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Labor's Jobs And Skills Summit

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"I am so pleased that the government wants all sides to think outside the box and contribute "

Well all sides except small business (the largest employer by sector in the country) and non-unionised workers (by far the greatest number of workers). They are to be excluded. I suspect their views would be ....unhelpful.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 27 August 2022 9:44:43 AM
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New ideas, instead of being welcome for the opportunities
they open up for the improvement of the human lot, are
threats to those who have become comfortable in their

We need to be aware that on issues which require radical and
new approaches in finding solutions, they will always be seen by
some vested economic and political interests as a threat.
However times are changing - and the current government is
keeping the promises it made prior to its election.

The future looks promising.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 August 2022 10:49:41 AM
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"the current government is
keeping the promises it made prior to its election."

I don't recall it promising it was going to prioritise the interest of the unionised workers over those of the non-unionised.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 27 August 2022 12:16:18 PM
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Our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese declared that he wanted
to bring the nation together. That he wanted to promote
unity and optimism not fear and division. And he has kept
his promise by his actions since coming into government.
The Jobs and Skills Summit, taking place 1-2 September
in Canberra is proof of that.

About 100 business, inion, and political leaders have accepted
the PM's invitation to attend the Summit. This includes Greens
Leader Adam Bandt. Nationals Leader - David Littleproud - joining
the PM at the table. Mr Peter Dutton could be the only major
party leader to not accept a seat at the table.

Perhaps he too believes in the mantra - "It's not my job!"
To contribute towards unity and optimism and bringing the
nation together? Perhaps his recollections of why his party
lost the election are also not quite accurate?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 August 2022 4:24:20 PM
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How would you propose small business and non union labour be represented. They choose not to organise themselves with representation, then it might be difficult to invite them along. The Liberal party claims to be the champion of small business and non-union labour, maybe Dutton could have tagged along and spoke for them. What do you say?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 27 August 2022 4:52:06 PM
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Hi Foxy,
"Our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese declared that he wanted
to bring the nation together."

How's he going to achieve that exactly,
- They are going to get a lot more coercive and totalitarian in the next few years, the writings on the wall there already.
"That he wanted to promote unity and optimism not fear and division."
Saying he wants to achieve unity is a whole lot different to actually achieving it, pie in the sky during the age of identity politics I think.

And he has kept his promise by his actions since coming into government.
The Jobs and Skills Summit, taking place 1-2 September in Canberra is proof of that.

Labor Party put out a white paper on full employment in 1945, they never achieved that so why should now be any different?

"About 100 business, union, and political leaders have accepted
the PM's invitation to attend the Summit."

They're a band of weasels that will achieve little.
Big on hopes and dreams and poor on policies that would change anything.
All they will likely do is waste a heap of money and make things worse.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 28 August 2022 4:55:33 AM
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