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Are jobs harder to get?

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PS FENZINK : If it's not too intrusive I would be interested hear your feedback on the performance of the interviewing panel. Posted by SPQR

Sure SPQR no-worries mate!
Posted by FENZINK, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 3:06:06 AM
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Hi o sung wu

Thanks for your post mate.
Posted by FENZINK, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 3:10:20 AM
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FENZINK, welcome. Not much to contibute to the main discussion at this point other than hearsay. Given you are new to the forum a hint that may help work out which posters have a passion for exteme views. The little person symbol on the bottom left of a post takes you to a listing of recent posts by the poster. A quick skim there gives you an idea of the character of a poster. We hae a few fundy christians on the site who's views are so extreme and posting styles so rude I keep thinking they are trolls trying to make christians look bad but I don't think thats the case. They appear to be serious.

Expect a level of outright rudeness and abusive behaviour from some just because its their nature, from others because of the topic. There are those who you can argue strongly with on one thread who will back you on another topic. Sometimes some light threads andnits rally interesting to see the interactions on those between regular sparing partners on other threads.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 5:37:15 AM
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I believe that it is true – Jobs nowadays are much harder to get.

The causal factors are varying yet a few stick out. These are:

1) almost 100% of the nation’s low skill and manufacture jobs have been deleted from our economy [someone gave them to Asia] meaning at least amongst certain classes and work sectors their traditional work which they and forefathers could always rely on [much like the wealthier classes have become used to being able to generation after generation become lawyers, doctors or academics etc. – imagine if suddenly these groups had to retrain and become social workers or scientists?];

2) on top of the job depletion the legal and insurance [duty of care] aspects of an economy have taken over to such extent that one needs a certificate [gotten via money and/or weeks of training] to even serve beer or lift boxes in a storehouse, whereas decades ago a person could go from job to job without needing to first do a course and get a certificate nor even use a resume. In fact only university and trades jobs were in need of formal training and certificates. Today I would be lucky if I could even just mow lawns for money without first getting some document costing hundreds or more and likely also paying to register as a business so tax can be siphoned.

... continued .. .
Posted by Matthew S, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 6:52:46 PM
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3) the nation’s economy and industry make-up today has almost exclusively impacted on the manual worker classes, since most of the jobs the wealthier traditionally do over forever and still now, have remained here and intact BUT the blue collar jobs sectors have all but died never to return. This specific factor I think means that there will be a huge and shocking disparity in minds on how to answer the question you raise . . . as the non-manual labour classes did not get affected by the job changes in any meaningful sense which may lead such persons to be ignorant or even disbelieving that any such job shortage exists in our nation; and on other end in minds of lower workers they know jobs are scarce, changed and made much harder to get than in parents or grandparent’s time. Thus since the group with little say and power and influence is voicing the concerns on their lonesome with no support or even recognition from above class of workers, I am not surprised to find many on this very forum with no clue or belief as to the issue your thread has raised.

Proof of this disparity in awareness is evident in recent attack on the most helpless and most affected by the massive economic changes globally over half century, the welfare recipients who are apparently happy with a lousy 500 dollars per fortnight, wanting for nought and feeling fine.

Yuyutsu – I am very disappointed to find even you making remarks like this here and elsewhere. Surely you would not have the government and all citizens take welfare away from thousands and thousands of the poorest including a quite large proportion of our Indigenous people who through generational abuses and oppression both within and and outside their own group has resulted in the squalar, mental illness, drug addiction, prison and low life expectancy as much the same has also affected many white poor and also some newer ethnic groups?
Posted by Matthew S, Tuesday, 8 July 2014 7:12:40 PM
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G,day R0bert & thank you for the heads up.

In view of your post I've been thinking would it be a good idea for the moderator to launch some sort of forum called 'HOW'S YOUR DAY TODAY'. It would be a permanent forum for everyone to blow off a bit of steam! It would be the place to voice one's strong views rather than latch on to a complete strangers post spouting inaccurate facts.

Thanks Again.
Posted by FENZINK, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 5:43:21 AM
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