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The closet is the enemy : Comments

By Jim Woulfe, published 3/6/2010

Politically, laws and customs will only accommodate minorities that are visible. Homosexuals are often an invisible minority.

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<<Why are you so threatened by what other consenting adults do in their bedrooms?>>
This should read:
Why are you so threatened that homosexual activists want to indoctrinate your children
into believing that homosexuality is normal and natural when it is patently not?
Nobody cares what homosexuals do in their own bedrooms.
It's the relentless demand for the rest of society to accommodate their incessant and ever-escalating demands.
Homosexuals want to control how our children think, redefine marriage, punish those who question their absurd
proposition that homosexuality is on the same footing as heterosexuality.
What we are witnessing is homosexual totalitarianism.
It is an attack on everyone else's basic freedoms.
Posted by Proxy, Friday, 11 June 2010 10:12:33 AM
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Diver Dan

Your frequent posts indicate that you are in fact threatened by homosexual people.

I asked you to explain what you meant by "poofter bias", you have not done so.

All you have stated is that homosexuality is an "abhorrence" - this is merely your opinion. You have neither explained nor provided any evidence why you hold these beliefs.


You claim:

That homosexuals are attempting to indoctrinate children - where is your evidence?

That >> we are witnessing is homosexual totalitarianism. <<

Again there is no evidence of your claim.

Heterosexuals are most definitely in control of politics, business, sports, media, religion and law.

In short, Diver Dan and Proxy, your posts are hysterical, unfounded and exhibit no end of bigotry towards homosexuals.

I posit that homosexuals have far more to fear from you than vice versa.
Posted by Severin, Friday, 11 June 2010 10:46:45 AM
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Of course the homophobes are threatened - their days of wanton vilification of homosexuals are numbered. A couple of recent cases from Queensland:

<< Jean Lawson, a Woodridge woman was ordered to pay $23,100 to her gay neighbours for nine months of harassment after losing a Supreme Court appeal against the decision of the Anti-Discrimination Tribunal in March 2009 after referring to her neighbours as ‘faggots’ and making false reports to police and the RSPCA.

In 2008, the Tribunal also ordered former Gympie councillor and gun lobbyist Ron Owen to pay $12,500 and issue a public apology for inciting hatred against homosexuals, for displaying a bumper sticker that read “Gay rights? Under God’s law the only ‘rights’ gays have is the right to die. Lev.20.13”, and publishing a homophobic letter online. >>

Our resident homophobes are apparently unaware that their online anonymity is an illusion.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 11 June 2010 11:01:19 AM
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<<Our resident homophobes are apparently unaware that their online anonymity is an illusion.>>
Veiled threats from CJ Morgan.
How very "untotalitarian" of you.
You prove my point.
In another time and another place CJ would be the one calling for
death to the blasphemers.
In another time and another place CJ would be the apparatchik
sending dissenters to the Gulag.
The CJ Morgans of the world are a threat to liberty and freedom.
Posted by Proxy, Friday, 11 June 2010 12:00:12 PM
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Hmmmmm a bait and switch from Proxy.

Can't justify homophobia, therefore attacks another poster.
Posted by Severin, Friday, 11 June 2010 12:18:35 PM
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Well said proxy;

Any comment on the unnatural alliance and balance of

power possibility at the next federal elections?
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 11 June 2010 2:18:11 PM
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