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The Forum > Article Comments > Arrest and tax those who would cover-up child abuse > Comments

Arrest and tax those who would cover-up child abuse : Comments

By Max Wallace, published 17/12/2010

All, including churches and other religious bodies, should be legally required to report child abuse

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the unfortunate downside and one in which all taxpayers will be paying. The primary consideration is for criminals to be locked up and realise to what extent their crimes had on so many victims [many now adults] and their families.
Posted by we are unique, Sunday, 19 December 2010 10:35:06 PM
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I was under the impression that all child abuse was legally supposed to be reported now? Are church organisations exempt then?

With all the current mass reporting of child sex abuse within the Irish Catholic Church at present, I sincerely hope that the land that spawned thousands of priests and sent them all over the world, will now do the right thing and throw the book at all involved.

The Irish people have at last seen the light and realise that the Catholic Church hierarchy and staff are not 'gods' and are not beyond reproach anymore.

Perpetrators of child sexual abuse should be treated harshly, no matter who they are. However, I believe that those people in positions of authority, or those that put themselves out there as 'pillars of society' or 'God's word here on earth' should receive even more harsh penalties.
Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 20 December 2010 12:02:53 AM
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Having had some experience in seeking redress for former child 'inmates' of Queensland children's institutions, almost all of whom suffered some form of abuse - the mildest being deprivation of food, the most severe being physically and sexually abused to the point of death - from babies to 18 year olds.

I found that dealing with the Churches on behalf of victims was quite difficult, the worst being the Salvation Army, which has spent more on defending itself and hiring very expensive law firms to threaten former victims for speaking out, than it has in compensating its former child victims. The SA ran some of the most abusive, violent and child crushing institutions in Queensland and I understand the situation wasn't much different in other states.

Abuse in State-run children's institutions was widespread and horrific as well. Are readers aware that there was an inquiry into criminal abuse at a certain state children's facility in QLD, an Inquiry conducted by a former magistrate named Heiner whilst Wayne Goss was Premier? The Inquiry findings and the evidence given never saw the light of day because Goss's chief of staff, an ambitious Labour Party functionary named Kevin Rudd destroyed all documents, leaving no trace. This destruction became known as 'Shreddergate'.

Why? Because it is believed the findings implicated a lot of unionists and Labourites in crimes against children. I, and many others, wanted to puke when Rudd became PM, and are still upset he's on the world stage as the FM. You think foreign leaders don't know this? It will be in their briefing notes. K Rudd, the paedo's friend.

It's not just the 'Churches' who have a lot to answer for; look at our own politicians more closely.
Posted by RichardJoachim, Monday, 20 December 2010 4:33:33 AM
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//Why? Because it is believed the findings implicated a lot of unionists and Labourites in crimes against children.//

The issue of blunting critism, deflecting legal action, and protecting entities (Church's/Politicians/Unions) is the same for all segments of the community, including yours.

But the universality of the problem is a glaring testimony that the source here is ourselves. At the root of such intrigues and self protection is sin... yep..*SIN* with a capital "s".

The solution to that problem is a)Repentance b)forgiveness and c) Renewal in Christ.

The real 'Church' is that Body of believers who are not beholden to a beaurocratic structure like some of the major denominations mentioned.

Some of them attend regular services..others meet in homes. They don't run "institutions" ...they do however reach out to people and seek to be an instrument of healing...emotional, physical and spiritual.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 20 December 2010 6:34:35 AM
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@ RichardJoachim I had heard that. I know of a person who was in institutions in Queensland, they have been so damaged they struggle everyday. I agree that governments, churches and other places are responsible. My thing was not to just focus on gunning for the catholic church.

I think people do because it appears to be a easy target. People focus on priests who cant marry so they turn to harming and abusing children. Reality is abuse can be found in all parts of society to the same degree of harm.The catholic church do not have the monopoly on child sex abuse or abuse
Posted by gothesca, Monday, 20 December 2010 10:55:23 AM
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Rudd is at the centre of much from the Goss years. It was him who assisted Scripture Union into its then monopoly position of supplying 'chaplains' to state schools.

Now there are three other suppliers, two also xtian, one Buddhist.

Yes, the Heiner Affair has long been a sorry episode in Qld, and few know the truth still.

Sure, it's not just the Vicar of God who has condoned the abuse of children, the Salvo's have only recently 'apologised' for their crimes just the other day, and still no General languishing in a jail for it either.

There is another time bomb brewing too, with the fostering of children.

This has become a rich source of income for fundie families, who fill their houses with their own children, and the wards of the state, and impose their religious views on them for all they are worth, under the tender bleatings of 'love'.

It's all too shameful to even think about, but one day we will be hearing 'apologies' for them too.

Pathetic, isn't it?
Posted by The Blue Cross, Monday, 20 December 2010 12:12:07 PM
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