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The Forum > Article Comments > Arrest and tax those who would cover-up child abuse > Comments

Arrest and tax those who would cover-up child abuse : Comments

By Max Wallace, published 17/12/2010

All, including churches and other religious bodies, should be legally required to report child abuse

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To: The Blue Cross & gothesca (don't you people have real names?)

To answer a few statements; Israeli Law is far closer to Australian Law than it is to US Law, when Israel became independent from the British Mandate (eg trusteeship) in 1948, it inherited the British legal system and had almost exactly the same laws and Criminal Code as in Oz.

Israel does not have a 'gun-toting, wild-west mentality' and I'm not sure that is even true of the US in this modern era. Excluding terrorist crimes, are you aware that Israel has a tenth or less (on a per capita basis) the crime rate in Australia? You are 10 times more likely to be the victim of violent crime and crimes against the person - this includes child abuse, sexual or otherwise - in Australia than in Israel. These statistics are easily checked.

The US and Israel are not as close as you imply. The main reason why the US is supportive of Israel generally, is that it is the only 'Western' democracy in the Mid-East, and is fighting the same war on terror as the US.

The US takes a harder line against child-abusers generally than Oz or Israel. The US better recognizes that child abusers are recidivists and so it's not just a punishment issue; it's to keep them away from children and repeat offending.
Posted by RichardJoachim, Tuesday, 21 December 2010 2:23:24 PM
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Is that why the US jailed all its Catholic Bishops, priests and bell ringers?
Posted by The Blue Cross, Tuesday, 21 December 2010 3:29:25 PM
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