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The Forum > Article Comments > Multiculturalism – what the figures really mean > Comments

Multiculturalism – what the figures really mean : Comments

By Graham Cooke, published 10/3/2011

Racism is relative, but even with the best relativities in Australia it is still shocking.

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Your displeasure with racism is irrelevant in the monkey see monkey do pursuit of a Great Big White Ballot Box carefully stimulated to produce the required Manna from Heaven.
Posted by Wakatak, Thursday, 10 March 2011 6:25:27 AM
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I'll repeat a point that I've made before. Islam is not a race.

Whilst I think that many of the anti-muslim/islam sentiments expressed by some have little bearing on reality that does not make it racism.

We should always have the right to express concern about or dislike for what can sometimes be extreme ideologies/faiths or even particular cultural practices without being subjected to the label of racist.

The downside is that racism can hide behind the facade of concern about particular issues but that's the risk.

It should also be possible for people to disapprove of the actions of Israel (or any other nation) without being considered racist.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 10 March 2011 7:09:08 AM
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I would be curious to see the actual questions asked, as the figures quoted are more than a little vague.

Well, reading the methodology of the report, the relevant question would probably be '2a: Are there groups that don’t fit into Australian society? Which groups?'

'anti-Muslim sentiments'

What does that mean? Saying 'I think burqas are oppressive to women'? 'Islamic suicide bombers are fanatical murderers'? (self-evidently true, but does not thus mean that 'all muslims are fanatical murderers').

'stated they were anti-Indigenous'

What, they actually said, 'I am anti-Indigenous'? Excuse me for finding that a little unlikely. Perhaps they said, 'I hate aborigines'?

Regardless, given the generic nature of the question, I suspect that there was plenty of room for the authors of the report to cast the answers in a light that most suited their own prejudices.
Posted by Clownfish, Thursday, 10 March 2011 7:56:23 AM
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I was once an anti aparteid demonstrator and a confirmed anti racist.

Now I am a proud racist.

What began my conversion, was that the only excuse that the inner city trendoids could use for minority dysfunction, was the "blame the White Guy for Everything" excuse. Now, as a person who was brought up to recognise racism, that sure looked like a racist argument to me.

You can not educate me to be an anti racist, and then use racism against my race, as a way of explaining everthing that is wrong with the world. Hitler tried that with the Jews.

So, I started to think Objectively instead of Subjectively.

I noted that some minority groups are a pain in then butt in every western country in which they have settled. And I have noted that these poor Oppressed ethnicities are usually a lot more racist than my own race.

In addition, it is a cultural universal that people simply prefer to live among their own people, people that they consider their kith and kin, and with whom they feel safe with. The continuing balkanisation of Australia into monocultural ethnic enclaves underlines this self evident fact.

As a white person, I too wish to live amongst my own people. People who generally share the same values, attitudes and behaviours that I do. And I do not see anything wrong with demanding a discriminaory immigration policy which will ensure that my people's culture remains dominant in my own country.

Multiculturalism is like Socialism, how many times must it fail before people realise that it is a bad idea? It has resulted in surging crime rates, ethnic branch stacking of electorates, and a serious reduction in my civil liberties in order to combat imported terrorists.

No thank you. Every country shopping "refugee" on planet Earth wants to go to Canada, Australia, the USA, or New Zealand to live with the Anglos. As an Anglo, it sutre looks to me like my culture is a success, and it is worth preserving by discriminating against unassimilatable, trouble prone ethnicities.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 10 March 2011 8:43:07 AM
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>> would be interesting to know just what sprang into people's minds when the question [about Muslims] was put to them.>>

Graham Cooke,

I would really like to know what springs into your mind when you use the words “multicultural” “multiculturalism”.

Do you mean that every citizen of Australia regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, skin colour, national origin, gender or sexual orientation has the right to do anything they please so long as it does not conflict with the laws of the land as set by democratically elected legislatures and interpreted by independent judiciaries?

Do you mean that a person’s dealings with the organs of the state should independent of their race, ethnicity, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, national origin and, with certain obvious exceptions, gender?

Do you mean that anybody irregardless of race, ethnicity, religion, skin colour, national origin, gender or sexual orientation has the right to be secure in their person and property?

Do you mean that anybody irregardless of race, ethnicity, religion, skin colour, national origin, gender or sexual orientation may claim the same political rights and freedoms that are accorded any other Australian?

Or do you mean something different?

If so, what?

What on Earth do you mean by “multiculturalism?”

PLEASE do tell.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Thursday, 10 March 2011 9:48:51 AM
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A survey from the plastic city is useless. Canberra is made up of numerous public servants who jobs depend on consensus politics. It is easy to say that you love everyone until your house is broken into or you are abused in the street for not providing grog money regularly. Hating the fruit of Islam is not racist as Islam is not a race. Do a survey of Rugby League and Aussie rules players and they will tell you they are not sexist. Give many half the chance to use a young drunk girl and a number will take it. I suspect surveys especially in Canberra are people more answering politically correctly because they don't want to be labelled racist. Keep believing your dogma (multi culturalism) Graham but until you live next door to anti social people you really have no idea.
Most Aussies are racist by your definition but very tolerant compared with other nations. The vast majority of my friends are Aussies with different skin colours that come from afar. That should not stop me or anyone else calling a spade a spade just to avoid being labelled 'racist'by some bureacratic definition.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 10 March 2011 10:03:46 AM
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