reporting of Christian Religious Education : Comments
By Nicholas Tuohy, published 17/5/2011Those scheming and secretive Christians are trying to get our children. Well, so The Age thinks.
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Posted by Beelzebubba, Tuesday, 17 May 2011 5:53:30 PM
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:) or are you the.... Well:) I hope not, because we love you too............unless you have a hidden agenda. And even if so, I'll tell you a great secret......your not alone:)( Huamns! what will we do with our-selves....I don't know....THINK!...:) Peace for all that live on this planet. Now! 7 billion and growing.........what are we going to do? LEAP Posted by Quantumleap, Tuesday, 17 May 2011 5:54:35 PM
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McReal you write
'runner, None of those are ac hievements and none are sought.' Aids is also not sought but it is obvious the outcome of sex with someone else infected. Cause and affect comes into play when you deny the moral laws of the universe. And yes to have moral laws one must acknowledge the Lawgiver. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 17 May 2011 6:27:45 PM
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Like most apologists for CRE you haven't addressed the facts. Why have Access Ministries lied and why is CRE opt-out in public schools? Only 65% of Australians are Christian and many of those Christians would not agree with Access Ministries providing most CRE and chaplains. Far from being a vocal minority I think you'll find that as many as half of Australians would be adamantly against CRE and Chaplains in public schools and many more would have reservations. The vocal minority, who seems to have the government's ear, is the group of Christians represented by AM.
The Bible is inspirational? You mean the same bible that makes a hero out of a guy, Lot, who gives up his daughters to a mob to protect a couple of "angels"? "Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. " Posted by Shagger, Tuesday, 17 May 2011 6:34:03 PM
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runner, your vilification of the defenders of secularism - the cornerstone of religious freedom for all Australians - is bilious and evil.
"Moral laws of the universe"? Got any hard evidence of that? I thought the laws of physics were the laws of the universe and that they are distinctly amoral. By the way, which particular "moral law of the universe" consigns innocent children to suffer molestation by clergy or other devout men in positions of trust and authority? Posted by brendan.lloyd, Tuesday, 17 May 2011 6:45:55 PM
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Society has moved forward at a slow pace. Sometimes, even backwards temporarily, but always onwards. We've fought long and hard for the betterment of our situation in the world and who have we fought? People like you. What you ask is to get back to some genuinely disgusting views. Slavery Condoning rape Chattel slavery of women. Burning and killing people who don't act like they should or speak out. Killing and slaughtering of people who happen to live where our God grew up. Torturing people who believe differently. Denouncing, intimidating & killing people who advance our real knowledge of the world. Sending young pregnant girls away. killing people because they don't believe in the same god as we do, you know, the one that preaches 'Thou shalt not kill.' We live lives of happiness, safety, health, opportunity, joy and freedom than most generations before us couldn't even conceive. Yet you besmirch this. Runner, you have it so damned good. You have it better than any of your ancestors. Instead of valuing that, let alone doing anything to improve things yourself, you just focus on the problems that haven't been solved yet. You spoilt, rotten child. Posted by BAC, Tuesday, 17 May 2011 7:47:22 PM
Radar, that would silence even the harshest critics of the chaplaincy sideshow. So naturally, it is the last thing that the religionists want.
Comparative, as opposed to indoctrinational, religious studies are anathema to people like Access Ministries and the author of this article. Most kids aren't stupid. They can put 2 and 2 together. If they were presented with the whole spectrum of religion in an objective, fact based manner, most of them would see it for the sham that it is and ditch it as a strange curiosity, not a lifestyle.
The whole point of Access CRE is to deny kids the chance to a broad overview and instill the terror while their minds are still young and malleable. This is the whole point of Loyola's famous quote - "Give me the child until he is seven and I’ll give you the man" - if they can indoctrinate them early enough, most will be scarred that way for life.