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The Forum > Article Comments > Not all leaks are created equal > Comments

Not all leaks are created equal : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein, published 11/2/2011

When it comes to unknown unknowns, Wikileaks is head and shoulders the best source.

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Posted by SHRODE, Friday, 11 February 2011 6:15:42 AM
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SHRODE not many governments, but that is the problem. The phenomenon of Wikileaks is a reaction to the status quo. Maybe somewhere along the way governments and organisations will have to adapt to a growing expectation of accountability and transparency. That can only be a good thing in a democracy.

Anthony's assessment is correct, it is often not the leak that is at issue but the nature and standing of the leaker.
Posted by pelican, Friday, 11 February 2011 8:15:08 AM
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Wikileaks...just leaked :) they have their own 'disgruntled' former employee... dishing out the dirt on 'dirty...smelly...raised by wolves' Assange. Oh the Irony.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 11 February 2011 8:29:41 AM
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Al your hatred is transparent. :)

Assange will no doubt be a ripe target. Sometimes the claims will be fabricated sometimes they will be on the money. I doubt Assange is perfect, very few people are.

Why is it ironic? Wikileaks is for transparency not against it, I doubt WL is even blinking at those tensions being revealed. That is your mindset not the mindset of a Wikileaker. You are judging WL by your standards (seeing the irony), not by WL goals of transparency and accountability.
Posted by pelican, Friday, 11 February 2011 8:40:59 AM
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wikileaks .. it's UnAustralian to dob ..
Posted by rpg, Friday, 11 February 2011 9:21:01 AM
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The selective nature of Wikileaks has always been questionable.
The derogatory emphasis always on the US and the lack of any documents from Israel, even though both are as one in the evil activities of the Middle East.
How many such cables have we seen? None.

Why Assange has on one occasion even had complimentary things to say about Netanyahu. That makes him somewhat unique in the world other than our own sycophantic PM, the compromised Ms Gillard, on record when Deputy PM and leader of the parliamentary Labor Left caucus, vowing her total support for Israel in the midst of the phosphorous bombing and deliberate murder of Gazan women and children. No votes for her in Palestine, obviously, but Melbourne, the breeding ground for Zionism is a different matter.

No Wikileaks on that subject or cables arranging the Israeli largesse for our seventeen politicians and public servants and their Gillard-sponsored and approved trip to Israel for a “Leadership Conference” (see brainwashing). Has that also been subject to media censorship as Assange has stated, the reason given for nothing other than US cables?
Assange, when confronted with the clear evidence of this fact stated that such leaks on the evil machinations of Israel, false flag episodes and on, had been sent to the media. However, it was the media that had withheld the release of those documents.

True or not? It would be valuable to have this confirmed, one way or another. We certainly won't receive such confirmation from Murdoch or his tame employees, all knowing clearly of his lifetime obligation to Zionist money.
Greg Sheridan on the subject of no Israeli Wikileaks material? Hardly.

So the credibility of Assange and his ‘released’ leaks is still very suspect. As well, it is hard to think of this now lauded “openness” resulting from Wikileaks without thinking of Pfc Manning, the source. His solitary confinement means enjoying nothing of Assange’s fame and fortune, Assange clearly not in Wikileaks for philanthropic reasons.

Spare a thought for Pfc Manning, unlikely to survive US torture.

Remember Abu Ghraib?
Posted by rexw, Friday, 11 February 2011 10:27:45 AM
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