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The Forum > Article Comments > Evidence firms: dangerous global warming continues, and we are the cause > Comments

Evidence firms: dangerous global warming continues, and we are the cause : Comments

By Geoff Davies, published 24/8/2010

It's time we moved forward from our perilous indecision and started to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Well it is just as well the ski operators did not listen to the 'science' in Victoria over the last decade. They would of missed out on quite a bonanza.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 August 2010 10:28:09 AM
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Malcolm -
"one piece of specific scientifically measured real-world evidence"

In my article I provided several. However you want "proof". That is your misconception, because science is not about "proof". It is about the balance of evidence in favour of a hypothesis, and even when that is strong it does not preclude an alternative hypothesis that is even more in accord with evidence. Witness Einstein versus Newton. So you can never "prove" that one hypothesis is the "truth".

I am not one who claims global warming is "proven", that the scientific debate is over. The debate clearly continues. Rather I argue we can't wait for more of the minority of sceptics to be persuaded because we know by then it will be too late for effective counter action. It may already be too late.

I also argue, in other articles (see for example ), that action will be much cheaper than is claimed by the fossil fuel industry, and that we should reduce our impact on the Earth anyway, because of the many other environmental crises occurring. If we're smart we can reduce our overall footprint and improve our quality of life, with greenhouse emissions reduced as a by-product of those changes.

Few sceptics seem to be interested in these possibilities. If sceptics' interests were for the future of our grandchildren then why don't they find these possibilities worth looking into, instead of just brushing them off.

I conclude that many sceptics are not primarily motivated by a dispassionate search for a better future. Rather, they seem to find the need to change the way we live on the planet personally threatening in some way.
Posted by Geoff Davies, Thursday, 26 August 2010 11:11:22 AM
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goeff "Climate scientists have also predicted for some time that as warming progressed there would be more extreme weather-related events."

now that is what is being described as "Climate Astrology" - as people who read their Astrology predictions for their star sign, then attribute and twist everything in their lives to fir the prediction, so too do the believers and the media now apply this to science.

you clearly believe it

so all weather events now, good, bad, extreme whatever .. are due to this prediction

and you wonder why climate science lacks credibility

this has been done by climate scientists, with zero help or assistance from skeptics - indeed skeptics need to do nothing at all when that's the best "climate science" can come up with.

people reading that statement, and we see it a lot now as scientists try to justify their BILLIONs of $ of grants and studies, not mere thousands as you suggest, will just immediately scoff at the stupidity of claiming everything shows the prediction is correct

now, that does not smack of science, rather .. belief

Climate Astrology, even better than Climate Scientology!

when science goes into the future prediction zone, it's no longer science,even the dumbest wingbat amongst us would see that, unfortunately some people take is as gospel(deliberate allusion there) and go too far, eh geoff?
Posted by Amicus, Thursday, 26 August 2010 11:51:08 AM
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Thank you.

It's exactly as I thought. You seem to not understand causation, science or logic.

You seem to lack understanding of the consequences of your suggested remedies - consequences on the environment and on humanity.

You seem to have ignored any due diligence on the core agency that initiated the blatant and clear fraud you - hopefully inadvertently - support.

I call that negligence on your part. Negligence that will hurt humanity and our precious natural environment.

Again, please refer to facts obtained from reading thousands of pages of science - and documents purporting to be scientific including UN IPCC's chapter 9 that falsely and without foundation attributes modest, cyclic global warming to human production of CO2:


Fair go Geoff. Please make an effort to understand the science and causation.


Posted by Malcolm Roberts, Thursday, 26 August 2010 1:11:36 PM
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Yes Geoff, you got me again.

You know Graham doesn't like us treating these articles with contempt, he considers that abuse.

You also know I can't help myself. When I find an article worthy of contempt, full of the old BS that was shot down years ago, I can't help but treat it with the contempt it deserves.

Is that why you do it?
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 26 August 2010 4:19:26 PM
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My No.1 vote goes to Ludwig’s proposal.

If we had a plan to migrate our energy base to alternate energy --without the accompanying AGW bandwagons contingent liabilities – it would be likely to find widespread support.

What undermines consensus is advocates who push an agenda that seeks to exploit good will to further their political agendas.

Prior to the 2007 OZ election those on the left were running the line that Howard and Bush were holding-up world action on environmental policy, you might remember we were the “pariah nations” The implication being all the world was just eager to get on with it, if only the US & OZ would sign up to Kyoto.

Well, OZ signed-up and Kevin went to at Bali and played to standing ovations.

But we quickly learnt that they were only cheering – not making any meaningful commitments . And when we had the affront to ask them for a contribution in Copenhagen, they stopped cheering and started jeering. After all, hadn’t the left told them it was a developed worlds problem, the rest of the world was just there for the free ride.

And still, nothing has been said or done about world population reduction!

Geoff Davies who prides himself in his ability to spot elephants in the room, has the climate change elephant, in the back of the room, fixed in the cross hairs of his blunderbuss. But he hasn’t spotted the even bigger elephant that has crept in from the front door , has backed up to him, raised its tail, and is preparing to offload and spoil his shot!

As The Wiggles would say : “WAKE UP GEOFF!”
Posted by Horus, Thursday, 26 August 2010 7:59:23 PM
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