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User Details : Sherkahn

The Forum > User Index > Sherkahn

Most Recent 10 Posts

» 6/05/2010 11:01:42 AM "Dear old Blighty" is at present indeed blighted. I have been in and out of Brit.....
» 6/05/2010 9:03:41 AM Australian Government sources: On 19 April 2010 at 09:06:00 (Canberra time), the resident .....
» 14/04/2010 10:39:13 AM STOP THIS WHIMPERING MUSH. In 1951 the world was trying to recover from WARS that killed o.....
» 14/04/2010 9:44:34 AM Religious Professors are the last people to I wish to listen to. When JESUS was alive, Wor.....
» 14/04/2010 8:49:16 AM The ETS Debate. Has nobody got the GUTS to speak the truth? When I was 16 the World had 1/.....
» 1/04/2010 10:20:26 AM The United Nations is a shambles of null interface with reality. Until it becomes a Democr.....
» 1/04/2010 9:46:45 AM John Pilger makes many waves, as did Darwin, Dawkins and apparently Jesus. Therefore, it i.....
» 1/04/2010 8:46:47 AM The art of “Praying” is still within the compass of old Sherkahn's habits. We Nature lover.....
» 30/03/2010 11:38:52 AM I think that life was never meant to be a life without an 'Ent'. And so, in death I make a.....
» 29/03/2010 9:50:19 PM Please note meander, Afghanistan is next door to Pakistan and have the same religion......

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