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Behind the Arab revolt is a word we dare not speak : Comments

By John Pilger, published 25/2/2011

Since 1945, the US has destroyed or subverted more than 50 governments, many of them democracies, and used mass murderers.

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Arjay, you are pushing it uphill, you know.

>>There is no way that Bin laden and his troglodytes did 911.I've done my homework and met Richard Gage...<<

You have not "done your homework" at all. You have simply jumped on someone else's bandwagon, because it kinda sorta fits with your jaundiced view of the world.

Your guiding-light web site boasts of "1,452 verified architectural and engineering professionals and 11,386 other supporters"

As a percentage of the US population, that is almost a rounding error. Even as a percentage of the number of architects and engineers, it is tiny.

Let's be generous, and suggest that they represent 1% of their potential number. That's 99% who don't believe a word of it.

That 1% also compares with the 23% who believe that they have actually met a ghost. Or the 34% who believe in UFOs.,2933,305277,00.html

And your 9/11 conspiracy nuts are only a twentieth as numerous, it would appear, as those who believe in witchcraft.

Which is odd in itself.

Because if you try to work out how, in your theory, the explosives were put in place, the explosion was timed to coincide with planes hitting the buildings, the sheer number of people that would need to have been involved, and the incredible level of secrecy that they have all been able to maintain, there can only be one conclusion.

That it was all done by witchcraft.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 4 March 2011 12:20:54 PM
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To add to what you are saying, Pericles, the bringing-down of the third building seems to me to be a problem for the conspiracy theorists - why line the building with explosives when no plane was supposed to fly into it ? Why bother blowing it up at all ?

I have no problem with the notion that the two 110-storey buildings pancaked and the ground perturbations caused by their falling, plus the sideways forces of thousands of tonnes falling on it, plus the sustained heat applied to the one side of the building, de-stabilised or weakened the integrity of the third building enough for it to collapse a few hours later.

The problem with seeing the US as the source of all evil, for all time, is that one cannot admit any exceptions: it must be guilty of everything. So everything that happens - the Indian Ocean tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, global warming, killer bees - must be the fault of the US.

Certainly, it is probably responsible for many dreadful coups and invasions and killings, but the lazy assumption that one has found the Secret Cause of Everything is bound to lead one into all sorts of twists and turns to confine all explanation to this One Big Solution.

The world is vastly more complex than this childish explanation can deal with.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 4 March 2011 12:35:43 PM
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Loudmouth WTC Building 7 was supposed to come down under the cover of the dust from the towers.For some reason the explosives failed to activate in their time schedule.Enron,FBI and the CIA were in that building.It would be very inconvenient if all this evidence of their shennigans were to surface.Building 7 came down for 3 seconds in absolute freefall.This means that the component parts of this building provided absolutely no resistance to gravity which is a physical,scientific impossibility.Even the buildings in Christchurch had evidence left of layered floors and often fell askew from the vertical.Both WTC 7 and the towers came down vertically leaving no evidence of layered floors and molten iron and nano thermite that burned for weeks later.What caused the steel to melt when aircraft fuel burns to less than half these temps?

We've been there before many times Pericles and you still refuse to view the evidence and make a real attempt to debunk the scientific facts.This is not like climate science with thousands of variables.It is forensic science with little margin for error.Ad hominem does not make a rebuttal.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 4 March 2011 9:48:31 PM
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On the contrary, Arjay, I have read every scrap of evidence you have presented.

>>We've been there before many times Pericles and you still refuse to view the evidence and make a real attempt to debunk the scientific facts<<

The "scientific facts" you refer to are all circumstantial, and open to wide interpretation. As such, they need no "debunking", because they have no credibility to begin with. Which is of course why no-one is taking a blind bit of notice, outside your small - but admittedly, noisy - fellow conspiracy addicts.

Never - not once - have you actually provided a cogent explanation of how these circumstances were brought together by "Enron,FBI and the CIA". Or why. You mutter on about global cabals of banksters and the like, but that's as far as it goes.

It has been nearly ten years, and there still isn't a smidgin of real evidence. Just a few half-baked theories that don't hang together. You always fall at the fence that says "Ok, smartarse. How did they plant the explosives in the first place?"

You have no answer, because there is no answer. Just waffle.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 4 March 2011 11:35:12 PM
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Why do you keep asserting that the iron 'melted' ? Says who ? I'm no engineer but I know enough to be suspicious that the mass above where the planes hit (do you deny that planes flew into the two main buildings ? or is that all just video tricks ? Sorry for giving you ideas) would be enough at the weakened points to destroy the integrity of the structural components so that the buildings would collapse.

Heated steel does not have to be a melting point before its strength and integrity is compromised: ask any honest engineer. And these buildings weigh, what ? a thousand tonnes per storey/floor ? The steel supports are tested to withstand, what ? a few thousand tonnes of pressure ?

After all, the buildings were constructed back in the early 1970s in such a way that they could support a very tall structure with relatively little mass. So what's the problem ? Why assume some cock-eyed theory about CIA-planted explosives ? how many tonnes of them ? How many people secretly wiring up those buildings, while people worked around them 24/7 ?

Move on, Arjay. The rest of us have.
Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 4 March 2011 11:46:19 PM
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Loudmaouth,The Manhatton Project involved 130,000people.They compartmentalise groups and work a need to know basis so very few have the big picture.They were carrying out a terrorist attack scenario right at the time of 911 so all involved would think is was just an exercise.NORAD was stood down for 2n hrs.Those planes would have been incepted and shot down mormally within 10-20 minutes.

Never before in history has one black box gone missing.They are almost indestructable.4 black boxes went missing in one day.Never before of since have these types of buildings been destroyed by fire.Buildings of steel and concrete have burned for 24 hrs and not looked like collapsing.On the stock exchange we see hundreds of put options on United Airlines.They were 25 times that of normal.Then we have Larry Silversten saying he had to "pull" Building 7.because it was too dangerous and there was soo much loss of life.What larry didn'd realise that WTC7 could not be wired for controlled demolition in a few hrs so he tried to changed his story.Lary made billions on his insurance scam.He owned WTC 7 and bought the Towers lease 6 weeks before 911.

When you control the media any thing is possible.The public are not that smart.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 5 March 2011 6:22:55 AM
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