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Behind the Arab revolt is a word we dare not speak : Comments
By John Pilger, published 25/2/2011Since 1945, the US has destroyed or subverted more than 50 governments, many of them democracies, and used mass murderers.
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>>There is no way that Bin laden and his troglodytes did 911.I've done my homework and met Richard Gage...<<
You have not "done your homework" at all. You have simply jumped on someone else's bandwagon, because it kinda sorta fits with your jaundiced view of the world.
Your guiding-light web site boasts of "1,452 verified architectural and engineering professionals and 11,386 other supporters"
As a percentage of the US population, that is almost a rounding error. Even as a percentage of the number of architects and engineers, it is tiny.
Let's be generous, and suggest that they represent 1% of their potential number. That's 99% who don't believe a word of it.
That 1% also compares with the 23% who believe that they have actually met a ghost. Or the 34% who believe in UFOs.,2933,305277,00.html
And your 9/11 conspiracy nuts are only a twentieth as numerous, it would appear, as those who believe in witchcraft.
Which is odd in itself.
Because if you try to work out how, in your theory, the explosives were put in place, the explosion was timed to coincide with planes hitting the buildings, the sheer number of people that would need to have been involved, and the incredible level of secrecy that they have all been able to maintain, there can only be one conclusion.
That it was all done by witchcraft.