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Has Multiculturalism Failed? : Comments
By John Töns, published 22/10/2010Multiculturalism properly separates private from public, but within shared community values.
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Posted by Richie 10, Monday, 25 October 2010 1:24:30 AM
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Richie 10 wrote: If you really were a bible student you would know that there was only one race, the human race, and the separation of the people into tribes and races occurred at the tower of Babel.
Dear Richie 10, I am a Bible student. A Bible student realises that the Bible includes legends from many sources, and the tower of Babel is merely a fable. Someone who believes literally in the Bible as you do is not a Bible student - merely a superstitious believer. All humans belong to one species. Possibly because homo sapiens has managed to kill off other competing humanoid species. Richie 10 "Christianity stands or falls on the truth of Gods word, not yours." Christianity stands or falls on the political power it wields based on the gullibility of believers. "Love is the key and Jesus (Gods word) is the source of it all." Jesus did not invent love. It existed before Jesus and will continue to exist when Jesus will be relegated to mythology along with Odin, Zeus and other gods that humans have invented. Richie 10: ...we are very fortunate to live in the internet age for knowledge is only a finger tip away. Both the Bible and the internet contain a lot of nonsense. One should approach both with skepticism. Richie 10: Reject wisdom at your peril. You don't seem to be in any peril even though you confuse gullible belief with wisdom. Posted by david f, Monday, 25 October 2010 9:23:50 AM
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Your argument is based on a misreading, mac.
>>Pericles, Yes, but in that case, Caesar,came, saw, didn't conquer and left<< What I said: "Britain was invaded by the Romans in 55BC" I didn't mention conquering. I included a whole lot of other folk who didn't conquer Britain either, Frisians, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Vikings etc. They all went into the melting pot. All have been assimilated without too much angst. So as far as "straw man arguments and offensive ad hominem attacks" are concerned... >> objection is not to foreigners, smelly or otherwise, but to ideologies, I hope you don't equate religion and race<< That's where all the action is, on the borderlines between ideology, religion and race. Boundaries that, in so many minds, have become conveniently porous, when it comes to their own personal comfort zone. And yes, I used "smelly foreigners" as a metaphor for all those aspects of cultural and religious differences that some amongst us use as reasons for their fear and loathing. Ah, here's one now. >>The key to a successful state is not 'divisive' "Multi" ...culturalism but MONO culturalism as public policy<< What has not been satisfactorily explained here is what, exactly, is "divisive" policy. stevenlmeyer has a view on this: >> if you want to cover your face that is your right. But if you have to give evidence in court you will remove your face covering. No ifs. No buts. No special conditions.<< I accept the requirement for a witness in our courts to uncover their face. What strikes me as belligerently intolerant is the demand that this be "without special conditions". We have a culture of sensitivity to public exposure. The treatment of minors in a court of law is governed by different rules to those for adults, for example. Given the fact that no harm can come from, say, closing the courtroom, the only possible reason for stevelmeyer's insistence on "no special conditions" for those who are unaccustomed to show their face, must be that it is a form of spiteful oppression of someone who is different. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 25 October 2010 10:56:15 AM
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Just a quick, temporary diversion from the topic. Regarding the covering of the face by witnesses in court . . . . this is a GREAT misconception that "some" people have. They "believe" that jurors can better judge truth or lies by observing the facial expressions and features. WRONG WRONG WRONG. Body language, especially facial expressions, is close to the worst and most inaccurate way to judge whether or not truth is being told. It's no more accurate than the Dark Age practices of having someone tortured, and if they give in then declaring that God has intervened to show guilt.
Posted by samsung, Monday, 25 October 2010 1:40:59 PM
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Oh my...this is just toooooo good to miss.
The "ENGLISH DEFENSE LEAGUE" is growing by the day (Make sure you wait till the little teardrops show up) THE LABOR RESPONSE. a) Cruddas (Labor Politician) says "Camped outside the political centre ground, this is a large swath of the electorate, a people who believe they have been robbed of their birthright and who are in search of community and belonging." virtually complete denial of the point he made above he says: b) "Now all our political parties must search for an animating, inclusive and optimistic definition of modern England to choke off what the EDL taps into." Which is patently ridiculous. First he says they want a sense of community and belonging...which they HAD until the import of 100s of 1000s of non English to the land,....but NOWWW...he chirps that the problem will be solved by an 'inclusive' definition of England ? ? ? Good grief..the man must be on very serious drugs. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 25 October 2010 6:47:38 PM
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You can always be relied upon for a good chuckle, Boaz. So thanks for keeping up the good work.
>>Oh my...this is just toooooo good to miss. The "ENGLISH DEFENSE LEAGUE" is growing by the day<< Yawn. Yet another neo-fascist bunch of xenophobes, whose leaders use exactly the same methods that you do to whip up the good ol' fear and loathing. I find the sociology of these groups quite fascinating, so many thanks for bringing this one to my attention, Boaz. This one grew out of the football community of Luton, a town I happen to know quite well. It is a pretty grim place, which has been going downhill ever since Vauxhall Motors (GM) stopped building cars there. At one point, the factory employed 30,000, and during WWII, they made Churchill tanks. Now it is an archetypal post-industrial urban wasteland, with its once-famous football team now out of the EPL altogether. A perfect petri dish, in fact, within which to grow a malignant sub-culture of clansmen, hell-bent on blaming everyone else for their inability to make their way in the world. Originally named the United People of Luton, it was led for a while by the delightful Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, an ex-BNP thug who did a year inside for assault back in 2005. They will, of course, crash and burn in a few years. They will get a bit of notoriety along the way, of course, but only for their sporadic acts of senseless violence. Which, if you have ever been to Kenilworth Road, you will understand immediately. Incidentally, Boaz, I have on many occasions brought to your attention the appalling lack of research that you undertake before posting your "hey, look at this!" whack-a-mozzie pieces. This one is no exception. All those "little teardrops" you point us to on the map were put there by the same individual over a period of a couple of days. A little digging would have revealed the fact that most of them lead absolutely nowhere. What does that tell you? Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 8:22:04 AM
Rome became christian. How, God does not have grandchildren, you must be born again for he only has sons and daughters. A dog returns to his vomit, has it ever occurred to you that what you believe to be Christianity may be paganism as the children rejected Gods word, and that is how we got into this mess in the beginning. If you really were a bible student you would know that there was only one race, the human race, and the separation of the people into tribes and races occurred at the tower of Babel. Christianity stands or falls on the truth of Gods word, not yours. As you weren't around 2 thousand years ago I will take eye witness accounts from that time over your word " Did God really say?". For multiculturalism to work there needs to be Love for love covers a multitude of sin. God Is Love and I am sure the National socialists and the Soviet socialists did not act out of Love. Love is the key and Jesus (Gods word) is the source of it all. Pride causes people to fall from grace. If you preach intolerance of anything other than sin (to miss the mark) you have the perverse word not the truth. You need to make a study of the origin of words to under stand them not their common usage today as change in meanings occur over time. People perish from lack of knowledge and we are very fortunate to live in the internet age for knowledge is only a finger tip away. Wisdom is the principle thing and the word of God brings correction in wisdom. Reject wisdom at your peril.