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Grown up girls take responsibility : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 4/3/2011

Hey girls, let's not waste our energies blaming men. Let's take responsiblity for our own behaviour.

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What's with the fixation on finding women a drink?

Read the first chapter of Camille Paglia's "Sexual Personae". She seems to have a good take on the reason why men are so intimidated by women.

Btw, you might be interested in this link - feminism on the march (egad!)
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 7:22:34 PM
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Dear Poirot

From what I have seen, women are drinking alcohol, because they want to be intoxicated.

So why do they want to be intoxicated?

As I have attempted to explain to the "established failure" Squeers, quite considerable numbers of people no longer drink, because they are required to have 0.0 blood alcohol content in their bloodstream, or they lose their jobs.

They don't drink, so why do women drink?

There are brands of beer available that have nearly 0% alcohol content, but women don't normally drink beer.

So it will probably be left to a male to find a drink for women with 0% alcohol, and something they won't whinge, whine or complain about.

BTW. Does Camille Paglig know about risk assessment. If not, don't bother reading any more of her stuff, because its a waste of reading time.
Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 8:09:00 PM
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You are a hoot!

I would suggest that a little drinky is good for the soul.
Good company, good food, good cheer, etc, etc....If I wanted 0% I'd opt for a cup of tea (Did you know Samuel Johnson was addicted to the stuff?)

And did you know that centuries ago in England it was the norm for the peasants to drink ale because it was safer than the water supply.....I'll bet peasantry was whole lot more fun then.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 8:28:23 PM
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I think you are rather humourless, and I have found feminism to be about as funny as having the flu.

I can’t drink because I can receive a random drug and alcohol test at any time at work.

I have tp start work at 6.30 am and will probably finish around 7 – 8 pm tonight, and work can be quite demanding.

I have found most drunken men to be a problem, particularly on boats.

I have found most women to be a problem, and I think most other people do to, including feminists.

I have noticed the article wants women to be protected from men, and tends to state that men prey upon women.

I did not mention what men should do to protect themselves from women who prey upon men.

I would give a drunken woman a wide birth, and also give a woman wearing revealing clothing a wide birth (based on previous experience).

I would simply keep walking.
Posted by vanna, Thursday, 10 March 2011 5:07:07 AM
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Well, at least we agree on something, vanna - because I'd take a detour to avoid a drunken woman (or man) as well.

My hobbyhorse, as you may know, is the disintegration of organic community in consumer society. In a more close knitted society, alcohol would be an enhancement to social occasions and good times - and not just a means to get yourself legless.
Btw, I'm not a feminist - I'm not an anything. In fact, I'm rather amused at the way society has attempted to blur the lines of gender. The problem as I see it, is that women judge their strengths using the male criteria, and in so doing attempt to play both roles.
They perceive themselves as "liberated", but as has been pointed out, they're merely further enslaved by the masters.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 10 March 2011 8:29:20 AM
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"Pelican, I think the freedom to dress how we choose and the freedom to drink ourselves senseless are two different freedoms."

How so? Both could be considered inalienable rights.

"If you argue that a woman makes herself vulnerable because she shows flesh, I can't agree with that. The understanding we have of rape is that women can be wearing anything, there's no particular dress style that lures rapists."

But that is the basis of the argument we have been having on OLO over a number of threads in the past few weeks. "She deserved it" or "what did she think would happen wearing that sort of outfit" - argument is often very much about dress (it is not always about level of intoxication).

As you said dress is not what rape is about when there are women covered from head to toe who are just as vulnerable in some situations (eg. war, ethnic cleansing etc). I am simply saying women do make themselves vulnerable in some situations at some times because of the choice of dress. That argument is not uncommon and it is related to concepts of responsibility.

I don't buy it in terms of victim blaming at all, that is not my point, only that it is an ambiguous area - one of those grey ones that crop up continually in the context of taking 'responsibility'.

"'User Pays'. Our governments have discouraged any kind of community. Divide and conquer!"

Be still my beating heart. Did I read correctly or are you just teasing? We will make a bleeding heart out of you yet. :)
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 10 March 2011 3:58:50 PM
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