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The Forum > Article Comments > Sweden no model for sex laws > Comments

Sweden no model for sex laws : Comments

By Elena Jeffreys, published 17/3/2011

Criminalising everything but prostitution in Sweden hasn't stopped prostitution, just made it liable to corruption.

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"Basically, they are lazy parasites that feed off society while contributing very little of worthwhile value"

So, I presume, you identify laziness with the deadly sin of sloth and therefore support the incarceration of lazy people, who do not contribute to society as much as they could, in hard-labour/re-education camps.

"I wouldn't recomend living with a prostitute next door"

I also wouldn't recommend living in the first floor with a dentist operating in the second floor, or even worse - a vet. It definitely disturbs the peace by having too much traffic on the stairway. Fortunately there are enough detached houses in Australian suburbs and it is quite common for neighbours next door to have no idea what goes on in the next house.

"They use their bodies and not their brains"

And so are the people who put asphalt on our roads.

"while seldom paying their share of tax"

That's obviously wrong. Prostitutes should pay their fair share of tax like everyone else. Keeping prostitution legal should help fight avoidance, and of course, clients should request proper GST receipts.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 18 March 2011 9:48:57 AM
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Yuyutu makes some very valid points. But its these broad judgemental
statements of yours Vanna, that I have a problem with.

*while contributing very little of worthwhile value*

Hang on Vanna, that is clearly up to the girl or bloke and their
customer. Toyboy working boys, to keep old rich dears happy, are
becoming more common these days btw.

The value of what they contribute, is decided by those paying
for the services, not by you.

Clearly their contribution is highly valued, or some people would
not be showering them with 10'000$ gifts or paying some 2500$ an
hour, as in the case of the examples I have mentioned.

I am not aware of these people paying you anything like that amount,
so clearly some people value their services far more then what you
can provide. So don't be so judgemental.

Swapping resources for sex goes right back to our primate ancestors,
chimps and bonobos. Pair bonding or marriage as some call it,
is based on the same evolutionary strategy.

It was also common amongst our hunter gatherer ancestors.

A working girl simply uses the resources that she has available,
to make a living. Just like the rest of us, including you.

How worthwhile or not her efforts are, is decided by the marketplace,
not by you.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 18 March 2011 10:55:18 AM
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This is a good and timely article, given there's increasing interest in adopting the Swedish system in Australia and that would not be a good move IMO

Vanna it's interesting to hear you slagging off at another group of humanity instead of academics.
Posted by briar rose, Friday, 18 March 2011 6:00:50 PM
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Briar rose,

I would consider prostitutes as extremely similar to feminists, and it does appear most academics have to declare themselves feminist to get a job.

Prostitutes only value men for their money, and when was the last time a group of prostitutes ever supported men in some cause, or praised the male gender.

Feminists only value men for their money, and when was the last time a group of feminists ever supported men in some cause, or praised the male gender.

The ultimate is that prostitution makes women believe that men have to pay for sex, or makes women believe that men have to pay for everything and anything.
Posted by vanna, Saturday, 19 March 2011 5:17:09 PM
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Ah Vanna, it seems to me that you have been watching too many
Hollywood movies, rather then David Attenborough documentaries :)

Fact is, like it or not, biology rules!

Its only in species where lots of resources are required to
raise the offspring, where females pairbond. When there is
no need for those resources, females simply pick out the
best and most rugged looking individual, to gain their
bit of required sperm.

So the swapping of resources for a bit of nookie, is the
basis of your pairbonding relationship. Your freebies
are but a dream :)

OTOH, without that bit of nookie, there would be no good
reason for males to stick around and provide resources.

The two individuals would simply be friends, with no

Now you can try and dress all that up in religion or
some wierd philosophy, but that is the basis of the
biology, as much as some don't like to face it.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 20 March 2011 2:03:37 PM
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I think you have been going to too many prostitutes, and now, all you can think of is prostitutes.

It is true that in our feminist and almost loveless society, there may not be a great deal of difference between normal women and prostitutes.

However, this does not mean that prostitution or feminism needs to be encouraged.

The author states that prostitution is “work” , but where is the career path.

And does the prostitute have to start as a trainee prostitute, then show sufficient demonstrable skills to become a level one prostitute, then a level two prostitute, then a level three prostitute etc, until finally they can gain a masters level in prostitution.

Prostitution is not “work”, nor is it a “profession”.

Prostitution is a scam developed by lazy women who can’t think of another way to make money and pay their way.

Pay money to a woman for sex if you like, but eventually be prepared to pay money to a woman for just about anything.
Posted by vanna, Sunday, 20 March 2011 5:53:12 PM
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