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Desperately seeking 'Mind Bombs' : Comments

By Michael Kile, published 9/2/2011

What does the global warming crowd do when it loses public attention? Scream louder.

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And now, true to form the latest great labor wonders, Gillard, Swan and Bligh are flicking the cost of rebuilding the Brisbane, they all love so much and caused to be flooded, onto the Brisbane City Council. ie Brisbane residents who will also be hit with Gillard's and Swan's levy which now apparently is only to be aimed at rebuilding flood devestated country Qld.

Where are you Crazy Kevvy? Standing Up for the Southside of Brisbane ... in your usual way? Mind you, you live on top of a hill and Brisbane people dumoped most of your mates and are going to Dump 'Tropical Disaster Anna', so why should you care, Eh?

Old Joh would be laughing his old ironic and sneering laugh at the stupidity of the latest bunch of labor w-n-ers, as was his habit.

Is this the Real Julia? Yep for sure.

Ain't it grand to see them all lining up with Crazy Bob. Who would also be cheering his countrified a..e off in the locals around Charters Towers. All those billions flowing mostly into his electorate, which happens to be the 'flooded' half of country Queensland. I reckon there'
There'll be a few beers for Bob for the rest of his life from his electors. An good on ya Bob. Well done. You've changed these labor wonders into true Agragrian Socialists. Wouldn't old Joh be chuffed.

The more I see of this mixed up directionless labor disaster the drunker I become and the more insane becomes my manicial laughter.


And the main sewer media avoid scrutinizing them and take this lot seriously ...

Old Fat Lawrie should be up here losing some of his weight helping out his mate crazy Kevvy clean up ... it'd be a greater help than his latest idiot rantings.
Posted by keith, Thursday, 10 February 2011 12:29:42 PM
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keith, Thursday, 10 February 2011 12:02:29 PM

Thanks Keith I didn't know Rudd was involved but it figures .

Everything he got involved with ended up a stuff up , seems like the majority of voters must like Fantasy Men ?
I read the original designers description regarding the two dams and how it would work , No mysteries there , beats me why all those people involved in losing life and limb etc. don't respond with a Class Action and sue Rudd for his gross irresponsibility , Duty of Care etc. It's no mystery now why his own compatriots booted him out.
Posted by Garum Masala, Thursday, 10 February 2011 1:31:14 PM
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It's a complete mystery to me how his collegues elected Latham, Rudd and Gillard.

Their choices have gone from bad to worse. And worse is yet to come. With Gillard's and the labor party current ratings in the polls another back-stabbing and coup isn't that far away. And just how bad will be brutus as P.M. for sure as hell there ain't no Mark Antony among this mob.

Have you noticed how quiet the not so faceless men have been lately?
Posted by keith, Friday, 11 February 2011 11:00:52 AM
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pilot to bomba-dear

[ok ya ready for the next big think-tank thing?]

pitch chris money ..[ok should have two o's]
journo/auther ,..[ie not a pr shill]

he was at press club today

the cute young boy thing here to influence the youth market
and be a big thing [hit]..with the young maidens..

he gives a good lecture...
rubbishes bush and howhard
[but clearly dont know much ..past his brief]

to wit he put down howard..
yet the policy labour ..put up las-time..
was concieved BY howhard ..and co.

the press sounded him out re gmo and mad cow stuff
but he appears a pinch hit specialist
..only about the global con..[warming/cooling/change]

anyhow its clear the dear boy shall be a hit on ten's youth shows
[you watch] they are so predictable

anyhow the key words are
'science meets parlement'

so its ya tax dollars what brought him here

but he isnt a pol-lie
..nor a scientist

he is a journo/auther..
thus here to put up some yanki authoritive spin on the balls[bombs]

looks like the mind bombs*..are starting
[watch ..*where he targets his]

its aimed at the youth ..for sure..
[will lay money on it]

bombs away
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 February 2011 2:47:07 PM
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watch out cluster bomblets on the way
the one million woman movement
[heavilly advertised on targeted networks..with ..[govt money?]

thats all ..about getting the new tax through
their latest adverts even reveal its about the warming tax

just watch
there will be a drive on schools

in the end
it will be one thousand woman lobbying
for a few men get their new tax ..on..[carbon futures] speculate with and buy and sell

oh the spin and lies they will sell
then the media event..

even a female pm to add sparkle to the event

no doudt many girls
pretending to be woman

govt is pulling out all stops on this one
there will be a natzie youth movement
oops [woe=mans movement]..on near you

the spin/meisters are on it ..big time
julia is seerving the faceless men well
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 February 2011 5:54:14 AM
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