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Listen to the heroes of Israel : Comments

By John Pilger, published 26/2/2010

Violence has failed to achieve Israel’s ends and has produced worldwide revulsion.

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Look chaps

I have reservations about Israel's aggression in this world but there is no doubting the effectiveness of Israel's propaganda.

Having known a thing or two about an American agent of (the) Mossad look what they are capable of on the occasion of a soccer game.

I'm a believer.

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 1 March 2010 8:56:33 PM
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I also fear war in the Middle East. David Pryce-Jones’ book “The Closed Circle: an interpretation of the Arabs” is a good non-theological read about Arab culture. I have studied Middle Eastern history and Islamic theology in fair depth. I see no peaceful solution to Israel/Palestine and the broader Jew/Muslim problem while Islamic theology envisages total destruction of the Jews as a people and of Christianity as a religion.

Israel’s survival is vital to the West as well as to Israelis. It is OUR vanguard against obscurantist, violently intolerant, Malthusian, misogynist, life-destroying Islam.


On 9/11, see comprehensive Wikipedia article at

and more generally .

US Administrations have done terrible things in past foreign policy, in amoral pursuit of perceived short-term interest. Many Americans distrust or hate ANY government - for being "tyrannical" (Timothy McVeigh), or having murdered JFK and Marilyn Monroe, or conniving in abduction of Elvis by aliens. "Survivalists" (nutcases) abound. “The Manchurian Candidate" was a great movie.

Under various theories, the world is being run by the Jews, Freemasons, Illuminati, Swiss bankers, covert communists (behind the mass-medication fluoridation push - ask Dr Strangelove), the British Royals (they obviously murdered Princess Di), Templars, Rosicrucians, Jesuits, reptilian and other extraterrestrials (ask the Raelians) and [insert however many more you can think of].

These conspiracy theories end up bumping into themselves. Ask Malcolm Fraser. In the 1983 election campaign he said that if Labor got into power, people would have to put their money under their beds. Hawke retorted: "But that's where the Reds are!"

The latest conspiracy theory is the leftist-communist-green Global Warming Conspiracy. The “science” is all fabricated: the earth is actually cooling, or soon will be; glaciers are just taking a summer holiday melt before freezing back to normal; Australia is actually cooling and getting wetter; the permafrost in Siberia, Canada and Alaska is just flexing its muscles to give the land and collapsing installations built on it an interesting soggying before closing the deep freeze lid again. Oh, and Iran will soon be deploying Flying Pigs against Israel.
Posted by Glorfindel, Monday, 1 March 2010 11:56:11 PM
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Gorfindel.Instead of escaping to wiki,address the realities.Building 7 of the WTC which very few know about at 186 m tall came down in 6.5 sec.It was a large building.No plane impacted it and it came down in a classic controlled demolition style in it's own footprint.

It had an average acceleration of 8.8 m/sec or 90% of freefall.Prof David Chandler has measured it having achieved absolute freefall for 2.5 sec of it's demise.Now this is impossible because it means that the lower structures provided absolutely no resistance to gravity.
This was like freefall in a vacuum.A man freefalling with a parachute closed reaches a terminal velocity of 200kph.WTC7 reached a maximum speed of 205 kph.

Active and reacted nano thermite was found in the dust and rubble of all the WTC buildings.Why did it take 6 yrs to put out a sham report on Building 7?

You can see on youtube a British reporter announcing the collapse of Building 7, 20 min before the actual collapse.Firemen at the scene on video saying she going to blow,run.How did they know?

The lease holder Larry Silverstein saying that they had to "Pull the building" since there was so much death and destruction.Pull is a demolition term meaning to remove the foundations by sequential explosions.The evidence is overwhelming and this is just a small snippet.It was Larry's fopar since at the time he did not realise that it takes weeks to wire a building for such a perfectly controlled collapse.Larry later said that he meant pull the firemen out but they were well gone.

As I said before you can make big dollars just by placing a bet.John has offered $100,000.00 for those who can disprove the science.Now that should be easy money for you since you are so sure of your facts.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 2 March 2010 5:52:07 PM
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Gorfindel, as one going on 90 next year with a lot of history and politics learnt in my retirement, am wondering where you developed the theory that the world would be safer with Israeli action as the guide for America, Britain and Australia to clean Islamism right off the globe.

Well with China talking about backing Iran, and Russian nuclear engineers also helping Iran, can't envisage little Israel getting much anywhere unless backed totally by

Am only hoping what the above picture might do is have Obama again promise what he was mostly elected for, to engineer total global nuclear disarmament.
Posted by bushbred, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 2:44:41 PM
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Where for art thou Gorfindel? Place your bets and realise this easy money.The maths and science is awaiting your profound perceptions.

Will you listen to the heros of Israel,or the lasivious pereptraitors of war and power? Traitor being the operative word.They have betrayed all of our humanity.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 7:57:37 PM
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I'd like us to be able to keep our powder dry. But Islamism may not let us do that, if we want to survive. Fundamentalist Islam is a mental disease which may need to be dealt with in the way they shoot mad dogs. Political correctness and appeasement of demented mullahs and terrorists is lunacy. If the Israelis believe the Iranians both want to and can snuff out their existence, then I'd support them in dealing with that existential threat.

That part of the world already dominated by Islam is the world's basket case, along with animist areas like parts of Africa and Haiti. As President Musharraf of Pakistan told a conference of science ministers from Islamic countries in 2002:
"Today we [Muslims] are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race."

The intended spread of Islamism is a war on Civilization.

Bernard Lewis, foremost historian of the Middle East, has written:
"It may be that Western culture will indeed go: The lack of conviction of many of those who should be its defenders and the passionate intensity of its accusers may well join to complete its destruction. But if it does go, THE MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL THE CONTINENTS WILL THEREBY BE IMPOVERISHED AND ENDANGERED."


Sorry, I can't be bothered. "If you persist in keeping an open mind, somebody will throw garbage into it."
Posted by Glorfindel, Friday, 5 March 2010 1:08:48 PM
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