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The Forum > General Discussion > Janus is doing Electric Trucking with battery-swap in 4 minutes, 33c / km when diesel is about 90c!

Janus is doing Electric Trucking with battery-swap in 4 minutes, 33c / km when diesel is about 90c!

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"Why are you here if you don't want to ever acknowledge the other side of arguments?"
Waaa - what are you crying like some woke little snow-flake? Don't WHINE at me that you WANT to be taken seriously! QUOTE SOMETHING I HAVE to take seriously! Give me your best! But if you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Just don't CRY about it.

"It's you people that are going to war against us"
Yeah - energy security, national security, clean air, a stable climate, better health, cheaper power bills - just an awful world we're creating for you. Stubborn old echo-chamber Armchair Warriors like yourself will only love us when we win.

"The climate cultists are so single minded in their beliefs that they have no concept whatsoever of the other side of things."
What crap! I used to be a climate denier! I could be a better Denier than you are! But it’s all cherry picking, half-truths and outright lies.

"Here you are saying kids of the future wont like chocolate ice cream."
I said they’d hate the idea of abusing animals when we can have the BEST ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD from yeasts. It’s already happening in some places.

"And yes I am mad, because for a minute there I almost partly bought into your feelgood crap."
Waaaa! Listen – I didn’t even read your second post because of the tone of this post. I’m tired of alternative reality types bitching that I won’t take their retarded little conspiracy theories seriously.

Find pertinent source quotes with substantive objections.
Stop whining that you WANT respect.
Posted by Max Green, Monday, 5 December 2022 7:41:41 PM
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Hi Max,

The cheap renewable energy that holds your enthusiasm is over twice the price of French nuclear. And the cost calculations s and fifty year service life claims don't come from decades of experience. Such claims are to be found in glossy sales brochures. That said I do think solar and wind have application in remote places or where continuous supply is not required.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 6 December 2022 6:17:27 AM
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While the Levelized cost of solar is the cheapest form of power, there are several other factors not included in the LCOE calculations which make nuclear power in reality far cheaper to build, operate and maintain.

1) The network capacity has to be designed, built and maintained based on the max capacity of the renewables while the CF of solar is about 15% which means that per unit of power the network costs about 6x that for nuclear power.

So while the greenies are not lying per se they are certainly not telling the whole truth.

2) The peak demand for electricity is typically 7am-9am and 5pm-8pm outside the power production of solar. So while nuclear needs nothing else, Solar needs either battery support or gas-peaking support which pushes the cost way over the cost of nuclear.

So what you saying is not false, but only half the story.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 6 December 2022 9:44:06 AM
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Hi Fester,
you're going to have to source that. The French nuclear was highly subsidised and costs for dealing with waste probably not truly accounted for. I mean, IF these cool MCSFR reactors come along and gobble up all the waste, awesome! But they really are going to have trouble coming in as cheap as solar panels.

I'm a fan of nuclear. I think it's an amazing technology. But the FACTS are it is 4 times more expensive than renewables UNLESS the government buys like 20 or 30 reactors! Then learning rates and economies of scale can bring costs down.

But across practically EVERY energy outlet I can find the studies confirm it.

Tell me - what do you have against CSIRO?

BTW - I have sympathy for what you're going through. I changed my mind in June this year and became more open to the idea of an all-renewable grid.

"CSIRO and AEMO’s GenCost 2021-22 report confirms that wind and solar are the cheapest sources for electricity generation and storage in Australia.
The report concluded that once the current inflationary cycle ends, wind, solar and batteries will continue to become cheaper. It highlights a range of scenarios to help predict the mix and cost of potential technologies into the future.
The Hon Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, said, ‘This important report underlines the need for Australia and the world to invest heavily in renewable energy sources to put downward pressure on power prices.’
‘The government is determined that Australia will lead the way in reducing emissions and this report shows that renewable energy is the most cost-effective way to achieve that.’"
Posted by Max Green, Tuesday, 6 December 2022 10:10:34 AM
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Hi Shadow minister,

I hear you!

LCOE usually refers to how much a particular power station or solar farm will generate over it's lifetime divided by the input costs. It's very raw data - and does not account for the intermittent variable nature of solar or wind. Think of it as the price to the grid, not from the grid utility, not to the customer.

But there are models from the experts that DO account for the intermittent nature of wind and solar. Most of them conclude we CANNOT build a 100% wind and solar grid - because that would leave us exposed to Dunkelflaute events in winter. The dreaded "Dark Lulls" or energy droughts when weeks are too cloudy and quiet. Instead, they conclude we need to build 150% or 200% of the grid - or even higher if the goal is to replace oil as well. (The following *says* 100% but in the details goes higher.)

“PV and wind allow Australia to reach 100% renewable electricity rapidly at low cost. Wide dispersion of wind and PV over 10–100 million hectares reduces cost. Off-river pumped hydro energy storage is the cheapest form of mass storage. There are effectively unlimited sites available in Australia. LCOE from a 100% renewable Australian electricity system is US$70/MWh (2017 prices).”

Wind and solar are now SO cheap we can radically overbuild them to cope with winter and reduce electricity storage down to a few days.
Posted by Max Green, Tuesday, 6 December 2022 12:19:28 PM
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Along these lines, I see the French government has to buy statistical
Megawatts in CO2 credits on the European trading market, E500 Million worth.
I suppose someone will be able to keep warm burning these paper cons.
The Russian Oligarchs probably will have plenty of Ukrainian factories
that have been closed that they can buy and so claim the co2 reduction
as carbon credits, and flog them to the French.
When will the Australian government get a demand to buy co2 credits ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 December 2022 3:01:25 PM
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