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Grown up girls take responsibility : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 4/3/2011

Hey girls, let's not waste our energies blaming men. Let's take responsiblity for our own behaviour.

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The Falklands War was very clearly started by the generals' junta in Argentina, when they invaded the South Georgia Islands, then the Falklands proper. Much as I can't stand Thatcher, that is one war that she DIDN'T start.

On the other hand, she well and truly finished it :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 10 March 2011 11:12:31 PM
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Thanks, Joe, I knew she was in there somewhere -
Posted by briar rose, Friday, 11 March 2011 6:05:01 AM
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'However, getting utterly shitfaced is something that people of both genders should only ever consider in someone's home.'

Not necessarily benk. A Safety aspect when it comes to drugs is that a bouncer will notice someone sleeping on a table, and other patrons might notice a person lying on the floor in the toilets. One of the problems with strict policing of drugs has been people deciding it's all so much bother and having little parties at home instead.

Then when things get out of hand, people are either too incapacitated to notice or to act appropriately, and have the stigma and fear of having the cops round to the house asking why everyone's pupils are so dilated.

It's actually much safer for people to do their drugs in public.

As usual, pushing things underground creates more dangers than it solves.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 11 March 2011 7:11:41 AM
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briar rose,

All jokes aside, I really resent the all wars are started by men. It makes the assumption that men hold more responsibility for wars than women. Well, more children die through neglect by women, but that's just because women are the ones looking after them.

Most men hate war and don't want to go and fight in them. Elected representatives in a democracy are the responsibility of the whole populace, not just the people who share the same gender.

I find it naive in the extreme when I hear all those feminists reckoning if women held all the positions of power there would be no war. Anyone who has seen the actions of the St Kilda Schoolgirl knows the vengeance of a woman scorned!
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 11 March 2011 7:17:07 AM
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vanna does have a point,

'I have been waiting for someone to call Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin and Julia Gillard “men” or “male”.'

Your average feminist promotes these women as 'like a man'. I would say they act exactly 'like a woman in a position of power'. Like a person in a position of power actually, but it needs to be spelled out to some.

That's why I see feminism as female-supremacism. They really believe women are superior, and more virtuous, better people than men. I constantly read articles about how women make better managers, would be better leaders, are better nurturers, better communicators, the list goes on. And to think when men used to sling all that kind of crap it was considered chauvinism, and feminists were outraged!


You know I'm a closet lefty. Or am I a reformed lefty. Like a reformed smoker; the worst kind.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 11 March 2011 7:24:53 AM
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Obviously everything that takes place at a societal level is the responsibility of "both" genders working in tandem. Vanna's silly assertion about "men's" inventions opened the door to briar rose's reply.
As a species, neither gender can do without the other.

It seems that our evolution has made us a little too sophisticated for our own comfort. Our intellect seems to be constantly challenging our instincts, Men are warriors and women are nurturers (that seems to be the original template) - it probably worked quite well eons ago.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 11 March 2011 7:38:40 AM
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