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The end of the Greens? : Comments

By Chris Lewis, published 30/11/2010

It would be simplistic to dismiss the Australian Greens as a dangerous political force.

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RPG....Hi....well you can cherry pick all you like, and what hate speech? This is coming here and its starting to show its face..........however....Any-thing over five to ten million is rich. Tax them and spread the wealth.... and for god sake....stop the Australian people from following the US example. You know the story of Ned Kelly........poor people will get desperate and just rob those that who are apart of the greedy........once upon a time.........all of Australia bathed together in the the social identity has been lost and people now sit away from each other instead of together as it did.

Rich.....are in there class.

Middle class are now blended with the unemployed middle class. ( prayed upon by the card dependent and sinking)

And the poor pensioner/single dole person...........well.....and one can sleep at nights?

( I hope you have good security systems :)

There is a cycle growing here, which all will live in the poorest of living conditions.

So all living on edge and divided.............that's better you thinks?

Bring back the unions or just watch the movie that the link as provided.

Where the equal-opportunity?

Is that who is "ripping off the workers", sportspeople .. or is it just a general, someone to hate rant, using "rich" people as a demonized target?

One word...........CAPITALISM.

It doesn't work!

Posted by Deep-Blue, Wednesday, 1 December 2010 7:27:18 PM
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capitalism doesn't work ..hmmm, but it produced computers, modern medicine etc .. yep, doesn't work .. what utter rubbish.

This is not worth pursuing, it's just stupid anti capitalism rants as posts, that are becoming steadily less coherent, using tools that are the fruits of capitalism, what hypocrisy..

This is to be expected I guess, everything the green eco types do is hypocrisy dressed up as a religion or belief

have fun blue .. how's the weather on your planet?
Posted by rpg, Wednesday, 1 December 2010 7:34:49 PM
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"have fun blue .. how's the weather on your planet?
Posted by rpg, Wednesday, 1 December 2010 7:34:49 PM

lol.....not as dirty and corrupt as yours:)

I thought you enjoyed a good old rant. The Australian Greens Leader, Senator Bob Brown, said a record 1.17 million people ( AND EVER GROWING ) voted Greens at the last election, and the five Greens Senators were ready to work constructively with all parties to respond to the challenges of the new century.

"Pollution, poverty, discrimination and the destruction of Australia's forests and precious environments are the legacy of the last century and decades of greed and inaction."

"The Greens' role, beginning with this new Parliament, is to begin delivering an Australia that was cleaner, fairer and saner."

End of the greens..........what?.

Its alright RPG..........we understand.....there...there:)

And you want to talk about rants........your little buddy is the champ;;;0

No Grim...the GREENS don't offer a 'new' dialectic..they offer the SAME one Marx did ! thinly disguised communism!

They are nothing but Fabians.. 'wolves in sheeps clothing'....

Have a look at the image on the sheild between the two men with the hammers.

Notice also....that mankind (the people along the bottom) are now worshipping SOCIALIST literature...and power...

I kid you not...that IS their objective.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 30 November 2010 8:55:02 AM


And you want to talk about rants....Oh dear;0

Posted by Deep-Blue, Wednesday, 1 December 2010 8:56:37 PM
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The old chestnut of:

"Capitalism is the worst system in the world, with the exception of all the rest."

Socialism:- tried and failed
Communism:- tried and epic failure along with millions dead.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 2 December 2010 6:54:46 AM
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Gee...... I wonder if............ Deep Blue is …........... a sock puppet....
I have to admit, I've always believed Jesus Christ was a socialist.......... at heart........
I actually find myself in the rather uncomfortable position of having to -at least partially- agree with Boaz. The Greens do have the appearance of being more a recycled dialectic than a completely new one.
Many of their views are very reminiscent of the Labor party of the sixties -seventies. Remember the Green Bans?
Australian politics has become confusing. I suppose the Libs can at least claim they have remained true to their roots of 'classic' liberalism; although some might say they were more social liberals than classics, once.
The Democrats under Chipp were definitely Social Liberals, and therefore to the right of the Labor (social democrat) party; but then Hawke and Keating starting selling off every thing they could lay their hands on (Liberalism) and the Democrats opposed them (socialism).
You couldn't fit a cigarette paper between the majors on economic policy, much less a minor party.
The putative dialectic has become rather messy of late. We still have our fanatics claiming either/or; down with the Capitalists! Or down with the Socialists! But in truth it will never be so simple again. China is nominally a socialist country, yet we have Chinese entrepreneurs and Chinese billionaires. Go figgur.
I'm betting the new dialectic will be between the Democratic governments and the bankers.
Has it occurred to anyone else that governments are in a very real sense the antithesis of banks?
Posted by Grim, Thursday, 2 December 2010 7:54:03 AM
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Consider taxes. One of the two 'nice' things about paying taxes is, you're only expected to pay tax if you are actually making money. If you aren't making money, you can actually get tax dollars back, in the form of welfare.
Compare this to banks. If you have more money than you immediately need, the banks will give you more money. Absolutely free. Don't even have to say 'please'. But if you don't have money, they will charge you -quite steeply- for the money you need.
Bankers will quite smugly claim their profit margins are low, but this really begs the question: which would you rather, 10% of one thing, or 1% of absolutely everything?
The Govmint sold us out to the banks when it made it mandatory for everyone to have a bank account. Even welfare recipients must have an account, to receive their payments.
And the banks charge them for it.
Even though the Govmint retains the right to print money, the bulk of the money in circulation is borrowed into existence, through the banks. Even the money the Govmint itself uses.
While Europe is moving to socialise their banks, in the US the banks appear to have succeeded in taking over the govmint.
Who will win, I wonder; and is there a better (third) way?
Posted by Grim, Thursday, 2 December 2010 7:54:50 AM
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