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The Forum > Article Comments > Whistleblower in Coventry: Dr Yolande Lucire and Big Pharma > Comments

Whistleblower in Coventry: Dr Yolande Lucire and Big Pharma : Comments

By Peter King, published 20/12/2010

For standing-up to non evidence-based medicalisation of her patients Dr Yoland Lucire is being persecuted by the NSW Medical Board.

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Interesting question Beth. Do doctors and their nursing staff who are employed by the state in your local hospitals actually know-what-they-are-doing? Does your local doctor, your general practitioner, your GP actually know the effects of the psychotropic drugs he or she prescribes? In the Pharma industry, the psycho-pharmacists who design the drugs, do they know exactly what their creations actually do and/or are used for in the real world?

Do they comprehend that some psychiatric drugs are intentionally-used-in-overdose-as-torture? Do they know their drugs are used quite deliberately for uses other than that specific use for which they have been designed and authorized and indeed have been specifically licensed for? Do they realize the lethal damage they inflict upon patients who are made to become suicidal on these products, patients who they have forced to take drugs; but drugs that make them want to kill themselves?

What about if a patient assaults a doctor because the doctor refuses to stop the lethal drugging? Despite the fact the patient has begged the doctor(s) to stop the drugging time-and-time-again but to no avail? What then if the doctor presses charges and further-forced-drugging-is-authorized by a court and at heavier doses exceeding the genetic maximum in a jail hospital?

What then is to be done when it is documented that a patient has been force-drugged for a year and then is released alone but three days later is found-dead-from-suicide? Who is responsible? Who is to say it was not intentionally induced? What then if evidence-is-refused to be heard at inquest? After all before the fatal release it certainly was documented that the akathisia-was-expected to occur on the morning of the day of the suicide. Would all this not indicate a drug-induced-death? Whatever else might have caused such a situation to end so tragically? And of course to be left to remain unresolved because it was not properly investigated?

Is there a pattern here? How often do hospitals and doctors allow such adverse-drug-reaction-events to occur? Without my having even mentioned cytochromes and poor metabolizers or drug-drug-interactions, is this-standard-psychiatric-practice?
Posted by ByTheWay29, Saturday, 5 March 2011 10:20:38 PM
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ByTheWay29, As one who has suffered and survived SSRI and mood stabilizers and anti-psychotic drugs thanks to Dr. Lucire helping me withdraw safely. It is astonishing that even people that knew me before and see the remarkable difference in my life now, still continue to believe everything they are told by the medical profession without ever questioning. We need general practitioners and specialists in all fields but we must keep an open mind and listen and then decide if a particular course of
treatment is going to be beneficial or harmful to each of us as individuals. It would be tragic if a person had no trust at all in
the medical profession and died of a heart attack or something because they would not attend a hospital.
This situation with the Big Pharma is like my worst movie but it is real. All your questions are so valid but horrifying.
Do you think the answers will be resolved in our life time?
Posted by Beth_Albury, Saturday, 5 March 2011 11:24:59 PM
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"There will be, the next generation..or so,
a pharmacological*method*..of making people love their servitude,

and producing dictatorship..without tears,so to speak,..producing a kind of painless..concentration-camp..

*for entire societies,

so that people will in fact..have their liberties taken away from them,but will rather enjoy it,..because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel..*by propaganda or pills..

or brainwashing enhanced

*..*!..*by pharmacological methods.*!*!*!

And this..seems to be
the final revolution.""

BY GOVT subsidies...!

And please don't forget:

financial institutions
love GOVT TAX funds]..

no matter who wins or loses,
debt is incurred,and must be repaid!

we are governed by tools
fools and imbisiles

who read prepaRED SPEACHES
little knowing what their own words reveal

may satan have mercy on their souls

they chose
their own version of hell

those who the law
shall be ruled ..under the same ..form of law

as ..they thought to rule others by

thus the mad ..make bad law
..built on spin and lie
but OCCASIONALLY a truth gets out

Laurie Ferguson..[quote]

{smoking is atributable to}..
""...*20 per cent..!
of all general""

but this knowing
still gave a new tax on smokers
via lies

the deciete and collusion
will remain unconditional..binding upon them*

for eternity

enough said

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 March 2011 7:37:14 AM
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an instrument of class warfare,

designed to permit an elite,
local and multinational,duel-passportholder's..
to operate without any constraint from democratic processes.

This allows the bulk of the population
to be treated as a mere cost of production."--

Edward Herman,
economist and media analyst

....Who Will Be
the Most_Dangerous Man..In The World?


He has no guilt about the very real pain
that he has caused,by his words and works

whether it is ill-gotten gains, or death-tolls...
or process..or govt..or sense and sensabilties

He is excited by instant gratification,
which gives him more financial..or political power...
or even simple honours accorded him by sheep..

He is extremely smart..and knows how to scheme
and spin situations in his favor...
or others disfavour

He is someone..that is deeply involved
in the business-machinations of debt and war...
media/medicine/science and public relations
[spinning its selective authoritive spin selectivly]

He has an arrogant attitude,is allways wanting to be seen as right
because he is thoroughly indoctrinated into the machine...
they often tell him..he must be right..

can be so ignorant

He is one of the most ardent
and fervent supporter..of this globalist cabalistic machine...
that rots the head..with eternal visions of his need
not seeing..his own greed directly created the need

He is closed off to the truth or opposition
and has pushed away those who loved him...who reveal truths
and suppresed any who would stand against him...and now cannot concieve the most obvious truths..cant tell his truth from his lies
has become enslaved to his own spin and lies..

He has committed legalized crimes against humanity...
suported exploitation of people or resourses human invention and sustainabilty of the whole

even using the most vile systems of oppression
and dictators sadists popularists and overblown ego's

He believes that the ends justify the means.
that the bottum line dont lie

He believes that might makes right.
that histry is wrote by victory

He sees the end of the lie..
but fails to see he is the one lying.

[if only to himself]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 March 2011 8:06:01 AM
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