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Big Emitters: Big Hypocrites

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The Woke aren't awake, they're dreaming ! They can't differentiate between their idealism & everyday life !
They're incapable to fathom that direct effects are only a tiny part of effects. Indirect effects are what so adversely affects everything that happens ! Just take a look at the misconstruing of facts by media & those who exploit media to mis/disinform everyday folks.
These warped-mentality manipulators portray whatever gives them traction as fact or truth simply to grease their path to people control & financial gain. The large majority of them aren't even participating in the symbioses of life, they just maggot their way through life !
At the end of each vogue chapter they then blame the providers for damage caused by the Woke's demands & policies which the providers fulfil to procure economic benefits !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 12 November 2022 5:38:07 AM
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Hi AC,

When do you think the Russian forces will take Bahkmut? Prigozhin is looking more like a meat grinder operator than a Russian saviour.

I take the Maxwell Smart view and think of where Russia might have been in terms of development and prosperity had it adopted the democratic institutions of western countries. Personally, I think that Russian prosperity could have rivaled that of Norwegians. Instead, Russia is a poverty stricken gangster run terrorist state. Thankfully the boasts about the Russian military were as false as all the other boasts of Russian propaganda.

What Russia does have is heaps of inaccurate weaponry which it uses indiscriminately. Ukraine has an increasing supply of very accurate weaponry which is being used with increasing effect against the Russian military. The tragedy is the loss of life: As the Russian army is now running out of tanks and apcs they are using the lives of their infantry to slow the Ukrainian advance. I suspect that the Ukrainian forces will continue to target the heavy Russian weaponry as this will make holding a large front line impossible.

What has amazed me most is the effectiveness of Russian propaganda: The perpetrators of these lies are the biggest war criminals of the conflict.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 12 November 2022 6:55:22 AM
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Seriously - the OP is like those who object to Renewable and Nuclear energy because they too have a carbon footprint! EVERYTHING in the current industrial ecosystem has a carbon footprint. A burger has a carbon footprint. Every calorie in a Big Mac uses 10 times the calories in fossil fuel energy to grow that food, let alone transport and cook it. Everything we do, from mining to refining all our mineral ingredients and even some of our biomass ingredients requires energy.

But it's a sliding scale. Every percent we increase renewables is a decrease in carbon. When we get to 100% renewables, the next generation of renewable build outs will have ZERO carbon in it. We'll be mining and refining with renewable energy, and building and maintaining renewable energy. We're eventually heading towards a renewable energy economy that uses renewable materials. Bit by bit we'll get there.
Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 12 November 2022 3:50:12 PM
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Max Green,
To create renewables from renewables would of course be the ultimate outcome. What will be used once the renewables have been exhausted ? Renewables will have nothing left to be renewed after a couple of cycles. Now, if we somehow could stop useless humans from renewing that'd have the ultimate positive impact on our environment.
Imagine if we could stop Lefties/poor mentality humans from renewing. Carbon footprints caused by the consumer mentality Left's demands would lower dramatically because education standards would sky-rocket with common sense ruling unopposed. Now that'd be great !
Nations should stop greasing the bearings on the conveyor belts called Universities that dump irresponsible masses of indoctrinated gits onto our streets !
The limits of good technology are still a long time away but ridding society of useless humans can be achieved within a couple of generations. No wars, no genocide no nothing, just common sense education will do it !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 13 November 2022 7:12:11 AM
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Is this the same Max Green who has contributed very green articles to the main section of OLO, had few responses, and is now joining the common posters because some of them can't resist an argument, and it is easier for him to spread his climate hysteria. If so, he is a professional activist. Beware!
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 November 2022 7:50:36 AM
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Indyvidual: "Renewables will have nothing left to be renewed after a couple of cycles."
Yeah, cause after we've built solar panels for 100 years it's going to use up the sun!
Yeah, caause a gullible less educated population have never voted for anything destructive! (Trump, Brexxit, double-face palm).
Indyvidual - you spelt your name wrong. Please - go get some of this education you so despise.

TTBN - I don't think I've ever written an article here? Also, I've never received a cent for expressing respect for peer-reviewed science on forums where people like you armchair deniers feel a need to echo-chamber your own ignorance. I just do it for the 'fun' of it. I must be a bit morbid, hey? But there's something genuinely horrifying about how deniers actually seem to think they know better than the peer-reviewed climate science. It puts you in the company of Antivaxxers, 9/11 TROOFERS and Moon-Landing-Was-Faked tinfoil hatters.
Posted by Max Green, Sunday, 13 November 2022 2:16:01 PM
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