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The Forum > Article Comments > Why gay marriage is good for straight women > Comments

Why gay marriage is good for straight women : Comments

By Samantha Stevenson, published 19/7/2010

Marriage has long been enshrined in patriarchal and religious values that have done nothing to improve the lot of women.

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Dear Severin,

I forget who said, "We fear things in proportion
to our ignorance of them.." (Aldous Huxley?)
And, the greater the ignorance the greater the
dogmatism. Ignorance can, with will and effort, be
cured. However, the key is having the will and
many simply don't - and more problematic is the fact
that so many of the voices in this sermonising
(for its rarely a dialogue) merely talk across
each other.

Anyway, I'll take that hug from you at any time,
and right back at you with a bigger hug!
It's a joy sharing cyberspace with you, and as
I've said so many times in the past - it's Thanks
to people like yourself that I'm still posting!

By the way, pay no attention to the "nutters,"
don't let them get to you. I saw a bumbper sticker
that summed them up rather well:

"Jesus loves you,
Everyone else thinks you're
an arse-hole!"
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 July 2010 1:15:10 PM
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You got one thing right. I will never tolerate poofters. What you do is your affair.
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 20 July 2010 2:13:31 PM
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Dear Leigh,

Tolerance works both ways, old chap ...

As for not tolerating "poofters," well
I don't blame you. It's a poor man's term,
a word made famous and most commonly
associated with Monty Python.

"Oh poof's not good enough for HIM,
he has to be a bleeding FAIRY!"
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 July 2010 3:29:24 PM
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@ Leigh

Well you obviously do tolerate "poofers" as you admitted "What you do is your affair". It must be a sad life having to make all your decisions based on your own prejudice.
Posted by jason84, Tuesday, 20 July 2010 4:30:45 PM
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Foxy and Severin,
don't hug too much or Leigh, Runner, Richie and AGiR will need extra oxygen.

I'm sure that Australia will follow the example of about ten other countries in where same-sex marriage has been legalised between 2001 (Netherlands) and 2010 (Argentina).
Same-sex marriage will enrich society. It is accepting that people as well as families and relationships come in all kinds of shapes and sizes.
Marriage should be defined as a bond between two people who love each other, rather than between people of the opposite sex.

I really don't understand the 'homosexuality is not natural' argument.
First of all, it is natural because it exists in nature.
Secondly, even if it were unnatural, then so what? Using a computer is unnatural, driving a car, hopping on a plane and so on, are unnatural.

I also don't understand the "God thinks that homosexuality is a sin/bad" argument because if your god created people, then who created homosexuals?
Posted by Celivia, Tuesday, 20 July 2010 4:34:05 PM
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>> Well you obviously do tolerate "poofers" as you admitted "What you do is your affair" <<

I thought so too. ROFL


Big hugs to you too! I think a big bunch of bigots are breathless.

Other unnatural acts include typing on blogs, using microwaves, watching TV and demanding respect after having insulted and bullied people.
Posted by Severin, Tuesday, 20 July 2010 4:40:03 PM
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