Comment History for MickC
The Forum > User Index > MickC > Comment History
» 10/11/2011 9:10:54 AM I like the way 99% of people blame Australia or Malaysia , for the terrible things that ha.....
» 7/07/2011 9:38:19 AM The problem with the neclear plants that are in trouble is that they are old and outdated .....
» 3/07/2011 9:45:24 AM Already the muslim issue is restricting free speech.....
» 1/07/2011 9:01:24 PM It is concerning to find that, Australia ranks 23rd in the World Gender Gap report of 134 .....
» 1/07/2011 8:27:12 PM One of the main problems is that MC is a free running operation in so as much as that no-o.....
» 24/06/2011 12:43:34 PM I thought we were a democratic community, but it seems we are only obliged to be democrati.....
» 23/06/2011 8:14:11 PM The selling off of the farms is exactly why the small Aussie townships are dying, the smal.....
» 23/06/2011 7:34:38 PM Stuff the plebiscite lets have a referendum?.....
» 22/06/2011 9:30:56 PM Not only will we pay high taxes, companys will raise prices, then CPI will rise, then the .....
» 22/06/2011 8:57:34 PM I have worked in the construction industry for the last 15 years and have seen exactly how.....
» 21/06/2011 8:08:51 PM I listened to parliment today and tried to write down some answers that Julia responded to.....
» 21/06/2011 1:06:07 PM Spindoc, how long do you intend to live, do you think you will be still around when this m.....
» 20/06/2011 6:50:05 PM Well, we see that the minority government and the supporters for global warming are still .....
» 19/06/2011 9:02:45 PM Can someone show me some graphs that show climate change or non climate change. I dont wa.....
» 16/06/2011 6:56:23 PM Loudmouth How does a country's population decrease, apart from immigration and emigration.....
» 16/06/2011 6:24:41 PM gosh, I love a good arguement. To bad were trying to have a debate!.....
» 16/06/2011 5:56:00 PM We would be better of with a hung parliment then end up with a totally inept parlimentary .....
» 16/06/2011 5:24:38 PM Why don't we listen too all these expert people about banning everything, stopping everyth.....
» 14/06/2011 1:23:23 PM The last thing anyone can demand is we condemn people to exist in the circumstances of the.....
» 13/06/2011 7:03:12 PM Belly, I should stick to what I do best and that's listening to what people have to say. .....
» 13/06/2011 6:19:09 PM Until we change the political systems world wide, so that equal say (not equal oportunity).....
» 13/06/2011 2:07:12 PM We send our cattle over to foreign countries to be slaughtered in some cases horribly. yet.....
» 13/06/2011 12:05:59 PM One of the hardest things about debates is being able to hear what other people are ACTUAL.....
» 12/06/2011 1:44:03 AM proud to indonesian, sorry we dont do electric shock thingy, we have become a little more .....
» 12/06/2011 1:31:00 AM Kerryanne, I just read your story, your right in what you say, are you a vegan......
» 11/06/2011 11:54:01 PM proud to be Indonesian, yes it was a typical knee jerk reaction from a government that is .....
» 11/06/2011 11:12:37 PM Mr windy, breaking the bonds of this planet might not mean leaving it, it could also be ma.....
» 11/06/2011 7:50:22 PM Thanks for keeping the seat warm Belly Suzi there is no short term with the weight regula.....
» 11/06/2011 3:04:16 PM How many troops over there in afganistan are conscripts, how many in the army were drafted.....
» 11/06/2011 1:41:53 PM Yes, lets just bring the industry to its knees but let the cruelty continue....good thinki.....
» 11/06/2011 1:03:01 PM Why do we rely on Money as a stimulus for development and advancement surely there is othe.....
» 11/06/2011 11:07:26 AM It seems to me that even though the AA bring the issues to light it is usually upto the go.....
» 10/06/2011 4:11:05 PM Why do we export live animals. Lets see if all the housewives in australia can live as mo.....
» 9/06/2011 10:31:54 AM YES YES YES we need to have a greater say in how our country is run. All politicians only .....
» 8/06/2011 11:59:47 PM If your selling it I hope your paying TAX on your income? You pay a fee for using the line.....
» 8/06/2011 11:24:15 PM Yes it was not nice viewing, will the same people be up at the ranches where all these cat.....
» 8/06/2011 10:48:47 PM Can anyone please tell me either exactly or near as....What is the minimum ammout of CO2 o.....
» 8/06/2011 10:30:54 PM Do we all live in caves or houses...carbon to build Do we all walk or use powered transpor.....
» 8/06/2011 10:12:19 PM Everybody is saying this or that about the carbon tax , will it or wont it reduce the CO2 .....
39 comments in total: 21 article comments, 18 general comments.
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