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Trump, Middle East and conservative Christians : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 25/5/2018

Trump is, for them, a flawed warrior of Christ. He has immense moral imperfections but he can still also be a vehicle for God's plans.

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Keith Sutter is referring to the belief system of a narrow band of Christian conservative.
Seems obvious to me, most Christians are “nominal”; thus they couldn't give a tinkers damn about Jerusalem and its collection of Jewish obsessives.

More likely if Christianity is involved at all, it is coincidentally a demography issue of the rust belt disaster of poverty and ignorance. The demise of the working classes and their abandonment by the Democrats.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 25 May 2018 9:29:45 AM
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If we are in end days? Then conservative of all religious persuasion have created the dehumanizing circumstances that have made it thus so! They project moral superiority, without having morals? And deny the handiwork of the creator because it doesn't fit their highly flawed belief system? And give themselves permission to flout god's rules and Jesus evocations at will? Thus we see bombs dropped on women and children and the economy tied, with their help to the fossil fuels, that are responsible for global warming desertification of vast tracts and enduring drought creating a refugee population of over fifty million. All while studiously avoiding the central tenet of the alleged Christian message. Inasmuch as you do to the least among you, you also do unto me. A black Bishop stood up at the most recent royal wedding and made conservative Christian everywhere squirm with obvious discomfort.
Simply by rubbing their noses in the Christian message of love. And (caring) as allegedly espoused by Jesus! Something embraced by alleged Christian conservatives, always providing there's a dollar or forty pieces of silver in it? Trump has left a trail of broken dreams and ruined families a mile wide in his wake, as he accumulated wealth! And the chosen champion of Christian justice!? Halijulia and pass the rifle! Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 May 2018 10:24:58 AM
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Al, your not an X-Catholic by any chance. My experience has taught me, the most virulently ant-Christians come from there.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 25 May 2018 11:03:27 AM
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The EPA is being gutted in the US, and so, corporations can pollute the atmosphere and water systems causing health problems for citizens and damage the environment. It is generally poor people who will suffer; and corporations will be able to maximise their profits. Mammon appears to be what conservative Christians appear to worship.

Trump promised to drain the swamp, yet he is doing the opposite.
Posted by ant, Friday, 25 May 2018 11:08:33 AM
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Just a thought. What do people who presume the ability to speak with authority on 'conservative Christians” think came first - the conservatism or the Christianity? Do conservatism and Christianity even collate. Anglicans and Uniting Church congregations call themselves Christians, but they and their leaders speak as lefties when trying to interfere with day to day life and politics.

And, I'm surprised to see that most Jews “do not vote for conservative Republicans; ( a spot of tautology there) they are far more liberal.

Are we not being told ad nauseum that conservatism/Republicanism is driven by the Jewish lobby by quite who few posters here who, like Keith Suter, think they know everything
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 25 May 2018 11:12:51 AM
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Diver, I'm not anti-Christian by any stretch or a flawed imagination! In fact, I and other like-minded, fair-minded folk, probably represent and or live the evocations of the original Christian message. Which never ever includes your brand of hate speech! Or vile, self-evident, homophobia
My father, who only ever saw the inside of a church when he married mum, used to say if you can't do a man a good turn at least don't do him a bad one. And also if you can't say something good? Say nothing! And complemented by the advice, a still tongue makes a wise head! Or, you're a long time dead!

Ant: Hear hear and well said
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 May 2018 11:24:43 AM
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