The Forum > Article Comments > Arrest and tax those who would cover-up child abuse > Comments
Arrest and tax those who would cover-up child abuse : Comments
By Max Wallace, published 17/12/2010All, including churches and other religious bodies, should be legally required to report child abuse
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Posted by Ozandy, Friday, 17 December 2010 8:49:11 AM
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I cant find the article that has been written?
Posted by gothesca, Friday, 17 December 2010 7:40:03 PM
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Graham will need to inform Max that he forgot to attach his article Gothesca.
Posted by we are unique, Friday, 17 December 2010 9:57:02 PM
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Those who hid these predominant homosexual priests should be brought to justice just like the DCD mob who sent back the young aboriginal girl into the community where she was packed raped. The crimes are the same but no convictions. Repeat child abusers should be castrated.
Posted by runner, Friday, 17 December 2010 10:12:22 PM
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"Eminent family law legal expert claims sex offenders should be allowed to adopt" If mothers can kill their children in their wombs up until nine months and If children can be artificially created with no natural right to a mother and a father purely to satisfy the desires of homosexuals then why shouldn't child molesters be allowed to adopt children? It's their "fundamental human right". People need to move with the times or at least show a little consistency. Posted by Proxy, Friday, 17 December 2010 10:22:37 PM
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OZANDY... are you serious about opposing Child abuse?
I support you in this. There are a couple of levels here. 1/ When the Church (or organisation) has a dogmatic/belief system which opposes child abuse....but there individual members of such a body go against those beliefs or dogma's and committ such abuse. This is the situation where Churches experience priests or officials who committ such sin and breaches of the law. 2/ Then there is the level where child abuse is PART and PARCEL of the belief system of a religious body. Are you brave ? do you have around 5 minutes? do you care? Try this. Read the Quran chapter 65 v 1-5 that's it...just 5 verses. Doesn't take long. Do you notice anything strange? see the bit about 'those who have not yet menses'? Now...that you've spent around 3 minutes....go the extra 2 and read the 'meaning' of verse 4 here. Scroll to '65:4' in the midst of some Arabic writing. Now scroll further to *13 which is an explanatory note to the part of the verse indicated by that number. Read the whole paragraph signified by that number. Do you see my point ? Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 18 December 2010 8:07:36 AM
It seems they still have plenty of friends in high places though as both major parties seem to pander to the secretive lobby groups. Internet censorship is about the only Labour policy that the Libs have not opposed vigorously.
Whilst overt child abuse is plainly evil (to this secularist anyway), I believe the impact on early education is almost as bad. They are teaching hate politics and deliberately trying to bind children's thought patterns. Rather than develop a keen BS detector and a wide world view, the early religious schools are teaching the inherent "evil" of certain groups and they are being lied to about what science is and how it works. Thankfully kids are very good at getting round obvious BS...but the harm it does is huge....and one a modern Australia cannot really afford!
The Law is a tangled mess, but 2 simple changes could fix most of the issues: 1) Remove all traditional religious influence: Canon Law has the same status as Sharia Law in a secular society:none. 2) End the War on Drugs...this billion dollar black industry kills more kids and corrupts society more than even religious groups can manage. The sort of illogic that religion entails is necessary to believe that all the crime, corruption and increased usage are worth "sending the right message".
Drug profits are to police what little boys are to priests.