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East Anglia Climate Science Exonerated : Comments

By Geoff Davies, published 21/4/2010

Accusations of fraud or scientific misconduct have been widespread. The committee considered that if there had been misconduct they would very likely have found it.

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Mission Accomplished - the "deny and delay brigade" loses a battle, CRU ClimateGate, wins a War - ETS....

This will keep the easily amused happy for days! (skeptics as well, at last some sanity prevails)
Posted by odo, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 10:43:43 AM
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Not suppressing debate, just highlighting the deliberate distortions, misrepresentations and lies of those that will not benefit by adopting pro-active strategies and policies to tackle climate change.

Those that do not deliberately distort, misrepresent or lie are stuck in the mire of their own ignorance, or their own tunnel visioned ideology. Ignorance can be overcome, the latter most likely not.

If the real sceptics/contrarians can come up with a robust, alternative reason for global warming since we started spewing vast amounts of energy into the atmosphere, they would have. They haven't.

Until they do, nothing else can explain the warming without concluding that the enhanced green-house gas effect is real and poses a significant risk - not the Sun, not galactic cosmic rays, not the Milankovitch cycle, not volcanoes, nor any other naturally occurring phenomenon.

On the other hand, the only thing the unreal pseudo-sceptics/'deny-n-delay brigade' can do is regurgitate the same-old same-old, they have nothing new to add to the 'debate' - as Odo so aptly demonstrates. Why? Because published scientific paper after published scientific paper is continually adding to the robustness of AGW.

But hey, it only takes one robust counter theory to debunk the whole edifice of AGW ... where is it? And yes, we should still continue to look for it.

So no odo, I would be the last to silence legitimate science inquiry - indeed, I actually promote it. Whether you believe that or not, I don't give a fig.

As to your last "mission accomplished" chime, reminiscent of George W's in Iraq ... what else did you really expect? Your luminescence is really, not that bright!

For what it's worth, it doesn't take the brightest globe in the chandelier to shed light on the reality that until the US and China do something substantive (like putting a real price on carbon), it was pointless for pip-squeaks like Australia to do anything as effective.
Posted by qanda, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 11:10:48 AM
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>> Goodness, I surmise that qanda has dispensed with the "I'm objective and not a skeptic nor alarmist" stance previously touted - after a gloat of this proportion, I think he's firmly in the warmist alarmist nyah nyah nyah camp. <<

I'll say it again for the somewhat challenged neuron, odo:

I am a scientist by profession, by training and by wont - we are all sceptics, in the scientific sense of the word. I am assuming (not a safe thing to do btw) that you understand what that means and can distinguish the difference to your 'scepticism' (which I would deem more appropriately as cynicism).

I am satisfied that the planet is warming, and has been warming, due to humanity releasing vast amounts of energy into the atmosphere. If that makes me a so called 'warmist', so be it.

However, I am not a so called 'alarmist' as you impugn. Alarmists typically say things like; the ice sheets are going to collapse and sea levels will rise by 6 metres (or more) by 2100, or similar ruined and doomed hissy-fitting.

Oh no odo, I am not an alarmist, what I say is that the (latest) IPCC projections are alarming enough; 80 cm +/- by 2100.

I also say the the planet is "squealing", this is not 'alarmist' because it is real and it is happening now. It would be prudent to tread carefully odo, in more ways than one.
Posted by qanda, Wednesday, 28 April 2010 8:15:53 AM
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"So no odo, I would be the last to silence legitimate science inquiry - indeed, I actually promote it. Whether you believe that or not, I don't give a fig."

qanda who does not "give a fig" takes nearly 7oo words to explain this .. methinks you protest too much.

"It would be prudent to tread carefully odo, in more ways than one." Is this a threat qanda? Do I risk a thrashing with a limp lettuce leaf? Such is scientific inquiry in Australia now, threats to heretics.

Hopefully the excessive funding to discovering man-induced climate change in all aspects of life will conclude and now be spent as it should be, on adaption and enjoying what the world brings us, instead of this Scientific naval gazing and denial of climate change by means we clearly do not yet understand.
Posted by odo, Wednesday, 28 April 2010 7:30:13 PM
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I see odo has still got his eyes shut and his hands over his ears.

And his paranoia? Just oh so obvious.

>> "It would be prudent to tread carefully odo, in more ways than one." Is this a threat qanda? Do I risk a thrashing with a limp lettuce leaf? Such is scientific inquiry in Australia now, threats to heretics. <<

Yes odo, it would be prudent to tread carefully, in more ways than one – for example;

1. slow the ravenous consumption of coal, oil and gas
2. discontinue the rapacious plunder of rain forests
3. plant food crops to feed people, not to fuel the West’s transport fleet
4. stop subsidising anachronistic coal fired power plants
5. prudent investment in renewable energy resources and technology
6. rethink the (un)reality of CO2 sequestration and storage
7. refine our agricultural practices
8. re-examine our capture and use of water resources
9. invest in efficient mass transport systems
10. re-evaluate town planning policies
11. design more fuel efficient means of transport
12. yada, yada, yada ... sheesh, add your friggin own - you can't be that stupid!

odo, you are oh so starting to sound like my own personal sock-puppet.

I can assure the onlookers, he is not. And while odo might consider himself a heretic, I don’t think he is - an ignorant blow-in (who doesn’t understand nor is prepared to understand ‘climate science) maybe, but certainly no odo, not a heretic.
Posted by qanda, Wednesday, 28 April 2010 9:02:05 PM
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Oh, odo,

Having re-assessed, you are probably right - you are a waste of space, and a waste of time.
Posted by qanda, Wednesday, 28 April 2010 9:05:44 PM
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