The Forum > Article Comments > Polar ice melt and sea level rise: earth climate in uncharted territory > Comments
Polar ice melt and sea level rise: earth climate in uncharted territory : Comments
By Andrew Glikson, published 17/3/2011Seas are rising faster than we previously thought.
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there is no bleeding corps[no blood]
and the 'cure' is placeabo affect
its by some authority
claiming to be a docter
but in reality only the cleaner..[or accountant]..
wearing a white lab coat
with an off white hat in one hand..
and his hand in your pocket..with the other hand..
its the same sky is falling we heard last time
its the ozonehole...its warming legislate new light bulbs
[not turn off your hotwater system..or not buy a plasma tv that chews up power]
you wouldnt know it..but off peak is not switched off
so your hotwater meter ticks over 24/7..if you only need hotwater at 5 pm..why heat water at 6 pm..and keep it hot for 24 hours
or worse why get solar hot water
that cools the water at night
[at huge subsisdised replacement costs]
see the so called 'cures' are placeabo affect
replacing a light bulb has near no affect[compared to switching on your hot water heater only just before you need hotwater]
we get told by accountants ..we need to bleed
they apply leeches..give placeabo affects
and these placeabo affect [called infastructure]..double/tripple the cost of our power..that gets gifted to the chicken littles screaming the sky is falling..give me a subsidy
we denialists get called lobby for big oil
yet who are you lot lobbying for
big solar and big wind?
follow the money
green is chasing the new green..
$$$$ in [yanki-dollar/...greedy-green]