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It's time for a new strategy : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 10/6/2015

I do not believe, however, that the resumption of bilateral Israeli-Palestinian negotiations with US mediation alone will succeed any more than the two previous efforts.

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Dear Critic,

I wonder how much of your life was wasted watching ads, perhaps even months rather than weeks!

Now you go blaming the Middle-Eastern countries rather than your local media... perhaps if you sued them for your lost time and caused them to stop reporting on the Middle-East, that could help Israel and Palestine to forge some secret agreements away from the lime-light.

Perhaps they keep fighting because they think "oh, the poor armchair critics of the world would be so devastated and bored if we stopped entertaining them"...?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 11 June 2015 12:03:08 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

The Arabs colluded and plotted with Hitler in World War2.
After the war when the British occupied the middle east,
not a country in the world, including America,Australia
would take the millions of Jews displaced by the war. So the
British gave them land in Palestine.

As soon as the British pulled out, three or 4Arab states
raced over and attacked the Jews. Who were armed and every
Jew including women had done army training and national service and they beat that group of Arab states in 6short days.
Known as the six day war.

After the war they occupied the strip of land bordering Israel
as a buffer zone, against the continuous firing of rockets and
attacks from Hamas and the Palestinians.

At the same time, the Palestinians they had living and worling amongst them in Israel were blowing up school buses full of children.

There is no answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
It is a bloody, territorial, dog fight between two blood lines
over the land and resources.

Given that neither side will mix the bloodlines by marrying
the other, the tribal bloodline thing is not going away.
And whilst both sides, pushed up against the dividing wall
continue having children as many as 14 on the Palestinian
side there is no land or resources left for their children
they simply have no where to go.

Don't blame America for it, these countries have their own
leaders who seem to turn their countries into hell-holes
for everybody who lives in them. A bit less male domination
and the allowing of contraception for the women would be
a rational start, But don't try to tell these male leaders
that. They want to populate until they are standing on each
others heads and then blame American imperialism for it.

Dont buy into the anti-American propaganda as told by the Arabs
and muslims. They alone are responsible for the mess in their countries. Instead of turning inward to find out why, they prefer to blame someone else usually the Europeans,Americans and Australians.
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 11 June 2015 10:09:34 PM
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I could write a really big response to the Pro Israel side but no-doubt it would be seen as anti-semitic.
They would say the only reason I question or know about certain other Jewish incidents of the 20th century was because of my hatred for Jews, yet they must make sure we never forget their version of WW2.

- And its about as rational as saying the only reason I remember Gallipoli is because of my pure hatred of Turks.

Supporters of Israel come out with the most lame and pathetic arguments to stifle any criticism.
Its really quite laughable.

Putting it simply though all of you people that support Israel are basically supporting a breach on international law, supporting terrorism and supporting war crimes.

Israel is in breach of International law by building settlements in Palestine.
Israel supports ISIS by providing Medical assistance to ISIS.
Israel commits war crimes against children.

You people that support Israel have about as much moral high ground as Man Monis.

Israel wants neither peace in the region nor a 2 state solution with Palestine, (It wants Palestine) so dont even bother trying to convince me it does want peace.

Cherful, I respect that you tried hard to put your argument across but I'm sorry I don't buy it.

America is controlled by corporations and and a heavy Jewish influence - especially in congress.
When America sends Israel money and weapons and helps to stop international efforts to stop Israel from doing what its doing then it is most certainly complicit on keeping this unrest going, and so is our country as well.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 June 2015 9:53:36 AM
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You’ve made many bizarre claims here, let me try to address some of them. It is quite obvious that you have not really been sitting through all those news stories related to this subject, or perhaps you have very selective hearing.

“They need the UN to intervene and put a time limit on peace negotiations”

And then what? Once the time expires, do we get other Armchair Critics to decide what to do and what is the just outcome to force on one of the parties? What is your plan?

“There is some talk that Israeli operatives in Palestine are firing rockets back into Israel…”

There is also talk about how the CIA were really behind the September 11 attacks. Or how Israel is training sharks to attack Arabs or using birds to spy on them. Or how the moon landing was faked in Hollywood. Do you believe these talks too?

“How much of OUR lives have been wasted sitting through all the news stories…”

You do realise that you can switch to another channel, right? Rather than wasting your valuable time on all those news stories? There’s always the OFF switch too. What’s next? Soccer fans complaining about all those soccer games they were made to watch?

“Do you not think the US puts its own puppet rulers in after it takes these nations down?”

Can you provide some examples so we can discuss?

Cont -->
Posted by Avw, Friday, 12 June 2015 8:51:37 PM
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--> Cont

“I could write a really big response to the Pro Israel side but no-doubt it would be seen as anti-semitic”

Criticism of the Israeli government is quite valid, I have my own reservations regarding some of their policies, just as I have reservations about some Australian and US policies. The ability to express such criticism is a cornerstone of democracy. Feel free to criticise and write a response as big as you like. It is very easy to claim that your opinions are correct, but somewhat more difficult once you have to back them up.

“Israel supports ISIS by providing Medical assistance to ISIS”

Please provide examples, and explain why you consider those examples to be assistance to ISIS, rather than humanitarian missions.

“Israel commits war crimes against children”

Please provide examples, and explain how your examples are different to any other war fought from the dawn of humanity to the present.

“Israel wants neither peace in the region nor a 2 state solution with Palestine”

Is that why they offered some 95% of the land to a Palestinian State? Wasn’t it a risky strategy on the part of the Israelis – what if the Palestinians said YES? Oops - there goes our plan NOT to have a 2-state solution.
How exactly, in your opinion, have the Palestinians expressed their deep desire for peace? Apart from an intifada or two and tens of thousands of peaceful missiles launched at Israeli civilians over the past decade?

“America is controlled by…a heavy Jewish influence…”

Only America? I thought it was the whole world. Or have you missed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? A fine publication, brought to you from the same people who cleverly discovered that Israeli operatives are secretly firing rockets into Israel from Gaza and are busily training attack sharks and pigeons.

I’m looking forward to your response.
Posted by Avw, Friday, 12 June 2015 8:58:03 PM
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How about I begin answering your criticisms by bulldozing your house?

UN intervention - Its not my job to figure out solutions to their problems, (so don't use your typical pro-Israel tactics by trying to answer questions with more questions or attacking my charcacter)
Israels rogue and unlawful behavior needs to be reined in, if for no other reason than Israel thinks it can do and act however it likes without any repercussions.

Its about time the UN actually did something useful.

That was in Lebanon (above), recently rocket attacks were fired into Israel which landed in a vacant lot and prompted retaliatory military strikes from Israel.

It doesn't prove anything in itself but put in the context of the USS Liberty and the Lavon affair - known false flag attacks perpetrated on their allies to start military conflicts the question becomes should Israel be given the benefit of the doubt?
(Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me).
I'm not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

How many people have actually been killed by so-called Palestinian rocket attacks since 2000 anyway? Maybe 50 ? 100 ?? To justify how many Palestinian deaths ??

CIA behind 911?
No but the five dancing Israelis who filmed and witnessed it have been proven to be Mossad operatives and seemed to have pripor knowledge of the attack.

As for your other statements here, you are just trying to discredit me by bringing up things such as faked moon landings so I wont even bother responding.

The US does use dolphins however for military purposes.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 June 2015 3:49:45 PM
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