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Has Multiculturalism Failed? : Comments

By John Töns, published 22/10/2010

Multiculturalism properly separates private from public, but within shared community values.

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Dear Pericles

your provision of some English history is well meaning..and on the surface might be considered 'persuasive' for the case 'for' multi-culturalism. you suggest..let's dig a bit deeper. The Romans were not particularly tolerant of little upstarts of 'non' Roman culture becoming a threat.. just ask David F what happened to his own forebears on that score.

The key to a successful state is not 'divisive' "Multi" ...culturalism but MONO culturalism as public policy. No..I don't mean 'wipe out' non mainstream cultures..but I DO mean 'educate,encourage and reward all evidence of people working to integrate,assmililate and be productive loyal citizens of ONE country'. all but the totally irrational among us... it would seem obvious that a careful and selective immigration policy would be wise if not absolutely neccessary for this to be a goer without any major handicaps.

We don't need or want 'ex' Tamil Tigers, or 'patriotic' sinhanlese or Hi cast hindu's or Militant Muslims or Croats or Serbs who never intend to forget their own petty historic squabbles.

We can accept people from such 'national' (but not political) backgrounds on strict condition that they make a committment (with KPIs) to be good Australians and to support embrace and promote the culture they find already here.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 23 October 2010 3:29:30 PM
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As of course it should. This divisive and blatant example of just how pernicious and scurrilous 'multiculturalism' becomes should alert all of us to where 'we' are headed if not already arrived.

Victorias draconian/Orwellian Racial and Religious Tolerance Act coupled with the recent changes to the 'Equal' Opportunity Act along with the outright lies and deception of labor politicians on the issue, should sound a warning that perhaps we have already arrived.

Wilders trial collapsed because a corrupt JUDGE tried to manipulate and massge an 'expert witness' into agreeing that Wilders should be put on trial.

This example of disgraceful legal malfeasance is simply 'the destination' under left wing 'end justifies the means' political normality.

Fortunately there was some self respecting senior Dutch legal people who saw the direction and stepped in.

Even the prosecution did not believe Wilders had a case to answer.
They were FORCED to prosecute by biased judges.

Ohhhh how the Old Testament is relevant today as ever.

Isaiah 5

20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.

23 who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
but deny justice to the innocent


5 Now I will tell you
what I am going to do to my vineyard:
I will take away its hedge,
and it will be destroyed;
I will break down its wall,
and it will be trampled.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 23 October 2010 3:39:31 PM
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It's interesting how Al "characterises" immigrants who are not part of his cherished monoculture, as CRIMINAL types.

He does this as a manoeuvre. It enables him to adopt a phony high moral ground, by implying that if one doesn't agree with his monoculture "beliefs" then you're supporting in Australia insurrection, social disorder, criminal activity, terrorism and all manner of nasty things.

He does this phony high moral ground stuff on many topics that he posts on. It's a manoeuvre he uses in an attempt to "win". I just thought I'd alert people here to his tactics, and if you wish to take his bait then go ahead. But remember, he's baiting you.
Posted by samsung, Saturday, 23 October 2010 3:49:51 PM
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When I was still teaching I used to read to my students a passage that described migrants as dirty, untrustworthy, dangerous, and really not fit to live in civilized society. I would then ask students to whom the author was referring. Invariably the response identified whomesoever was part of the most recent lot of new migrants. The irony was that the piece was taken from Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath and referred to the Okies. (I have long lost my copy but it was in one of the interchapters towards the end of the book be great of someone knows the exact words.) For us the point is that if we can condemn a particular group out of hand then we have a good reason for not getting to know them and as long as we remain ignorant we will never discover that they are really not that different from ourselves.
Posted by BAYGON, Saturday, 23 October 2010 4:09:36 PM
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I dissagree with both Samsung and runner.

Multiculturalism is firstly a missnomer as there is no other culture that we accept in its entire form. We tolerate and accept aspects of other cultures only, some more than others.

We are multi-racial but not multicultural. Our basic laws, governance and social standards are based on the UK model, as is our defence and police forces, and local government. We even drive on the roads left.

There are many aspects of other cultures that are against our laws and social standards. Others cannot simply state that what is "outside the home is Australia and inside the home is France". Polygamy, oppession of women, forced marriages and FGM take place within the home as does certain culinary practices which are not acceptable.

Multiculturalism is a failed ideology because many groups do not accept others. Palistinians and Jews do not see eye to eye, Croats and Serbs still hate and fight each other after 3-4 generations here. More recently the Sri Lankens and the Tamils have had violent clashes in Melbourne and Sydney, one involved a home invasion and acid attack.

'Unity in diversity' is an outright lie. Facts are that different ethnic groups do not get along and the Lebs get on with no one else.

Problem is those that continue to advocate MC only see the 'nice' things like children in costumes, dragon parades, beer festivals and various eating places. They ignore the baggage that comes with various ethnic groups.

Every time we bend to accomodate another cultural aspect we compromise our own culture. Therfore cultural change must evolve slowly over time and not forced on the community by government decree. That is what we have here and is called social engineering.
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 23 October 2010 4:35:18 PM
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Baygon, that's using "logic". I'm afraid the Als of this world run on something different, like a mixture of fear and "belief" ...... they want their monoculture; and if you don't agree then you're a supporter of CRIMINALS. LOL.
Posted by samsung, Saturday, 23 October 2010 4:37:37 PM
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