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Has Multiculturalism Failed? : Comments
By John Töns, published 22/10/2010Multiculturalism properly separates private from public, but within shared community values.
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Posted by Proxy, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 8:45:12 PM
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That's tasteless, Boaz. Even for you.
>>We both know that people who have "done time"...for 'assault' are many, and also that some of them have ended with greatness..hmmm's one Nelson Mandela.<< You compare this: "At the beginning of June 1961, after long and anxious assessment of the South African situation, I and some colleagues came to the conclusion that as violence in this country was inevitable, it would be wrong and unrealistic for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence at a time when the government met our peaceful demands with force. It was only when all else had failed, when all channels of peaceful protest had been barred to us, that the decision was made to embark on violent forms of political struggle, and to form Umkhonto we Sizwe ... the Government had left us no other choice." With this: "In the same year he assaulted an off-duty police officer who intervened to stop a domestic incident between Yaxley-Lennon and his partner Jenna Vowles. During the scuffle Yaxley-Lennon kicked the officer in the head. He was convicted on 18 April 2005 for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, for which he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, and assault with intent to resist arrest, for which he received a concurrent term of three months." You'll believe anything they tell you, won't you. >>I so love the dog bite bit :) but hey...why waste an opportunity for a good old EDL bash eh ?<< If you look closely at the video that supposedly shows the "dog bite", and if you care to be entirely honest with yourself for a moment, you will notice two things. 1. Neither of the dogs in shot is in a position to inflict a bite. 2. The policeman fell backwards, abruptly, consistent with being struck by a missile thrown from in front of him. There is no way that a "dog bite" would have caused such a movement. But someone labels it "Dog Bite", and you swallow the story hook, line and sinker. That's quite pathetic in a grown man, you know. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 10:56:03 PM
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Ohhhh goood GRIEF :) Proxy... between your hilarious (but spot on) video link and Pericles 'surreal' "hook line and sinker" swallowing of a "Hope Not Hate" version (or cut paste of) events in Yaxley's life...
I just about cannot go on....I mean.. I reckon the neighbours would hear my shrieks of hilarity and unbelief.(of Pericles and Baygons efforts) O-k..Pericles..time to bring you to book, in the kindest possible way. Lets have a peak at how the British Media portrays an EDL event, then..let's look at the truth. Begin with WIKIPEDIA On 9 October 2010, a police officer and several civillians were injured during protests by the English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism in Leicester. A Sky News van was attacked by members of the English Defence League[74] who had earlier thrown fireworks, smokebombs and bricks at police. Let's break this down into managable portions. 1/ "A police officer Injured" 2/ "Several civilians Injured" 3/ "Sky news van attacked by EDL members" 4/ "Who had earlier thrown fireworks, smokebombs and police" Freakkkkkky for sure. Ohhh those BAD BAD BADDDD EDL people. TRUTH. 1/ Policeman bitten by police dog! 2/ Several civilians injured by UAF mob assaulting them. 3/ Sky news van ignored by EDL, but attacked by UAF. 4/ Various Missiles...hurled by ? ? ?... UAF and Muslim thugs! (who the police ignored) Here is the evidence.. we decide. a) Dog lurches forward, and IS in the precise position to bite the officer..pulling him back. b) Another officer recoils from...the DOGS... No..the action is in no way "consistent" with the officer being hit with a missile, not in the slightest because you can SEE what happened to him. (did you see any missile on the ground?) In any case..the missiles were hurled by Muslims and UAF. (as usual) PS. ad hominems make me stronger :) Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Wednesday, 27 October 2010 3:45:48 PM
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Pericles... my beloved combatant :)
a bit of special attention to your rather idealistic estimation of Mandela and your rather undignified talking down of Yaxley and the EDL. All the things you mentioned about the experience of Mandela and the Africans in S.A. and the 'last resort' being violence.. you clearly are not very much in the loop. The actions of the police and Politicians toward patriotic and loyal English lads is pretty much exactly the same, though we have yet to ascertain the whereabouts of a couple of 'dissappeared' lads. You don't see what's happening, and you seem to just swallow the mainstream media's lies and left wing distortions. I guess that's why your opinion seems to echo those same lies and distortions. The EDL is now part of a growing world wide movement, and you just have to face up to that. The movement is growing for the same reasons any oppressed people's movement does. White English (and White Australians) by skin color.. are being systematically oppressed and treated with discriminition by activist magistrates. You know this, but seem to choose to ignore it.,%20Number%202,%202008/O%27Connell%20Pinned%20Like%20a%20Butterfly%20FINAL.pdf "I don't believe WHITE people should have the protection of the race discrimination act" (Magistrate Page 7) Can it be any clearer Pericles? and don't forget those 'white power structures' which must be destroyed. How about these ? CATHERINE KOERNER: WHOSE SECURITY? HOW WHITE POSSESSION IS REINFORCED IN EVERYDAY SPEECH ABOUT ASYLUM SEEKERS MELANIE E. L. BUSH: WHITE WORLD SUPREMACY AND THE CREATION OF NATION: “AMERICAN DREAM” OR GLOBAL NIGHTMARE? (from that last article) Through an analysis of heartland imagery, I explore the co-articulation of whiteness and American innocence that characterises the memorial culture of 9/11. First, the article explores how the American heartland is used to signify goodness and innocence, and how such qualities are linked with whiteness. Forgive me Pericles for noticing that it all seems 'contra white' by skin color. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Wednesday, 27 October 2010 3:57:20 PM
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You only see what you want to see, don't you Boaz.
>>TRUTH. 1/ Policeman bitten by police dog!<< That is so evidently not the case, I cannot believe - well, actually I can, but it is still difficult - that you do not have it in you to admit that you are wrong. There were two dogs in the frame. Neither was in a position to attack the policeman from the front, which is the angle of attack that would have caused him to fall backwards. You will also notice, if you bother to look, that the copper on his left actually skips to his left, out of the path of the incoming missile, and then looks backwards to see where it landed. This is the same "evidence" that you are seeing, Boaz, and it comes from the EDL site, no-one else's. Mind you, I'm impressed by your back-up cover story: >>In any case..the missiles were hurled by Muslims and UAF. (as usual)<< I suppose the dogs were Muslims as well, eh Boaz? But back to a fact that doesn't need interpretation. >>Pericles 'surreal' "hook line and sinker" swallowing of a "Hope Not Hate" version (or cut paste of) events in Yaxley's life<< Are you trying to suggest that Yaxley-Lennon did not do twelve months inside for assault? And do you still believe that his sordid act of common assault, in a domestic environment, is equivalent to the policies of anti-establishment violence in apartheid South Africa sanctioned by Nelson Mandela? Or were you actually pro-apartheid? I could easily believe that of you, as it happens. >>PS. ad hominems make me stronger<< You mean, this little observation of mine? "That's quite pathetic in a grown man, you know" Tell you what. Your daughter is grown up now, and most likely has a mind of her own. Ask her whether she is comfortable with her dad's ultra-right-wing view of life. Let her browse your posts on this forum for a while. Do let me know what she says. Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 27 October 2010 4:16:37 PM
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Call me a serial pest.. but it's o--k :)
Pericles.. poor gullible me... 'believing' the EDL version of events at Leicester... how silly of me. Of course I should bow my head in humble penance and spend a few hours of compulsory viewing and reading of good ol Nick Lowles "HopeNotHate" truth site... to be a remedial activity (set by the esteemed (black)Trevor Philips of the 'Equality' commission of course) Oh..wait.... I spoke too soon... my lawyers P.I. just raced into the court room screaming "NEW EVIDENCE".. and is. The good bit starts from 2.00 Same footage.. pretty much but from a better perspective where you can see the whole event...police heads to toe and the EDL group. I look in vain for a 'missile' flying at the constable who 'went down'.. but it's plain as day that "LionHeart" our EDL covert canine operative (specially trained for this task) went forward and grabbed and dragged the constable back and down. "Good job Lionheart"! So... I promise I won't crow or gloat.. are you prepared to revise your carefully worded 'consistent with a missile strike' now ? :) Perhaps you could say "Definite canine intervention" We must discuss something different soon.. economics again would be good. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Wednesday, 27 October 2010 6:58:55 PM
I thought John Tons initiated this discussion?
"Has Multiculturalism Failed?"
Yes it has.
"PARIS (Reuters) – Muslim pupils and parents in France are increasingly making religious demands on the state school system that teachers should rebuff by explaining the country's secular principles, according to an official report.
The High Council for Integration (HCI) reported growing problems with pupils of immigrant backgrounds who object to courses about the Holocaust, the Crusades or evolution, demand halal meals and "reject French culture and its values."
"During Ramadan, some Muslim pupils harass others who don't observe the annual daytime fast, it said. Boys who identify themselves as Muslims and reject French values harass girls who do well in class as "collaborators" with the "dirty French."
Some girls ask to be excused from gymnasium or pool sessions because they are not supposed to mix with boys, it added."
"Increasing demands..."
"Growing problems..."
"Rejection of (host country) culture and its values..."
It's a familiar pattern, repeated wherever Islam meets the West,
unequivocally demonstrating the failure of multiculturalism.