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Grown up girls take responsibility : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 4/3/2011

Hey girls, let's not waste our energies blaming men. Let's take responsiblity for our own behaviour.

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Pelican (I'm not picking on you, I just don't bother trying to have a serious discussion with certain others).

I agree that spiking a drink as a prank is still pretty shabby behaviour. My point is that people often feel a false sense of security because their friends have been watching drinks. Many people will even trust women that they hardly know, because they think that rapists (almost all of whom are male) are the only people who tamper with drinks.

I also agree that the clothing of a rape victim is irrelevant. However, getting utterly shitfaced is something that people of both genders should only ever consider in someone's home.

Recently, we were talking about malicious misinterpretation and perhaps the discussion would have been better with an example. After recent allegations against Collingwood footballers, Spida Everitt was famously quoted as saying that when blokes invite women home from nightclubs, "it aint for a cup of milo". It took 2.37 seconds for certain commentators to turn this into Spida believes that any woman who goes home with any bloke loses all right to decide whether or not they have sex. I don't believe that this was an honest interpretation of Spida's words.
I believe that he was saying that when a bloke invites a woman to stay at his place (or vice versa), after a night of clubbing, it is reasonable to expect her to read between the lines. In that case, it is reasonable to expect her to be explicit, if she only wants to sleep. This doesn't imply that he doesn't need to be careful about exactly what she is consenting about, it is possible to believe that both genders have responsibilities, in relation to consent. Furthermore, the perception that false allegations are common should make men quite open to the idea of explicitly discussing consent.
Posted by benk, Thursday, 10 March 2011 4:30:55 PM
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Gday to both of you Benk & pelican, i suggest both of you go to see the new Australian movie

in which a girl's drink is spiked, by OTHER girls, who want to see her "taken down a peg or 2" by somebody else.

Very good movie, scary, confronting, but very well done.

Dear Joe Lane, Loudmouth, political correctness, including Fe"Man"Nazism was invented by international socialists for the specific purpose of promoting degenerating, dysfunctional families/societies in the west that would neglect & abuse their children. Anybody promoting mass child abuse & neglect must, by definition, be a corporate paedophile.

Do you deny the existence of the "cold war"? Do you deny that from the 1930's onwards Communist parties in the west, followed directions from the spy agencies of both the USSR & China to engage in sabotage operations or "psy ops" in their own countries, in order to weaken, impoverish them?

Many Communists in the west, have since the "iron curtain" fell in 1989, admitted they were wrong in doing these things or even gone the other way & boasted about how clever they were, how much influence they had.

Evil is defined as "the intention to do harm", which is exactly what describes everything the RED/green, getup, GAYLP, Socialist Alliance has done to Australia for half a century now.

Schools that cost way more than they did in the 1950's while producing "progressively" worse results, millions of children neglected & abused since the Anti Family Law act of 1975 & all the other Anti Family, Fe"Man"Nazi agenda.

Socialism is Anti Social.

Communism is Anti Community.

Loony Left politics is the yoke of, "working class" or "blue collar" oppression.

Raving Right politics is the yoke of, "middle class" or "white collar" oppression.

You Loudmouth are the yoke of your own oppression.

Just as every Fauxmanista is the yoke of her own "wage slavery".
Posted by Formersnag, Thursday, 10 March 2011 6:00:24 PM
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You are clearly an impressive fruitcake. Why don't you take a deep breath, wipe the slobber from your gob, and first of all tell us who the bad guy is; is it the evil socialist or the "Anti Family, Fe"Man"Nazi agenda" (whatever that is)?
"Loony Left politics is the yoke of, "working class" or "blue collar" oppression", "Raving Right politics is the yoke of, "middle class" or "white collar" oppression."
So where do you stand (you're not God are you? Napoleon? ... Joh!).
I'm guessing you're happy just the way things are, but I think our system is rotten to the core, and my thoughts are just as legitimate as yours (and a hell of a lot more considered!) especially after seeing the nauseating spectacle of our prime minister (a man in drag) toadying up to the world's "operating system": the US.

Come on ladies, it's about time you discarded your training wheels (feminism, identity politics; pathetic subaltern whinging!) and discovered the main game; international politics.
There's a world to conquer! But first ditch the men: Gillard, Palin and Clinton being the worst of them.
Posted by Squeers, Thursday, 10 March 2011 7:01:13 PM
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I have been waiting for someone to call Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin and Julia Gillard “men” or “male”.

I have noticed the habit amongst male denigrators, or prejudiced and bigoted people to call anything they don’t like “male”, and this habit seems particularly common amongst university academics.

It means that universities should take their ant-discrimination policies and shred them and then recycle them, because they have not the slightest amount of value as anti-discrimination policies.

How a university can call itself a “place of learning” is beyond all belief. They are places of bigotry, prejudice and narrow-mindedness.

As for the article, it portrays men as a danger to women, but without men, very few woman would be alive.

Nearly ever invention and piece of technology has been developed by men, nearly every building has been built by men, and men pay the majority of tax that now keeps many women from having to fend for themselves.
Posted by vanna, Thursday, 10 March 2011 8:35:24 PM
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I thought I was just about done with this thread.....
But seeing as you appear to have lost your bearings in your fog of misogyny, I thought I'd drop by to shake my head in bemusement.

What do you mean that without men few women would be alive? What a ridiculous statement. Yep, I reckon you're about as intimidated as you can be by the fact that women possess such innate power. It reminds you of your earthbound insignificance, and you don't like it (tough bickies).

As for Palin, Clinton and Gillard, they represent just more globalised, corporatised populist claptrap - we've heard it all before.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 March 2011 9:09:33 PM
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You left something out - all wars are started by men with the exception of the Falklands which was Maggie Thatcher's thing, but Squeers would probably call her a man, I think.

Oh, and all toilet seats are left up by men. That's important.
Posted by briar rose, Thursday, 10 March 2011 10:05:05 PM
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