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The Quran burning: a sign of things to come : Comments
By Muqtedar Khan, published 10/9/2010Muslims must be patient and let Terry Jones enjoy the monopoly on barbarity as he burns the Holy Quran.
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Posted by bigmal, Monday, 13 September 2010 8:24:51 AM
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I knew that reminded me of something.
>>The number words in the Koranmc trylogy given over to violence... 328,000<< "Percentage of statistics made up on the spot by people who are determined to make a point, regardless of truth and accuracy: 99.73%" Posted by Pericles, Monday, 13 September 2010 9:29:04 AM
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Good one Pericles
Why dont you take it up with the author of the document I referenced Despite the smart arsed retort, it is still a metric of merit ..indicating where the substance of the underlying problem may reside. Posted by bigmal, Monday, 13 September 2010 10:54:24 AM
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Words given over to violence in the NT is zero? A load of cobblers, mate. Just a few: "# Peter claims that Deuteronomy 18:18-19 refers to Jesus, saying that those who refuse to follow him (all non-Christians) must be killed. 3:23 # Peter and God scare Ananias and his wife to death for not forking over all of the money that they made when selling their land. 5:1-10 # Peter has a dream in which God show him "wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls." The voice (God's?) says, "Rise, Peter: kill and eat." 10:10-13 # Peter describes the vision that he had in the last chapter (10:10-13). All kinds of beasts, creeping things, and fowls drop down from the sky in a big sheet, and a voice (God's, Satan's?) tells him to "Arise, Peter; slay and eat." 11:5-6 # The "angel of the Lord" killed Herod by having him "eaten of worms" because "he gave not God the glory." 12:23 # David was "a man after [God's] own heart." 13:22 # The author of Acts talks about the "sure mercies of David." But David was anything but merciful. For an example of his behavior see 2 Sam.12:31 and 1 Chr.20:3, where he saws, hacks, and burns to death the inhabitants of several cities. 13:34 # Paul and the Holy Ghost conspire together to make Elymas (the sorcerer) blind. 13:8-11 Romans # Homosexuals (those "without natural affection") and their supporters (those "that have pleasure in them") are "worthy of death." 1:31-32 # The guilty are "justified" and "saved from wrath" by the blood of an innocent victim. 5:9 # God punishes everyone for someone else's sin; then he saves them by killing an innocent victim. 5:12 1 Corinthians # If you defile the temple of God, God will destroy you. 3:17 # Paul claims that God killed 23,000 in a plague for "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab 10:8 All religions exhort violence, especially the 3 Abrahamic religions of which the NT is a fundamental part. All holy texts should be burned. Freedom FROM religion. Posted by Johnny Rotten, Monday, 13 September 2010 12:13:22 PM
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bigmal would you care to clarify the meaning of "given over to violence".
Off hand I can think of a number of words about violence in the new testament. Will this be another one of those "when our god does it it's good, when it's a muslim thing it's bad" examples of how bad their faith is? R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 13 September 2010 12:17:45 PM
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God save us from all religion!
All mainstream religions provide rules for the in-crowd, but also out clauses for when your tribe needs to off another tribe. In other words, "be nice at home, but kick ass when at war". Our modern multi-cultural world has created confusion as to who is "in" our tribe and who is "out". Nationalism cannot keep up with culture...and probably never will. Given that all religious "wisdom" is over 1000 years old and not particularly relevant, it is sad that folks take it this seriously. If folks worried about Good instead of God we'd be better off. Posted by Ozandy, Monday, 13 September 2010 12:27:43 PM
The number words in the Koranmc trylogy given over to violence... 328,000.
The number of words in the Hebrew bible ...34,000.
The number of words in the New Testament ...0.
When the target audience are illerate and delusional then it is easy to see how they get manipulated by the priestly class this case Imans and mad mullahs.