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Have a nice world war, folks : Comments
By John Pilger, published 31/3/2010On both sides of the Atlantic, serious dissent exposing illegal war has become a serious crime.
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 1 April 2010 6:50:08 AM
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"under Obama, the US is fast waking up to Israel" wrote rexw.
Too slowly and too little by far, in my opinion. This very week Obama is in the news drumming up supporters for punishing Iran, a country that is little threat to the USA but an admitted great worry to Israel. Isn't it likely that the USA is hassling Iran in response to demands from Israel rather than to safeguard citizens of the USA half a planet away? In coming weeks we seem destined to hear more rhetoric about the alleged evils of Iran and its scary nuclear ambitions, supported by the same "intelligence" that only a few years ago terrified us with Iraq's Weapons of Mass destruction, and coming from the usual hypocrites already armed with nuclear arsenals themselves. Obama and mainstream media are are giving every indication that they are grooming us to support yet another war. In Australia, without asking we citizens, expect PM Rudd to once again re-affirm Australia's support for Israel and the USA. What do you think the Jewish lobbyists that rexw mentioned will be doing about all of this? Posted by Forkes, Thursday, 1 April 2010 9:35:47 AM
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John Pilger makes many waves, as did Darwin, Dawkins and apparently Jesus. Therefore, it is easy to identify his doubters who splutter their indignation through a mouthful of salty venom.
We humans are living a lie, being indoctrinated with various rubbish since birth. As we populate more, so does our madness increase. If the population were able to return to the 1950's level of two billion, America's present war chest would be enough to keep every person in the world in comfort, barring the human propensity to destroy. We are very fortunate to have John Pilger among us. Truth, like love, hurts because it draws on our responsibilities. Posted by Sherkahn, Thursday, 1 April 2010 9:46:45 AM
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forkes I am a laborer. How could I during my fifty plus years of working-life find the time an the energy to read anything other than The Argus, or The Age or The Sun-Herald? How could I see, through these papers’ official spin and search the real facts? Yes, John Pilger is getting old, but in his (and my) young years, he made me see the real goings on in the world. My grudge with him is that he has never hinted to a valid way of avoiding the ills he uncovers Posted by skeptic, Thursday, 1 April 2010 10:18:39 AM
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rexw,There are big changes happening in the USA.The US Military has not been corrupted as Congress and Wall St and they are beginning to realise how the oligarchs have raped and pillaged their country.
The military do not want to be king of a dung heap,nor the lap dog for Israel. After 30 yrs it is now revealed that it was Israel who attacked the US ship Liberty in 1967.It was an unarmed intelligence gathering ship.The intention was to totally destroy it and blame it on Egypt whom Israel was fighting.They wanted to draw the USA into their fight and destroy Egypt.This revelation is not going down too well with the US Military. Google Dr Alan Sabrovsky.He is making some outrageous claims about Israel and promises so soon back them up with facts. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 1 April 2010 6:12:55 PM
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The disgraceful Israeli attack on USS Liberty has been known about for a long time Arjay. It was reported in a small Australian newspaper 10 years ago or more. Admittedly the facts have been difficult for members of the public to find in the past, due to the combined cover-up by both US and Israeli governments... but thanks to the Internet (which our lovely government is manouvering to censor) it is easy to read about at and elsewhere.
A knowledge of this incident should disillusion anybody who believes that governments of the USA or Israel can be trusted. Posted by Forkes, Friday, 2 April 2010 8:40:28 AM