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Anecdotal evidence points to relief for MS sufferers : Comments

By Cris Kerr, published 3/1/2006

Cris Kerr argues low-dose Naltrexone is a viable treatment option for multiple sclerosis sufferers.

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I agree we need a better way for clinical trials to be instigated, and that LDN maybe helpful. But we have no choice except the current system.

No one will pay for orphan drugs to be trialed so drug companies create analogs of these drugs to get patent rights again. An example of this is thalidomide now patented as Thalomid by Celgene. I know thalidomide is a dangerous drug but it has been used successfully in Multiple Myeloma. The cost has risen from $6 per tablet to $60, and this is for a drug that is 40 years old.

Celgene also have another analog of thalidomide called Revlimid which they are looking for a disease. It is in 40 clinical trials. In one trial (for MDS) 11 patients died!! Yet it has been fast tracked by the FDA in the US. Cost $55,000 per patient.

Have a look at and see the problems that are around in medical research. This has been going on for years. This article shows how a not for profit cancer centre has spawned bio-tech companies worth $18 billion, its former staff have taken thier research and become multi-millionaires

The problem is called greed, and we have no way to change it.
Posted by Steve Madden, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 3:31:54 PM
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Another cure all drug, just like all the rest that don't work. Yep use Naltrexone, if you want your liver to collapse. Typical, a false lifeline to the sufferers of the world so that the pharmaceutical companies can make a bit more from the misery they inflict.

I have a friend with MS and watched as they deteriorated, spending their money on everything the doctors recommended, but just getting sicker all the time. I tried to convince him that a lot of his problem were lifestyle and diet, but to no avail. Last year he met another sufferer, who had practically removed the symptoms by changing his approach and understanding of how his body worked. My friends condition has stabilised and he is improving on a plan I had used to save my life

Our bodies are machines, just like a car but biological machines. Each machine require a specific form of fuel so that it functions as it should. So people don't put petrol in the sump and water in the fuel tank as it would stop the machine. With the human body, they do exactly the opposite, they eat everything that is alien and detrimental to the biological machine. The pharmaceutical and medical world know this, so they push additives in food that will cause adverse reaction in the body and then they peddle their drugs they have designed to cover the symptoms of the harm their additives have created.

When you remove these alien things from the body, it begins to rejuvenate itself. The cause of most of our problems boils down to dairy products additives and preservatives. Being the only animal that takes lactates after weaning, we are also the sickest.

You can control and lessen the effects of all disease by using the right fuel for your body and every body is different. Even so called genetic conditions can be reversed when you change the genetic lifestyle of the sufferer.

Your approach to life determines your success at over coming adversity, not a drug that tries to mask the symptoms that other drugs have caused
Posted by The alchemist, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 10:28:28 AM
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"You can control and lessen the effects of all disease by using the right fuel for your body and every body is different. Even so called genetic conditions can be reversed when you change the genetic lifestyle of the sufferer."

How do you change a "genetic lifestyle"? What is a "genetic lifestyle"?

Of course a healthy lifestyle and diet is important but the rest of your post is non-sensical.
Posted by Steve Madden, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 10:36:47 AM
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Oh my goodness....Chris is right on here guys. I know because I am an MS patient who has been saved by the wonderful theories of Dr. Bihari and LDN. Trust me , I am so not into drugs but this is one that I am so very thankful for. It has halted the progression of my MS for the last almost 4 years now. I just want to applaud Chris Kerr for her convictions and her trying to get this into the mainstream as many, many of us have tried for the last few years to no avail.
The pharmaceutical companies are the ones that dictate what gets studied and guess what guys...if there is no hope for a payback it just ain't gonna happen. I am so very thankful that I have what I need and I have the knowledge about it but what about the many millions out there that don't know about it? All I can say is this...if you know anyone with MS or any sort of auto immune disorder really, the list is limited only by the fact that only certain disorders have been looked at and they have tried LDN so far,(Parkinsons, Fibromyalgia, PLS, autism..yes..autism, do some research and you will find that this is a remarkable new application for a drug that hopefully will find its way to the masses.
Posted by JoyceF, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 11:18:19 AM
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Steve, I class a genetic lifestyle as one where the types of foods, combinations, cooking methods and utensils are followed by each generation. Over time, they create conditions that are contributed to by each successive generation, causing genetic faults.

I would never say that this goes for all genetic conditions, but if you went back far enough you would probably find a common denominator that would begin this process. There are also environmental genetic mutations than can contribute as well. What I am saying is not some cure all, but when confronted with a problem of this sort, a different approach to it helps psychologically and also biologically.

We know how powerful our minds are, so if we strengthen the mind and find answers as to why this condition prevails, we strengthen the immune system. I survived a death sentence against all odds, by changing everything about my life, including friends and family influences. For me survival was more important than any emotional hold.

Since that time more than 30 years ago, I've been able to help others find answers for their problems. A lot did and improved the quality and length of their lives, most didn't have the guts or strength to take that responsibility themselves, and left it to medical science. Resulting in their deaths.

If that I say seems nonsensical, thats fine, we all have different understandings. With health, trying to push the unorthodox doesn't work. Survivors are those who are determined to take control of their lives, not be controlled by any condition Big words, but I would've rather died in charge of my life than at the mercy and misery of the pharmaceutically controlled medical profession. If there is a drug that helps, then their must be a natural non drug method as well, just logic
Posted by The alchemist, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 11:45:37 AM
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Alchemist, you are really good!!
You just trashed something like the Low Dose of Naltrexone that you obviously know very little about, to say how cool you are with your lifestyle formula.

Coming back to your false statement about LDN and Liver:

Does Naltrexone Cause Permanent Liver Disease? (No)
Can Naltrexone be Used in the Presence of Liver Disease (Yes)
[References with Abstract from Medline Search for 'naltrexone' and 'hepatotoxicity']

Sorry but I do not really care or have time to tell you anything more about the LDN.

Posted by MMax, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 11:59:59 PM
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